
Removing all the SJW/alt-right/progressive bullshit, how is the game strictly as an FPS?


Really bad it just comes down to who can use their ults at the right time, but lets be honest you just want a shitty >shadman thread when most of his stuff is actually good.



Its a very low skill one that relies purely on who gets more OP skills on their side

>mentally ill korean gayboy
The guy actually has issues

same garbage than other FPS on steam

Pretty fun if you can play with at least one friend, which to some extent prevents you from having shit team compositions in which no one picks tank or healer.


>sunrise crapnime after Idols

It's shallow, but can be pretty fun in the right circumstances.

Repetitive. Bought it, played 200 odd hours with friends now harsly touch it good porn though

>Worst girl.

>Hunter X Hunter

Boring and slow


Fun with friends but fucking awful from a balancing standpoint. If you care about that then don't touch it.

The worst part about the >shadman meme is that newfags think that because of the meme, shadman has somehow stopped being garbage and it's ok to post his shit.



>new OneyPlays is PUBG with Shad

Should have unsubbed a long time ago

Fairly fun if you're sick of shitty ADS games. Lots of different playstyles depending on what you're into.

6/10. It's not a bad score, the game alone is ok.



Everyone memes on shadman, but that man is really good at cattering to his fans and what they want.


not fun because it tries too hard to be a competitive game

Bad. Everyone's movement speed is turtle power and the damage outputs feel ridiculously unsatisfying, unless you're playing one of the overpowered characters because then it just feels cheap. Beyond that the game revolves around an ult meter that doesn't drop on death, so a couple of minutes into a game there's going to be a clusterfuck of Press Q for Kills being used against the other team's Press Q for Kills where skill need not apply.

Only one mouse? C'mon, Sup Forums can be more tedious than this.



>an first person shooter

Damage feels fine if you played a lot of old school shooters. Most characters can one clip if you can aim for shit.

I don't know how fucked in the head you have to care about the politics a generic multiplayer game presents through its advertisement, but that aside it's pretty mediocre.

There is some quality there but it's a victim of laziness and stupid focus the same way Hearthstone is.

Every game is the same, maps are poorly balanced, no custom servers with higher player counts, too much like a moba with pushing with ultimate abilities.

It's like TF2 with less balance and fun in exchange for a different type of character(or arguably, any character at all because TF2 has certainly lost that).

Map design is the worst aspect and is atrocious.



This obsession of yours isn't healthy.

>Jim Davis

Untalented AND a whore huh?

to actually answer the question, I really enjoy it most of the time, 25 soon to be 26 characters that all feel really unique and control well at the same time, and the concept of getting a team and working together well with them while also improving solo is really fun, the game is also way way better with friends, because the biggest issue with the game is people autolocking heroes and u dont have enough of what u need to win, so friends can fill those roles. Really my big issue is you cant play who u want to play always because u need certain things to win and u dont always get that from teamates

It's fun. And to be honest the "sjw progressive bullshit" is limited to what Sup Forums projects as intention on character designs / one optional webcomic.




>Sonic 3&Knuckles

>Grape Kun

it's almost like you've never listened to tf2 characters


I know a girl who looks like fucking Tracer but she has a boyfriend, should I try to get with her anyway?


Can't listen to the character if no ones plays the game


>felix the cat

So there's no reason to not listen to the characters



>Da Vinci

Mechanically really bad and boring regardless of whether you look at it as an FPS or a knockoff MOBA.

That's sad that most people would probably want to see him dead even if he has done litteraly nothing wrong.

Assuming you're playing on PC; the console version is pretty much pure trash.

It's a game of Tug of War most of the time except the ultimate-mechanic makes it hard to maintain momentum gained by skill. Like most games, communication is minimal, and that means the additional lack of team-cohesiveness is further punished by the impact of ultimate abilities. The game has vastly increased the approximate time-to-kill of units to well over three seconds I feel whereas in most games it's somewhere around 1.5-2 seconds. Very shit games have time-to-kill one second and below, which allows for no interaction, but with OW, increasing it as much as it has makes everything feel difficult at all times for really no good reason. If weapons were better generally, then fine, the free mobility and tankiness many units have would not be a problem. The problem is that the weapons are pretty much all garbage imprecise shit with the exception of the Snipers and the Call-of-Duty guy, which to no surprise are the best if you're playing pro-actively but the problem there is that pro-active play, momentum, and advantage are hindered by this combination of unnatural survival and the ultimate abilities.

The unique and nice thing about the game is that they experimented successfully with the concept that tanky units have huge hitboxes and frail agile units have small ones. It's a nice dynamic but is overshadowed by much of the game's failings.

I feel that OW is a fine game if you're playing with friends with microphones. If you're playing alone personal achievement doesn't feel impactful and the the dedicated healer class is both necessary and also often unfulfilling to play.

>gets to the point where he can draw women without making them look greasy and chilled out on using piecings
>decides to draw loli

God I want Tracer to be real. I want her feet to smash my head. I want her muscular thighs to squash my penis, as she blinks up and down on my cock, only to recall this as I put it in her tight pussy. It brings me to a near orgasmic feeling by just thinking about her and her muscular toned body. If Blizzard made sexdolls, I would buy every Tracer model for myself and never leave my moms basement. Fuck I just want Tracer to be real.


buddy, I'm friends with a girl who looks exactly like Tracer, only distinction is she isn't fictional and she can't time travel. And guess what? she has a boyfriend and isn't really interested in me sexually. So how the fuck do you think I feel? I wish I was like you, because you've never known the taunt of seeing a dream be real and realizing that it's as distant as it being a fiction. So I'm probably going to hang myself tonight after a few more drinks.

I don't usually like shad but this is cute


Tracer's face in this is actually the hottest shit and I will now go to bat for Shaddy-boy thanks to it.




it's fucking awful

Shadposting should be a punishable crime.


the full pic is probably one of the only not awful things he's ever drawn


What SJW shit?

Objectively inferior to tf2


It plays like total casual shit and anyone who defends it is undoubtedly nu-Sup Forums.

>remove sjw bullshit
>thread is infested with weebs
I hope i'm not alone in thinking that a few brown characters are a fair trade off here.

>fun is nu-Sup Forums

please gb2 reddit thx