How does Sup Forums feel about /alrighthello/?

How does Sup Forums feel about /alrighthello/?

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Best creature ;_;

Honestly one of my favourite youtubers

What do the creatures and the Beatles have in common.

loud, big-eared, anxiety ridden retard and a big baby

i want to punch this fucking idiot in his stupid face

What? Altrighthello? Keep your politics off of Sup Forums

It feels so surreal. It's like they were never there.

Probably him, Seamus, and Spoon was the best. Fucking fat ass Dan has to ruin everything. Feels like 10 years gone by since I watched James tho stopped watching in 2014

He was always my favorite in the Creatures. Glad he and Aleks made Cow Chop right as the ship was sinking

I hate when shit goes business. It's such a stupid reality where playing video games with friends becomes your source of income, which leads to stupid problems. I wish they would have just kept it friends playing video games, which junkyard always wanted. It's happening to cowchop too.

Isn't this the dude who broke his keyboard over minecraft.

he has a broke many keyboards

>It's happening to cowchop too.
I don't want to believe it, but there's signs of it happening here and there.


>Best creat-


Cow Chop is the shit. Watch it all the time.



You mean the fat, ugly SJW that is now poor as fuck?

Aleks alone is 100x better than Spoon.

I haven't really been feeling Cow Chop since they moved out to LA. Some of the first videos were alright, but my intrest has waned and I haven't watched a video in like 2 months. It just feels less genuine, now there no longer those crazy guys out in Colorado, but judt another normie youtube group in LA. The Creatures "officially" dieing also just carved out a chunk of my soul, even though I knew they were pretty much dead anyways.

Best man. I've been his fan since mid-2011 and still am to this day. I really want to meet him in real life, but probably lost my chance since he left for LA.

James, if you're reading this, thanks for the hundreds of hours of entertainment. I love you. Full homo.

Shut the fuck up, Jordan.

Yep, you can definitely tell they're getting more and more corporate. Not even talking about the sponsored content but also things like locking things behind the rosterteeth stuff, patreon and they're trying hard for views.

Which is funny because they're trying to be all proper and shit but their warehouse looks like actual crap. Like it doesn't give any hint of seriousness at all yet they're trying to make a proper living. Was much better when they lived in a house.

Hell, I'm gonna be honest and say that some of the barn episodes were my favorite.

what happened to them and Seamus? Only cared about James and Aleks as nothing more than a sidekick, then I liked Seamus but the rest of them were kind of meh
specially that puerto rican guy that sucked

>that lip bite
I hope he finds peace not in death.

Seamus got sick and peaced out. Now he just plays FFXIV all day apparently.

>Puerto Rican guy that sucked
Hey fuck you, Eddie was great. He's raising another man's kid now though. Seamus we don't know except that he's extremely depressed and suicidal, has been in and out of mental wards for several months now. He had some issues with his bladder and liver too.

Aleks looks like he's getting fat and depressed. I think the move to L.A. is killing cow-chop.

>Seamus we don't know except that he's extremely depressed and suicidal, has been in and out of mental wards for several months now.
Shit, that sucks.

He's getting fat but he seems still very happy. But also very drunk at pretty much all times. He has an unironic drinking problem.

No fuck you, Sly was genuinely on the same obnoxious level as Jackeye or whatever the fuck his name was. Can't stand his cuck laugh.

Nice trips, I think the whole cali thing was a bad idea. Shits too expensive and you know they aren't making enough money to last forever. Maybe their patreon is pulling in decent money, haven't bothered checking.

Who fucking cares. Not fucking video games.
Just reaffirming the fact that you don't play video games, don't want to talk about them and that you're underage.

The fuck's going on with my boy Seamus, elaborate, I haven't really kept up with either him or the creatures ever since he went inactive

The only good part of the creatures were Aleks and James.

>has been in and out of mental wards
Jesus what happened to him

How did Seamus do it?

>the same as Jack
You can leave now, you don't deserve any more (You)s.

Depression hit him like a train. He's always had it but something happened The Creatures, most likely and it just got worse. But his girlfriend takes care of him. She says he doesn't even get out of bed most days because he doesn't have the will to. Apparently Eddie (SlyFoxHound) went out to see him a few months ago and that made him happy.

>that shit about Seamus
you are making that up lol

>hot, nice personality, and loyal to the Moose
Seamus is super lucky. I hope he realizes it and feels happy.

I'm not. His girlfriend has said this numerous times on twitter and her livestreams.

Seamus is literally /ourguy/

Underage leave.

Who the fuck is jack?

I only know dan, ze, jordan, sly, james, gassy, aleks and seamus

Some other unrelated youtuber with green hair and an over exaggerated Irish accent.

Jackcepticeye or some shit
Another Pewdiepie wannabe who shares the same audience as Ken, Markiplier, etc.
In other words, literal toddlers.

so literally sly
the guy's fanbase were the fucked up furries/bronies/faggots in general that ruined it for us pyro mains

>literally Sly
No. Fuck off. He's way more chill and 500% more genuine. Plus he's a good friend of Seamoose.

