How the FUCK am I supposed to beat this piece of shit's campaign?

How the FUCK am I supposed to beat this piece of shit's campaign?

pick up your balls jillfag

It's easy when you realize Chris takes way more punishment than Jill. Makes it easier when you're running past enemies.

Be a man.
Capcom basically made it so only badasses need apply for Chris’s campaign getting gud?
Seriously, I beat the OG RE1 when I was literally 10. And I ain't even a native English speaker.

how can you be so shit?

Huh I thought Jill was the easier character because of extra inventory slots. I only came into RE at RE4 so I thought Chris was the "main" story and Jill the side story.

Jill is easier in almost every way, but Chris has the benefit of extra health.

Chris has less inventory space, his campaign has a few more zombies, he needs one-use keys to open certain doors, he can't play the piano, he doesn't get the assault shotgun as fast, he can't get the basic shotgun early, and he never gets the grenade launcher. Hell, he doesn't even have a handgun until after the first zombie.

It's just more backtracking if I remember correctly. There are enough old keys for you to find if you fuck up and he has a higher crit rate than Jill along with more health. I think he MAY be faster than also but that might only be in REmake.

Not gonna lie about his campaign being more tedious though.

Played that game so much when it was new back in the 90's as a kid. Don't try and kill everything you see. Save ammo. My brother could beat that game in 1 shot no saving when he was 10 years old. Did the same with RE2, hes like that kid from that Nintendo tournament move called "The Wizard".

Plus in REmake you can only get the combat shotgun at the expense of not getting to control Rebecca to make the V-Jolt. Kinda sucks.

>I thought Chris was the "main" story and Jill the side story.
No. Literally the other way around.
And yes, Jill is the easy moodo, and the one you should start with.

I'm playing the remake and having problems even on easy, is there any hope to me?

Plan before you actually go about things.

Trainers if you're on PC lmaooo

Back when I was getting into RE: DC, I was intimidated by Chris' path, but as I got better in later playthroughs, those limitations grew on me.

The higher health helps for speeding through enemies.

>is there any hope to me?
Depends... are you going to just cry about it online, or actually try to man up and fix your ways?

>even on Easy
lemme guess, you though the lowest difficulty of the three was "easy"`?

Wait so then in RE2 is Leon the main story or Claire?

My head is thinking RE4 = Leon and RE5 = Chris so they're the main dudes but that's skipping RE3 and CV

git gud kid

Here's the best tip I can give for anyone playing Resident Evil.
>Don't be afraid to die
>Save only when you feel you've made significant progress, I.E solving puzzles, obtaining important items, killing a boss
>After saving just run around with no regard for ammo or health items, just figure shit out through experientation
>Die (or do well enough you make progress, then save again)
>Reload your save and do it right this time.

Typically you should start with Jill to get familiar with the game. If you finally are tackling Chris's path, you need to be on top of your routes through the mansion. Many rooms and encounters should be avoided or skipped. Conserve ammo (killing when necessary) in the mansion, because the enemies will be replaced later.

>Wait so then in RE2 is Leon the main story or Claire?
Claire A - Leon B is the "right" way of playing it.

>My head is thinking RE4 = Leon and RE5 = Chris so they're the main dudes but that's skipping RE3 and CV
Jesus you RE4 kids have weird brains.
No my child, before 4 (or in some ways, 3), there was no "one MC" for these games. They were all legit, equal. Kinda up to your preference.

i havent played a jill run in forever everytime i get the itch to play i go straight for my dude chris
>tfw using the shotgun exclusively after reaching the dormitory
>more shotty ammo because no meme launcher
>in remake get nades to fucking one shot crimson heads and hunters just by letting them grab you

Earlier RE games didn't work like you think. Scenarios were meant to be equal to one another, and both versions "happen" - even if this is confusing in later games.

Leon and Claire meet different characters and have different, equal arcs, so the "order" you play them doesn't matter - although I personally think playing Claire's first, finishing with Leon makes for the best narrative flow.


If I remember correctly, just get a scoped desert eagle .50cal and then you one-shot everything

Is that in the REmake? In RE1, the best you'll find is the magnum, which you really only want to use for the endgame.

git gud

It's not a game of shooting everything, it is about surviving. You are supposed to run, so don't try to fight everything, use your resources, some planning, and keep moving.

>implying its not a game of shooting everything
they give you enough ammo to kill about 130% of the enemies in the game

I dont know your exact problem, but remember this. Its a SURVIVAL horror game, if you dont NEED to kill it, just evade it and follow your way. Never ever kill snakes. Unless there 3 dogs in one room, dont use the shotgun, in fact, dont ever use the shotgun until you have to come back to the mansion and meet the Hunters. Again, if you think you can bypass the hunter, just go, dont waste bullets,what else, ah, you can totally bypass the giant spider without laying a bullet on its face, its own acid can melt the web from the door and its pathetically easy to have it open it for you, and the giant shark is completely harmless once you take out the water. I remember playing on Hard with Chris, killed the frist 5 zombies with a knife(died like 15 times "mastering" that") to save ammo, evaded as much as I could, and even then I fisnihed the game clutching on ammo. Yeah, you are gonna die a lot.


Little kid

>knifed 5 zombies ran away from shit and was still low on ammo
this is you looking for ammo

Yeah but people playing the game for the first time don't know that. Or what the best way to kill an enemy is and with what.

>Back away from zombie
>Wait a few seconds for it to go full retard and turn into the wall
>Run behind it.

Vanilla RE1 zombies are dumb.

It gets very easy if you realize that you can just run away from enemies and spare your munition for the Bosses.

Get good with mixing knife and pistol against the slow zombies. Once you're past the first hour you get enough ammo to kill everything.

Git gud at running past enemies.

It's only hard the first 15 minutes when you have to avoid every zombie around.

This is a special forces operator

Clearly Wesker was thinking with his dick when he hired her.

Is this the stance of a hardened police officer?

No. That's the please fuck me in the ass stance.

I actually started on normal and got to a point where I couldn't advance anymore, so I restarted on easy, I'm also already playing as jill

she's pure though

Anal is about as pure as it gets.

what the fuck do I do against Krauser on the tower with the three minute time limit, time keeps running out even after blasting him full of shotgun rounds

>he doesn't know


krauser dies to the knife super fast, legit just knife him every time he gets close

Replying only to call you a fag, you fag.

thanks guys

git gud