This is a warning to anyone thinking about buying a Nintendo Switch

This is a warning to anyone thinking about buying a Nintendo Switch.


I bought a switch and 4 games + pro controller and have already sunk $800 for a fucking tablet basically.

Don't fall for the Nintendo meme, as Nintendo owners have Stockholm Syndrome and have to justify their shit purchase every single minute of the day.

I like my switch. Got a lot out of it.

>bookmarking Sup Forums threads

>tfw fell for the Switch meme
I know your pain

Fuck off shill, post a timestamp with your switch and try to justify $800 for a tablet and 4 games.

The tabs we're a nice touch.

i really like my switch especially traveling

Things cost money. Get over it.

Fuck bro, itf People are telling me to return it but I already paid full retail for the games (digitally) It's literally become a money pit, I'm so fucking stupid. I could've gotten a ps4 instead.

Think this was the kind of warning I was looking for. Thanks for that.

Is that in Leaflets? Because that should be like 600 burgerbux

>$300 for the console

Americans whine too much, it's fucking $700 for people that live in countries close to fucking Japan.

Who gives a shit, you made the decision to buy it, if you arent having fun then fucking sell it. Just because it isnt for you doesnt mean it isnt for anyone else. Dont be a shit, let people do what they want.

>switch is a money pit
>somehow a PS4 wouldn't be one
The fuck is going on with these retarded console war posts lately?

>no sex with hats on tab
come on OP

I dont want to return mine, the future looks decent, just wish I didnt get one so early.

>implying playing games on the toilet isn't the pinnacle of luxury

You're missing out.

No one cares autismo. go back to being shot.

its called falseflagging. he's looking for posts exactly like the first 2 lines of yours to take the heat off his favourite console.

You are trying to hard. Tone it back a bit and maybe you'll get a few angry replies

Nope, burgerbucks
>$318 for the Switch
>$25 for the case
>$80 Pro controller
>$15 screen protector
>$240 4 nintendo exclusives (BOTW, MK8, SMO, Splat2)
$20 play online
$800 total for a fucking tablet. Nintendo could literally sell their fans shit and these idiots would pay for it

Actually he got a bunch of replies before being called out. Good one OP

Hell I just bought a 3ds for $50, hacked it and only found 6 games I want to play. Never falling for Nintendo fag's lies again.

Do you think games are free on the other consoles or something? If you want to buy a console and then a bunch of brand new games for it that's just what it's going to cost. The case, screen protector, and pro controller are all pretty much superfluous as well.

20 dollars for online is the only bullshit charge really, and that's a thing on the PS4 as well

The fact that it took this many posts for someone to notice makes me sad for nu/v/.

He is unhappy with his $800 purchase. He could have easily built a new pc with that and just pirate the games.

>buying a switch right before holiday season

you're a special kind of stupid aren't ya?

Oh I'm just a butthurt Sonyshill? Blow it out your ass faggot. Nintendo deserves to die for being fucking jews and overcharging for their shit flash games.

Pro controller is the only thing worth getting upset over. Case and screen protector are not necessary and games costing $60 on release is the norm.

>blurry switch
>clear monitor

So fake I can see the pixels.

Then try defending 4 year old Doom port for $60, don't forget Skyrim.

>le tabs meme

reddit fuck off.