Let's talk about this series!
What's your favorite one and what would you like to see in a (hopeful) next installment?
>introduce ice and fire powers in the second game
>literally the same as electricity but a different colour
Really wished they did a whole new style of gameplay for each power, wouldve made a second play through more justified. Also custom button mapping wouldve been nice too, having a locomotion layout with tether/icelaunch/firebird would be the shit compared to constantly switching.
infamous 1 > 2 >>>> SS
Love the style and grit of 1
the first game runs at 10 fps. I thought my fucking PS3 was broken when I was playing it. The second game straight up sucks
First one was good, 2 was great in my opinion, I have Second Son, but haven't played it yet.
Second Son is good. Good gameplay, great graphics, fun. The story and characters are so so, but the writing is actually surprisingly decent.
Performance is a problem, yea.
But you're a faggot if you say the second one sucks.
It's great.
Creating your own attacks would be neat.
Instead we got 8 different coloured grenades
Agreed about shit performance of first game
Could not disagree more about second game. ESPECIALLY festival of blood
i liked infamous 1 the best, because of the indefinite shock bolt felt like i actually had superpowers, instead of having to collect ammo for them. The sequels just felt like i was using a gun.
because video, neon and concret were such good and creative powers
1 - ok, lots of bugs and awful control
2 - garbage camera, horrible, unplayable
SS - good
First Light - average
>concrete power
>use is endgame only
fucking pointless
>2 horrible
>SS - good
This is the worst opinion someone could possibly have
Loved infamous 1 and especially 2, I also played FoB and also liked it, never played SS because no PS4 (yet)
would you prefer wire and glass?
if they fixed Infamous 2 camera it would be considered playable/average
what are suckerpunch currently working on anyway? They arent doing the new spiderman like everyone thought
I didn't understand the plot of the first desu. What I understood:
>Sphere goes off
>You the delivery boy is now a mutant
> Other people in the radius who have the predisposition gets the power too. They are the conduits.
>FBI contacts you and tell you to find some nigga that is her husband
>You find him it's actually a NSA agent undercover not related to the Moya girl
>You go to get the sphere from some old dude
>Your bro betrays you. Runs away with the man who stole the old dude birthright at the first son's
>You go after him
The end.
What did the first sons wanted before the explosion? That black sludge is produced by who? Is the second game worth playing? I rate the first one 9/10, did a absolute good guy playthrough. Let my girl die and all.
i would prefer light and stone
Ghost of Tsushima
No seriously, they literally considered wire and glass
I would prefer paper, that looked dope and i didn't give a fuck about my gay pink lasers anymore when I saw it
I don't think you even finished the game
>game is soon to be playable in emulators
>Sup Forums suddenly cares about the series
glass sounds good, wire depends on what they would have done with it
Second one is better gameplay-wise.
It's more of the same, but polished. You get different elemental powers depending on which moral path you take (evil for fire, good for ice).
Never played Festival of Blood, but I heard it the story of Festival of Blood was a made up story told by Zeke.
I love the first game. Great atmosphere and focusing just on electricity meant all the powers were useful and fun to use.
The sequel was a disappointment. Felt like a watered down version of the first game combined with BloodRayne.
Second Son is alright. Haven't played First Light,
but I've heard it really ruins Fetch. The evil karma ending in SS is so much better than the good one, it's not even funny.
>game is soon to be playable in emulators
What? I’ve been out of the emulator loop for awhile is the PS3 one not hot garbage anymore?
>kill the puppies
>save the pregnant woman
who the fuck writes this shit? Like karma doing shit out and about makes sense like reviving people but the storyline shit was just ridiculous. Should have just been a no karma system with different story choices leading to different endings. Couldnt take the game seriously in my second play through the shit was just ridiculous
Bring back the lighting hook and have some increased locomotion for walking, have a run up walls at lightning speed move. give him more weapons or replace them with energy blades.
