This is Moira, the new Overwatch hero. SAY something nice about her!
This is Moira, the new Overwatch hero. SAY something nice about her!
Why the fuck can't they just make more cute girls? Who enjoys playing as degenerates?
Her Glam skin is rad as fuck
You know what, that concept is legitimately a better design than her default one.
>She was going to have tentacles and they pussied out
Small tits are cute and she seems like a closet weeb which is also cute
They pussied out because it would be a clipping nightmare. Just imagine the hitboxes as well. Shit would have been wonky as fuck.
She look better than any battleborn and paladins character
Another lesbian
I like the idea. She just needs a decent outfit is all. Default is lame, and I'm not too keen on that David Bowie skin.
>Needing every female character to get you rock hard
Honestly you are the problem with gaming. Im convinced this is the real reason Sup Forums is obsessed with jap media
Pissy scientist
Pissy scientist
Pissy scientist
Pissy scientist
I can't wait to play as David Bowie and piss all over everyone.
made sure i have atleast 1k in coins to get this skin right when she comes out
George Sears got himself a sex change.
>Im convinced this is the real reason Sup Forums is obsessed with jap media
That's 100% the reason.
Start a thread about lesbians in video games, and it'll quickly turn into porn VNs because that's their closes exposure.
she looks like she's taken out of Battleborn
Ah shit
>Transgender Redhaired Heterochromeac Adonis
Perfect person to be into genetics, I suppose.
Cute girls are the only reason to play video games.
>blizzard will never make a straight, female character again
This is the 4th they've added to Overwatch this year.
This is bait right? Not every girl in games needs to get your dick hard, same for the boys if you go that way too.
Ana is confirmed straight and we've no clue about Sombra.
Hey look, it's David Bowie.
This, Blizzard is no stranger to sticking their fetish fuel into the game. But I can't see that design working gameplay-wise.
>she seems like a closet weeb
Based on what?
There's ways you could make it work, I think they were just more concerned about the abilities.
Her Naruto run
>we want the Metal Gear Rising audience
>This is bait right?
Based on the use of the word "degenerates", I'd wager it's a legitimately triggered Sup Forumstard. They don't seem to understand that different people are allowed to enjoy different things.
She's got really long nails.
I'm impressed.
I bet the red eye is a colored contact so she can pretend she has a Sharingan, too.
Unless this tickles your fancy, you may be out of luck.
I liked her on Voyager
Her dick is enormous.
Moira doesn't register as fanservice to me but I want to waifu her anyway.
>add annoying hacker reggaeton shit siesta edition
>add another character only because of reddit theories and it fits the diversity bill
>add (not) David Bowie to cash off pathetic nostalgia fags and at the same the transgender crowd
Big part of Overwatch’s early success was that the character designs were attractive and simple. Now we get the same problem of the new Star Wars movies: unfuckable actors. Sex sells; and most of the people I knew only liked the game for sfm/blender waifushit.
I'm down with that.
I agree that sex sells, and that'd be an issue for the lowest common denominator. I'm saying we should be above that, though. I'm okay with not every character being a 10/10. It makes them more distinct and unique from a visual perspective. You're allowed to just like the characters you'd fuck though, obviously. I just think that's a little base.
I'll agree the original designs were probably a bit more cohesive though.
Stickyballs McBeamdyke is just going to be another character that is either pure cancer or unplayable outside of one situation, while never being in any state other than those two desu
I think her default costume is meh, but she I'm sure the alternate skins will be more aesthetic.
>unironically complaining about the lack of waifus in waifuwatch
You're supposed to say something nice.
I think fully clothed women are sexy as FUCK.
She looks like a lot of fun.
She's potentially a Mercy killer and I'm always down for bullying Mercy players
Just have only two Tentacles looping close over her shoulders, serving as the source of her heal/decay beams. And she fires the orbs and ult with her hands.
I think it would have made her silhouette and viewmodel more distinct.
I'm interested to see her rares and epics, some of the heroes are made 10x more awesome by a simple color scheme change.
There's more to wonder about.
Leaves more to the imagination. Most women are ugly as sin once the mystery is gone.
Most gamers are degenerates. Very few people fit your conservative ubermensch
This guy gets it
Better than all the other new characters added, visually if nothing else. Holy shit Sombra, Orisa, Doomfist are fucking eyesores.
She also gives me something to play other than Zenyatta/Mercy when I'm inevitably forced to play a healer so we don't get completely steamrolled, while Billy2002 and 360noscopeh4x are instalock Genji/Widow and be generally worthless.
