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All in a stunning 15 fps. Just like every other port of this game series.
How much would it cost?
Would it require a mandatory SD card for each one of them?
Would you really play Dark Souls in public?
I'm pretty sure the only one of those the Switch can actually handle graphically would be DaS1.
>going to work
>8am, on the bus
>trying to get to 4kings
>sunlight hits your screen and you can't make out anything going on
Dark Souls is visually stunning and has cutting edge graphics that break the uncanny valley. t. No one ever
Would this be comfortable with the joycons?
lol when people think the souls games have pretty graphics. Not like we have groundbreaking open worlds in here...
I'd buy it for sure, but I feel like the only thing this would do is recreate that authentic 5fps Blighttown feel given the Switch hardware.
Can you even get ambient occlusion on the Switch?
But dark souls 2 runs smoother than Dark Souls 1 on all platforms, and 3 already has been up and running in house on the switch.
Not to mention if you simplify the box physics, reduce/remove post processing effects and run at 720p handheld/900p docked like every other switch game I'm pretty sure it would be fine
oddysey does it
Yes, why the fuck wouldn't you?
I'd like to see screenshots
Because it's a tablet?
Oh don't get me wrong the games are fucking hideous
Thing is From simply can not optimize for shit.
Most realistic scenario
>Hit 4 Kings
>Roll away
lol no.
The shitch can barely handle Rocket League, don't expect 3 to run on this thing EVER.
But it already does
>and 3 already has been up and running in house on the switch.
FROM already said they had DS 3 running on the switch in studio.
fuck off shitposter.
this samefaggotry needs to stop
>more switch port begging
here's your (you).
>he doesn't want portable souls
eat shit.
Yeah by their standards it runs on the switch
Just in case you need a reminder these are the same guys who think 15fps is acceptable
>release shit plus Dark Souls 1 in a pack
>50 gigs on Switch for each game
It would either look like a ps1 game or have terrible fps.
Do you guys really not understand how weak the switch is compared to ps4/xbox1?
>by Laura Dale
m8 im on team switch but that degenerate faggot has never been right about anything that wasn't already previously leaked
>According to one of our sources
>article from a year ago
and people are taking this as gospel
>m8 im on team switch but that degenerate faggot has never been right about anything that wasn't already previously leaked
I clearly posted other sources, stop trying to muddy shit because some tranny you don't like was in one of the sources.
I don't really understand who would want to play dark souls on switch, the analog sticks aren't that precise
Also just imagine the lag from wifi invasions
>According to a new report from Let’s Play Video Games, Dark Souls series developer From Software has a build of Dark Souls 3 running on a Nintendo Switch.
>source is LPVG
>Dark Souls developer From Software has a build of Dark Souls 3 running on Nintendo Switch, according to sources who have spoken with Let's Play Video Games.
>source is LPVG
read the fucking articles you link
If it was playable, they would have released it already.
>All articles cite the same source
>Lying tranny piece of shit who was wrong about everything
You aren't even trying.
I don't even have a switch but if these came out it would probably be the breaking point for getting one. Being able to play Dark Souls on the go would be great.
The only souls games I want on the switch are demons and das1. I'd rather them develop a new ip for it or do some weird gaiden game a la Hyrule warriors or Mario Rabbids
>If it was playable, they would have released it already.
No they wouldn't have, That's not at all how things work.
They'd need proof that the system sells well, and that third party games do alright.
They wouldn't waste time and resources trying to get it to run in on the Switch if they weren't interested in doing a Switch port. It runs, but it's probably Blighttown tier FPS for the entire game.
you're assuming so much from nothing.
The right stick isnt used as much as you think. It'll be a problem for fps', tho.
It's just logic.
lol that's not the point.
From can't optimize their game for shit.
DS games run like shit on machines that are supposed to be able to handle them, they'd be awful on the switch.
>waggle bow aim
so as long as is portable you can handle the low fps and shitty graphics? what a fag
assuming you play other games in public why would DS be any different?
you nigger. All them have run on older consoles that switch is more powerful than besides D3.
I would like local co op if they decide to bring it to the switch but that's very unlikely
as if any of the other games matter. 1 blows 2 and 3 out of the water.
Why would you call it essential collection? Its literally every game in the series.
It is visually stunning in several places, but not because of pure grafics fidelity.
>wanting to buy dark souls for the sixth time
literally why? the game's already a visual mess without playing it on a tablet.
Why is DS2 T when the other two are M?
I'd love to see some autist rage out on the bus because he can't beat O&S desu
>muh in the shitter experience
I'm honestly pretty surprised that this still isn't a thing, or that it at least hasn't been announced yet. I'm sure it would be a big seller just for the novelty and affordability alone.
Include Demon's Souls plus the sixth archstone and I'm fucking sold.
>you can't pause in Souls games
>It's your stop on the bus and you have to get off
Too bad
>Get invaded
>Get up and walk out of your house's WiFi range
i hope you get dark souls ports nintenbros
No one buys nintendo consoles for third party games.
Nintendo games are much better than third party games, and the switch already has zelda anyway
>half of a good souls game
no thanks, DeS remaster and BB2 instead please
>reverse search image
>reddit fan art
What logic? The sole source is a confirmed bullshitter, so you are literally assuming everything from nothing. It's more likely that the entire story never even fucking happened.
I see these exact threads constantly. I'm willing to bet it's the same autist each time
>He doesn't want more accurate aiming
Why the fuck not?