Fire Emblem Heroes

The Tempest Trials end here in a little more than 2 hours, did you get all the rewards? Did you luckshit into any of those Halloween units yet?

I got 6 Nowis all with shit IVs. Stuck with a +HP/-Def one.

And with the end of TT, Voting Gauntlet is coming up. Who are you siding with? Have any plans for the influx of feathers coming up?

>Who are you siding with?
I'd go HUGE if I had her, so I'll probably just suck my pride up and go Ryoma or something for muh bonus points since I actually have him.

>tfw the orbs from 99,999 just got me my 11th Kagero

I must have used up all of my luck on getting all of the CYL heroes, because I didn't get a single halloween unit.

I'm going to support Soren like the massive Telliusfag I am, even though I don't actually have him in heroes.

>want to pick the underdogs but my underdog units are garbage and will likely get me losses
Well shit

TT is too much of a grind. I did it once and I wouldnt do it again. Im not that starved for orbs.

Autobattle Level 30 Hard. At that point it's just time consuming instead of actively gnawing at your sanity like it used to do.

Vote Hinoka! She'd vote for you!

Just focus on the multipliers instead of winning or losing.

I have summoned like at least 20 fucking times on the festival banner and still haven't even got a single 5* let alone the 5* Nowi I want.
And yes, I am pretty fucking mad.

>that hand
At least theyre trying I guess.

>I have summoned like at least 20 fucking times on the festival banner and still haven't even got a single 5* let alone the 5* Nowi I want.
Full rolls or singles? What's your pity rate?

Managed to pull Henry. Tried a couple of times to pull for Nowi, but cut my losses without getting anything above a 4*.

Figure I start prepping for some other halfway decent banner in the future.

The one near the bottom with the 3 Elibe Lords makes me lose my shit everytime.

How much money?

If I already have Deirdre, do I really need Henry? I kind of want to save up for the Christmas banner...

If anyone is on team Ryoma I am looking for some allies. Right now I have this Spring Xander as my lead, but I can change it to any of these if you want. Send a request over and I will accept it.

Cleaning out some of my friends list as well.

Henry is literally just Deirdre with better stats and a worse tome, not really worth it unless you run armors.

I snipe for reds, but when I can't I summon Green if its there, my 5* rate is 3.75%
As little as possible.

I have 50 Golds.
Technically, I have 52 Golds and I've HAD as many as 55-56 Golds based on skill inheritances and merges.

I have 72 Silvers that are level 40 and unique as well.

Come at me, robo

>Cleaning out some of my friends list as well.
I want to as well, but I'd feel bad deleting people that have played in the last few hours. Then again, I doubt many people are going to be on team Shanna.

Henry's great for Armors, but Deirdre's more splashable overall. Depends on what you're looking for, but Henry's definitely a good unit. Xmas is going to be Tharja and MRobin at the very least.

>voting for Hinoka when Shanna's far cuter and is actually a girl

Just delete ones the day of when you get a bad unit on your team. That is what I do a lot of the time. Because you know that is going to be the only one you will ever get in that gauntlet.

I pulled a Nowi with non-optimal IVs and I was thinking man I wish she had optimal or at least good IVs
But seeing the amount of people who haven't even gotten her I think I should be grateful. Right?

>my 5* rate is 3.75%
user, that's not really that bad. You've probably spent close to, what, 80 orbs so far? I think the average for a 5* unit is like 100.

>no Summoner support
I only have somewhere between 40-50 5*s right now, but I estimate I've had closer to 70 since launch.

Kind of glad the two confirmed units are ones I don't care to roll for, assuming Tharja's candle implies her getting staffed.

>+Atk/-Res Chrom
>Running Falchion/Renewal 3
>Last update allows Desperation 3 + Brash Assault 3 Seal for Brave Sword+ Ignis destruction
Nice Chromide, bromide

So long as she's not -Spd and you can luckshit into a spare Hone Fliers, she'll be fine.

It's on my 4*+10 Cecilia.

She handles the current meta


I got a Halloween Jakob, which is what I wanted in spite of his shitty IVs. I'm not sold on the idea that he can replace DC Zephiel any time soon, though, because I don't really have any good skills to give him. That's fine with me, Zeph has been wrecking shop for a long time and he can keep at it.

-spd isnt that bad if youre doing flier teams anyway.

My +HP Nowi does just fine with -blade, Darting Blow, Desperation, Speed Seal.

-HP +Def
I saw a few other people with this spread in other FEH threads, maybe it's common?

Also, I spend a lot, and I mean a lot, of feathers promoting units for skill inheritance. Though not much for weapon+ SI skills. I could have probably had more, but I'm pretty satisfied with my current barracks.

It basically just means easy to use. Reinhardt is a splashable unit, for example.

Black Knight replaces Zephiel (unfortunately, dude's boss) but that Henry Armor is really just their for the Armor March, frankly.

>-spd isnt that bad if youre doing flier teams anyway.
>-Spd on a unit with 32 base Speed
Yeah, no.

I got Jacob...who I already have the normal version of at 5 star rank. Dumb. I wanted loli Dragon witch.

I'm voting for Amelia, so if anyone needs a Sigurd then add me or whatever.