I'm still waiting for a Mahou Shoujo or Mecha Musume character though. I'd take an Astroboy ripoff Omnic as well.
You don't like playing Ana and Lucio?
Orisa is literally the best character in Overwacth fuck you nigga
I for one am glad to finally have some representation of trans individuals in this game. We're here, we will NOT stay silent, so stop ignoring us, game devs!
Honest question, why do you want her to be trans this badly? Do you think all unattractive non-busty women are trannys?
Orisa is pretty good, but good lord all of her skins suck.
on Sup Forums Sup Forums and /lgbt/ do i pass threads in the past you could post even attractive females and people who say they dont pass at all. not even unattractive non busty. its just retards
Um, are you saying she's trans BECAUSE she's unattractive?
You take that back
Ever since trans people became more prominent they've become the target of a nonstop shitposting campaign on this website. It's pretty boring.
Side note, Zagara actually is pretty busty in the skins that give her a human top half.
Sup Forums calls her unattractive, to me shes at least a meh but that doesn't answer my question shitposter-kun
>every concept art of heroes shown so far has been better than what we got
Happened with Mei, happened with Sombra and now it happened with Moira.
Anchor Tanker is great, but I was talking about her Safety Horse design. She needs a Zelda Lynel skin.
Ana is annoying because people dodge out of my healing shots all the god damn time then complain about no healing, and Lucio I can't play because ping fucks with my ability to wall-jump.
Yea her original design sucks but I do like the lore of the mask she has. If she had a Lynel skin that'd be the one I use every time I pick her.
I think Moira is pretty in that androgyne way. I also think her being trans wouldn't be a shoehorned trait in this case, because she's a geneticist without inhibitions over anything.
Why do they need to make more cute girls when they already achieved perfection
>mad scientist flinging AIDS needles is a tranny
Would transgender people even exist in overwatchland? If you have nanomachines that can completely revitalize your body, surely they can turn you into a qt.
I honestly wouldn't care if she was trans. It just baffles me that Sup Forums wants to be triggered about the stupidest things for no goddamn reason.
Her chin is really pointy. But she looks fun to play.
>Would transgender people even exist in overwatchland?
In Overwatchland Transgender would be redefined as people who deliberately experimented with their own self-image. People with dysphoria would just be considered people born with a physiological mutation that gave them the wrong body.
>Draw David Bowie
>Call it a girl
Uh huh.
To be fair, David Bowie dressed like a girl all the time. It was a thing 80s rockers did, for some reason.
Can't say anything till I see her feet.
I'm not too mad. It's good to see David Bowie become relevant to mainstream culture again.
Honestly just the eighties as a whole is coming back. You notice how you see people and things in media smoking again?
inspiration for Moira
I can't see I've ever seen people stop smoking in the movies I watch, but I do welcome the 80s making a comeback. It's nice.
She will be the worst support with the worst pick rate of any hero
No support can possibly be as bad as Symmetra.
Double agent Reaper when?
>Geneticist David Bowie
I'm okay with that
How do we know David Bowie wasn't already a geneticist? The man had many hobbies.
>She will be the worst support with the worst pick rate of any hero
She has an ult that can go through barriers and has the ability to harass by herself. She will find a home, especially with double supports.
>implying it hasn't already happened
Familiar with the story of the Red Death?
Going to wait for a skin that completely masks her face or at least part of it so I can enjoy playing her.
Even on the small chance that Moira is a tranny and not just an ugly mad scientist I'd be fine with it honestly. I would much rather see people create their own unique characters than corrupt existing ones.
>teehee lets make Mario/doomguy/spiderman trans wow how progressive would that be
>Honestly just the eighties as a whole is coming back. You notice how you see people and things in media smoking again?
Pop culture follows a perpetual 30 year cycle. Things people liked as a kid they expose to their young children, or if they were a teen/adult they expose to their teen/adult children. That's also why we're getting relaunches of shit like Beavis and Butthead and Rocko's Modern Life years later. If Simpsons had only ran for 8 seasons or so, it would probably get a relaunch now. Expect to see Nirvana everywhere in five years.
Fucking Back to the Future was just a nostalgia trip for people who grew up in the 50s.
shes ugly in the same way maleficent is ugly, her features are fine it's just the fact that she exudes cruelty since most of her features are sharp
Looks like La Roux
I use the term "ugly" very loosely in this context given the amount of people who think that
>if I can't fap to it it's shit
I think it'd be cool if she was a guy. She'd be a pretty cute guy.
i think its shit i fapped to it anyway
I-I think she's cute
We will have to just agree to disagree, but I respect your dedication