Shit just give him the ability to travel through glass or something. Give him a wire power where he can go Scorpion or puppetmaster on them or make them like a string puppet and hang them from the traffic lights.
I would love to see a inFAMOUS style game on PC - This game would benefit from Kb+M controls.
Second Son's karma system is less ridiculous. Kinda felt like X-Men.
The first game has the best evil path because of black lightning.
This is a fact.
RPCS3 is quickly getting better but it's still largely hot garbage. They teased the opening to the first game in their last blog update.
What kind of city was Empire City? What real world city is it based on?
it was obviously new york
>wanting Cole to appear dirty and oily 24/7
Not worth it desu.
I like inFamous but the writing across the series in horrendous and get progressively worse with each game. Every interaction between Kuo and Nyx in the second game was like watching two bitchy teenage girls argue because they were forced to work together on a school project. Cole's flirtatious advances on them was also pretty weird considering his longtime GF was murdered only a month prior. Dude got over her pretty quickly.
>not wanting to have edgy tar "veins" on your character
It's like you don't like being an evil asshole
That was the most disappointing thing in the entire world. Playing Second Son because it was "free" on PSN and I was already sick of the schizo writing so when I found out that neon powers are just smoke but less fun I dropped the game. The headshot was good for those dudes who would just jump back and forth for the whole fight but flying around with smoke and air bombing people out of vents and junk was way better.
>Save innocent people
>Or murder them lol
Second son's bad karma was bad without purpose
It was stated in a dead drop audio from Kuo that he was still grieving and not exactly approaching romance anytime soon, plus Trish was a major bitch to him throughout most of the first game because you survived the bomb blast and her sister didn't. Only until she dies does she not act like a cunt to Cole and tells him she loves him, that kinda leaves him messed up with women.
Nyx, her accent is really annoying, is the wannabe troublemaker in school vandalizing shit and encouraging the evil route for Cole, whereas Kuo was merely a moralfag that didn't act annoying.
I found Neon to be the most useful because of the time slow and highlight. Aim for the legs of the people and two shots takes out almost everything, one shot if you go for a kill. Video was fucking worthless though. Aside from having an automatic basic shot it had nothing
That's a shame. The trip into the city highlights the videogame power to an absurd degree, you'd expect it to be the best thing ever once you finally unlock it.
The time travel shit doesn't make any sense. Where did the beast come from in Kessler's timeline if Kessler never interacted with John White? How did Kessler even get powers in his own timeline anyway? He had to give Cole his powers via the raysphere so who gave Kessler his?
Except that's wrong, kiddo. Delsin only canonically murders D.U.P. soldiers that are trying to kill him (self defense), 2 conduits (one of which tries to kill him, the other fucks him over), and his entire tribe because they were ungrateful, uppity assholes.
Video is very good for cheesing enemies with invisibility on Hard
Neon is practically useless for an evil playthrough.
The Ray Sphere doesn't give people powers, dumbass. It just kickstarts them in people who already had them dormant. The entire reason Kessler does the time travel bullshit is because he wasn't strong enough to defeat The Beast by letting his powers develop naturally.
By going back and activating his past self's powers early, he'd have more time to get stronger.
I don't think it was ever explained in canon, but I think around Kessler's time conduits were more or less commonplace. Like Mutants in Marvel, eventually The Beast came about, probably just John White naturally awakening as a Conduit to ray energy somehow and started wrecking shit. Kessler Cole was probably the only guy who could stop him since he apparently developed his powers enough to use time travel, but instead bitched out and tried to escape with his family. Only in the end they all got killed and he blamed himself and wanted a do-over. leading to the start of Infamous one where he wound up in the time of the 'First Sons' and seized control from Alden.
How weird.
I can see why they dropped it.
if there's going to be a new installment, I don't think Sucker Punch will make it
They're definitely not going to make it. They're too busy on Ghosts of Tsushima.
I meant even after that.
Probably not, no.
I think inFAMOUS as a series is done, sadly.
