Xbox One X priced at $1400 US dollars (R$4000) in Brazil, Microsoft announced last friday
>B-but we need tax to feed the pooooor and free college! think of the children!
Xbox One X priced at $1400 US dollars (R$4000) in Brazil, Microsoft announced last friday
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>tfw you're not a BR
Why would you smile with your teeth when they look like that?
Man, it must be awful to be into games and not live in the West or the good parts of Asia.
I guess BR monkeys and Eastern Europeans being shafted constantly is why they're so obnoxious.
That's the price of international business. If Brazil doesn't like it they're more than welcome to start their own multi-billion dollar console hardware manufacturing business. Nobody's fucking stopping them.
Literally who cares?
literally who cares?
>the state of hue land
Well Juao, time to double your coke mule runs
tfw free college has nothing to do with that
They learn how to make sopa de macaco in their colleges.
Xbox One X price in Mexico is 12000 MXN (620 USD)
Can I buy an xbox one x and sell for 500 plus a day with your mom and sister?
That's actually cheaper than the PS4 launch btw.
in Brazil it's 650 USD before tax.
Believe it or not the tax for imported hardware is more than 100%
Brasileiros são macacos. Não merecem porra nenhuma, sejam joguinhos ou seja educação ou saúde. Tomara que venha ainda mais caro, e que tudo aumente de preço.
Tomara que todos neste país de merda morram. Um câncer miscigenado a menos no mundo.
I forgot, and a plane ticket
It isn't the price of international business. It is the price of Brazil's socialist-tier interventionist government interfering with import/export prices to line their corrupt pockets.
I though BRs were still playing their Master System clones.
Aren't consoles taxed that much because they're classified as gambling machines, from back when arcades were introduced?
I've heard there's 0 taxes on Steam games because legislators are fucking clueless about computers, can any hue confirm?
usually the tax for games is 72%. Gambling is illegal in Brazil
72% is the federal tax only, when you add state tax it can go higher than 100%.
Computer is taxed at 33% that's why it's cheaper. PC games are sold like they are PC software
>Gambling is illegal in Brazil
stupid as shit.
Just buy it online you dumb monkey
Unlicensed gambling is illegal in the U.S., and getting a license is difficult.
yeah, just buy it online and teleport it over
You don't have shipping in brazil? Can't say i'm not surprised.
Or they could buy a PC and pirate everything like anyone with a brain.
so it's a PC
it's literally just a PC then
The state will tax 52%(importing mail tax) + 22% fee which will be more expensive than buying one with tax included
shipping is where it gets this retarded tax my dear user
you deserve it for even considering buying that piece of shit
Man I'd kill myself if my government taxed my video games that hard.
>I would rather have affordable BIDOGAEMS than education
Would you ever pay $1400 for vidya, Sup Forums?
Don't they manufacture this shit in the country? Why is it so expensive? Huehue Xcuck tax?
>if you buy an xbonex you're almost guaranteed a hue-free online
Must be nice
It costs like 700 bucks in Vietnam, not include games. That's why only richfags play console
good. brazilians ruin gaming.
All electronics in Brazil have that kind of tax. Brazil is tax: the country.
That thing is ugly as fuck, hope it's just a SJW falseflagging
nobody here speaks u m a. fuck off back to l'eddit nigger
How much taxes did Shadaloo pay to make Cammy and Decapre in Brazil and then export her to the U.K.?
Sente bem ser parte da mestre corridors, homem.
yeah like brazilians need any more reason to be criminals and steal money. casinos would get shot up every fucking day.
>tfw usa will be brazil 2.0
>If Brazil doesn't like it they're more than welcome to start their own multi-billion dollar console hardware manufacturing business.
They already tried and failed
At least it had the obligatory port of RE4.
So, how much would a battle station cost in brazil? $10k usd?
>let's just ignore how fucked up our country is and pirate instead
I mean it has worked great so far why not?
I would. And you would too. Education is a scam, intelligence is wholly ginetic and you learn skills at work, not at college.
genetic. Fuck me
>Public "education"
You'd learn about as much from video games honestly.
What's life like in Brazil?
Uma merda.
Normal if you are middle class or up and don't live in a shithole like Rio.
>most successful country in SA is the one that went hard right instead of hard left
>brazilians cant affor xboxs
>no brazilians shitting up xbox live
why are vidya juegos so expensive in Brazil?
Even in Australia, where fucking everything is expensive and the govt love to tax shit, $1400 USD is just insane. Like almost triple the RRP.
>Amerilard subhuman tries to lump all politics of a region he knows nothing about into left and right only to make a retarded and uninformed post
Nothing out of the orddinary here.
>be commie
>live in corrupt shithole and can't buy anything you want
hmm it's almost as if it's universal
That was the price of the standard PS4 at launch here as well. Anyone with a brain will look for the Xbox One X console on a gray market store, which will probably sell them for R$1900-R$2200 at launch. Then again, anyone with a brain would not purchase a Microsoft console in 2017.
Expect the official price to severely drop by next year, they're "price protecting" it by asking for R$4000 officially.
>Coming from sudaca trash
You are literally earth's gutter.
It's not just games. Brazil has extreme levels of protectionism, so even things that it doesn't produce get really high taxes because the government is very inefficient and needs lots of tax revenue to they can continue being incompetent.
Você é um imbecil.
Why do they even bother releasing consoles that obnoxiously expensive in poorer countries?
Is it even worth it?
>Doubles down on his retarded post with another, even stupider post
>what is the Xbox One S
Same community, gringo. Enjoy playing all games at 30 fps on your Xbox One X because of parity with the OG and S models ;)
Get a better job.
shit like this just makes other people sad user...the fact that you think this is badass or something
>Anime posting cuck calling anyone a subhuman
It just amuses me seeing literal subhuman trash from some stinky 3rd world shithole trying to bant at Americans. What shit-encrusted favela are you posting from?
thank you based government, I'd gladly pay more for everything than anyone else in the world as long as my money goes towards improving the country!
oh wait they spent it on soccer stadiums in the middle of the jungle
We're already fucked beyond repair. No need to wish even worse things for us. Our economy crashed recently and we lost 10% of real GDP growth, unemployment is sky high and prices are rising. The Brazilian dream is dead.
>wake up
>still brazilian
it's not fucking fair bros
>getting mad about anime on an anime imageboard
It's sadness that I want to bring upon these fuckers, is realism.
Get a better job, really. Go study. Then you won't cry about ever little thing that you can't afford. Videogames was never cheap around here, excluding piracy, of course.
If you want a current gen videogame, the Xbone or PS4 is much, much cheaper. If you want to be an enthusiast and buy these kind of things, GO EARN MORE MONEY.
The really funny thing is that Brazil is Xcuck country. Phil Spencer was a guest of honor at Brazil Game Show the other week. They'll eat this up regardless of cost.
>Get a better job, really. Go study
but user, school is a meme Imrite
is City of God a documentary?
It is if you live in Rio or anywhere north of there
it's a piece of shit anyway why want it?
>everyone laughs at BR
>America will be BR 2.0 in a few decades
> scene set in brazil
Are the BR import tax prices some scheme to funnel the funds into the Brasilian sun kings pockets or something? Why would anyone tax stuff so prohibitively much? Didnt we agree communism doesnt work?
and Brazil will be planet of the apes
Fuck em. I've played against Brazilians in Forza and all they do is plow through people in the corners
Reminder that official Sega systems (Master System and Genesis, mostly MS) hold the #2 spot on yearly game system sales in Brazil right behind the XBone.