Substitute the irish accent with a latino accent and you have SlyFox. Motherfucker put on a fake show and screamed for no reason at all way too often to please the little kids.

Always was more of a James fan, this being some of his best:

The move to L.A. is slowly killing cowchop, and its fucking sad to watch.

>im going to come into a thread and cry about things i dont like
wah wah wah lol

>7 million dollars
>was apparently funding cowchop all by himself when it was just starting up

Jeez, I remember when he still lived with his mom

why did they go somewhere so expensive?


I figured he was rich but holy shit, that rich?

Ignorance, they thought they could make it in the industry out in L.A. but didn't understand that you literally need to sell your soul to win out there. I can tell its crippling everybody inside and nobody seems happy anymore.

also, not videogames

Wait Seamus is fucking dead?
>last video uploaded 10 months
Jesus Christ. What happened?

He's dead inside, yes. Although him and his gf beating cuphead together hopefully means he's a bit better?

At least it shows they have souls and are good people. I wish they would've either stayed in Colorado so I would only be two states away or moved somewhere not at constant risk of getting nuked.

The biggest thing I miss is the little skits and after the gameplay videos where they larp'd around. The old James and Aleks duo stream are still really good and hold up on rewatches but none of the post-house videos are really worth rewatching.

>7 million dollars

wait, what? is that how much cow chop is worth or just james?

Just James alone.


>God-tier: James, sp00n and Seamus.
>Okay-tier: Aleks, Gassy and Chilled
>Shit-tier: Dex, asian Alex and Junk
>ULTRA-shit: Dan and Jordan.

I thought that was just a joke they ran with after some website listed him as one of the top ten richest youtubers.

Jesus Fuck

>mom always said you will never make money playing videogames

How did Max do it?

Too late now, the niche is filled

Put dan in his own meh tier because he gets unfairly shit on for ruining the creatures when it was really Jordan's fault.

I want to doubt that but he was really rivaling pewdiepie for a while back then

by dumping that ugly red-haired womannlet

The greatest thing is he isn't even a Jew. He just looks like one. But he's probably broke now after throwing all his money at CC.


It was Dan's fault for always supporting Jordan.
He didn't have the balls to say anything against him. That's his own fault.

His voice alone

Forgot Ze my mang.

Dan is a cuck, sure, but he himself didn't have much to do with the failure of it, and Jordan is a giant cunt from what we know so he likely manipulated Dan into staying by his side.

Ze's channel was always small but in the past month it seems to have been getting more views, which is nice. He's not that interesting per say unfortunately. But he seems nice. Also I feel like he's been in college for like 10 years now, what the fuck.

I guess hes in Okay tier.
Still Dan's fault for being spineless.

Is Max the most successful creature?

Cow chop soldout

>that TD

No, CC is, but they're starting to go down. Also he dated some redheaded SJW whore so there's a loss for him.

Girls ruin everything

She was great at first but she went downhill. How's CC going down now?

>The original
>Not Off the Record w/ Sp00n
Goddam those were the good old days

>Haha ironic sponsors
>Haha ironic merch
I really really want cowchop to succeed but they're going to get another 2 years tops before it goes down worse than with the creatures.

almost 15k a month on their patreon, not bad at all

15k for what 8 people?

15k seperated between like 10 people while more than half of their videos are demonitized and they're renting out a huge office space in LA, i doubt they'll be there for much longer

>God-Tier: James, Aleks, Shotgun rain Seamus
>Shit-Tier: Everyone else

The new one is a downgrade appearance-wise imo

The new one suffers from a huge case of slutface

His 2012 videos were pretty much top tier, now he's still alright I suppose, haven't watched him since a while. Miss the creatures but at least offlinetv fills the void


just a bunch of fucking girls and normies what the fuck

neofag refugee

I just finished watching his latest hour-long video.

When is he finally going to beat Super Export mode, though?

Honestly the only youtuber i can watch. Love him and all in cowchop.

>When is he finally going to beat Super Export mode, though?
Good joke

I mean, Cow Chop made a lot of noise when it came out, grew super fast and then it came to a complete stop a couple months later. It is sitting on basically the same sub count for a while now.

That was a skit.

They're not evolving, that's the thing. It's the same old stuff. I've found myself becoming more and more bored of the skits they do like the Halloween videos they just did? Bored the fuck out of me. But things like the spicy gauntlet challenge was hilarious. Personally I'd want a channel with James, Aleks, Brett and Trevor (honestly starting to like him more and more) in the style of Angryvideogamenerd, in the sense that it's just 4 guys sitting down in a couch playing games with the occassional different video like having a spicy challenge or doing a podcast while camping outside or something else.

I dont agree. I love the semi-serious acting videos they do like the alexs profile one or patreon.avi also the recent cuphead vids are great too. Really anything where theyre genuinly have fun turns out to be a great video.

SJW? when did he start sprouting that shit?