I can see it coming back because capeshit is still popular.
there's a cannon now? I guess they said that to make up for how terrible the evil karma path was.
Has no one brought up Sucker Punch's new project? Also, inFamous 2 had some of the most entertaining systems for traversing the world
1 had the best feeling of a city gone mad, more distinct by its three enemy factions. Shame it look god awful for its time. The most surprising thing just had to be what a jump the sequel was over the original and then they made the karma decisions even more blatantly bad in the process
Zeke is always a bro.
These games are great.
I kind of wish the Second Son protagonist wasn't this numale hipster type character.
>The Evil Ending would've been canon if wasn't for the fact that you earn less XP in Evil Mode.
I really don't like the premise of Second Son.
I mean yeah he save the humans and everyone supposedly died from having the Conduit Gene, so how did this guy live? I didn't like the design of Fetch either.
I guess they based the design of the characters off of SJWs - An audience that doesn't play video games usually.
That's probably why the Second Son characters are generally hated.
So the explanation for why there's still conduits is that the gene still existed as a recessive trait
Yes, yes, I know the ending of 2 directly said it killed that too, but that's the explanation
>so when I found out that neon powers are just smoke but less fun I dropped the game.
Neon is objectively the best power in the entire game, even made a standalone DLC just because it was that fucking good
I liked the first setting in city but loved the gameplay on second. To be honest ? I'm not sure, kinda liked both. But second got two hot girls to choose.
What a cop out
>Third game in the series needs to happen
>Need to choose if the Good Ending or the Evil Ending of Infamous 2 is canon
>They could have gone with the Evil Ending, which has Conduits everywhere and a main antagonist in the form of Cole, the new Beast, with massive amounts of story potential
>Instead, they do the Good Ending, which means they have to do an asspull for why Conduits even exist anymore (Cheapening the finale of the second game somewhat) and the main threat is a poorly done metaphor about racism
It definitely would
I've only played the first game, but aiming was a fucking nightmare with the controller
The hitboxes had no right being so fucking precise, especially fucking headshots
Second Son was alright, but I wish they did more with his family. Shame the mission variety was lame.
>First game
>Entire plot is based around an alternate You from the future building you up to be as powerful as possible, so you can one day destroy the monster that wrecked his world
>Second game
>You can't do shit. Find a bunch of batteries to fuel a Plot Bomb to kill the beast for you
I still don't like how Cole got nerfed in 2.
I liked the amp but locking old skills behind Karma paths are the worst. The parkour system was prettey good and could use more refinement
>InFamous emulatable soon
Oh boy oh boy
>city full of diff powered conduits working for cole wrecking shit
>main characters power is absorbing other peoples powers
>go around fighting coles men and eventually cole with an ever growing arsenal of powers stolen from coles top men
The game wrote itsfuckingself come on
Hope you bought the collection pack unless you enjoy playing the original unpatched.
What did it change?
Fixes a couple of major game breaking bugs, mostly related to bosses and story progression.
Did they release a patch with the original?
Yeah, the original got the patches too but the collection has them bundled in already. Pretty handy since the emulators can't install patches and you can't download them outside of PSN.
they ported infamous 1 and 2 to the ps4? or are you talking about that collection pack for the ps3?
What does Sup Forums think about Festival of Blood's story?
user you didnt even finish the game. Go fight HIM in ground zero.
Yknow its always been odd how polarity balance shifted
In 1, the optional good powers were shit and most grenades were okay with most powers being unremarkable while evil side powers kicked ass, grenades were great and all powers kicked ass.
In 2, the best primary fire was good locked (magnum bolt), best grenade was ice one (instakills weak guys and gets you quicker karma), kickass ice spike power for easy mobility, frost missile for infantry destruction while evil gets okay headshot skills, a decent grenade that often killed me more than anything, a ultra expensive missile tree thats not actually that efective and a really bad short ranged damaging dash.
Kinda baffling honestly.
I see.
How well would the controls function for Kb+M?