>tfw no Amelia
Fucking hell.

>haven't rolled any of the Halloween units yet
Hoping for at least Nowi or Henry. Can't bring myself to roll for Jakob out of fear of getting a shitty catgirl or his standard self.

160 orbs for a Nowi and Jakob, happy to get them but I was rolling mainly for Henry and never got him.

>tfw want to add more friends for voting gauntlet but my list is full

Voting Hinoka and hoping the 2 banners gives me one that isn't -spd before they go away

>spd seal, hone fliers, goad
>42 spd
Ues its fine

Rolled maybe 120 orbs and only have Jakob. Put him on an armor defense team and got 7 (You)s. Still want Nowi and Henry for armor march.

This is my strict fodder group. It's about a month old and has about 20 different units, but it's roughly this still.


>not having -Spd
>now at 45 Speed
Yeah, no. -Spd is inarguably bad on H.Nowi.

Its not that bad.

Did you take a fucking picture of your screen?

What am I looking at here.

>picture of your phone

Should I put the speed seal on her or should I put Guidance on her?

Is it just me or does it feel like there've been a lot more dumbasses in these threads lately?

There is not a single bane that is worse on her than it, so yeah, it's actually pretty bad for her. 29 base Speed when she's -Spd really makes it much more difficult to catch up compared to her normal 32 as well.
user, you what?

It's of my old shitty tablet.

It's not just you.

but an actual picture not just a screenshot?
the fuck is wrong with you?

Apparently /feg/ was upset a little while ago and has sent some of their finest.

I thought I was imagining it.

Yes. Its bad, but its not unsalvageable to the point of benching or sending home which is what you seem to be implying. She's still a red mage flier and has decent attack.

What's the best way to farm for great badges? I just realized I've run out of them even before I used up all my coins upgrading seals.

Got Sakura and Nowi with 5 orbs, both terrible ivs.
Trying to do the last push to 60k so I can go level more crap and figure out what to use for SI on my units because this shit confuses me.

Doubling user, doubling is key, and the less help a unit needs to consistently double shit, the better. 32 Speed is on the borderline for easily salvageable, at least for meme teams, since Fury+Hone exists, and that brings you up to a comfortable 41 without any real difficulty. 29 means you have to burn a Seal slot to make up for that difference, or keep her around Goad/s, since the +9 Speed Fury+Hone gives you only makes her reach 38 Speed, which isn't good in the Arena.

>What's the best way to farm for great badges?
Literally just Training Tower 10. Hope you have potions.

Will I ever have another opportunity to get the Distant Defense seal? I wasn't playing during that TT, and you can't craft it.

They will put it in as a quest reward or mini TT reward at some point.

Fine. Slap on a darting blow or swift sparrow. Problem solved. Im not going to tell people to keep rolling for whatever ideal IVs when they can make do with the unit they got when theyre not spending for orbs.

How many orbs did you spend to get those Nowis? I want to get 6 Nowis myself.

At least you can't say it's a fake

IVs are the biggest misconception in this game imo. The amount of people discrediting FEH by saying bad IVs can render units unuseable is staggering.

Anyone can make a fake. Taking a picture of your phone or monitor doesnt give it authenticity.

My Nino is literally unusable with -SPD even with Darting Blow and a Speed seal. She barely doubles anything

Dude you dont understand. If you arent Smogonfagging a literal fanservice gacha game, then you might as well quit.

What does Sup Forums think of my updated Dragon Meme Team, featuring Myrrh from the Halloween banner who replaced my old and busted Ninian?

Myrrh is still a WIP, but she has Escape Route for the extra meme teleport in the mean time until I can figure out a better B skill. I went to spending my last 100 Sacred Coins on Guidance over Distant Def for her.

Man, I remember around the time I first started this game, I was terrified seeing a Hector lead.

>laughs in Tiki

i would take 1% rates to IVs any day of the week

>3 of 4 have less than 30 speed
I just couldn't. I'm a whore for high speed units.

Him and Takumi were a death sentence for your arena score if you didn't have a good red /-raven tome.


What new units are appearing next week?
Actually, don't we need a new GHB for next season?

>never feared a Hector lead
Takumi though...


I've blown so many orbs trying to get Amelia, both from the first time she was available and this time. The universe just does not want me to have her and it hurts.

What if I have a +hp -atk bride cordelia. I mean she still good but still fails to finish off some units and dies if she doesn't.

I have plenty of -atk or -spd units that could have been part of a main team with neutral or better IVs but are now just arena assault specialists or maybe TT autobattle farming if I get bored.


I mean unless you're doing whale PvP you can do fine with neutral IVs.

Selena was my anti-Hector in the beginning too. My anti-Takumi was Takumi

Hopefully nothing from por.
I need to save for Ilyana badly.

I decided that I'll just post the whole barracks. If it's got a heart, it's unique (or the better IV'd of the dupes) or it needs promotion for some reason. Otherwise, skill fodder.

>not AYRA

Fucking waifufags

Low speed never bothered me if the trade off is low damage from the enemy. Although it would be nice to be +SPD to get doubled less from same colored threats.

So what kinda stuff would Ike and BRoy like from SI?