>"For a game as slight as this — the core mission consists of 30 stages, and there's no way the game should take more than FOUR or FIVE hours to complete." >"You ultimately will fall back to using modern Sonic whenever you have the chance, since the team-up stages tend to be boost battle stages, and modern Sonic runs the fastest." >"Avatars also play differently than Sonic himself: They can't run as fast as he can, obviously, so instead they use a grappling wire to zip around and swing, and they can carry weapons to wipe out groups of enemy robots" >"Forces seems determined at every moment to remind you of how long you've been playing each stage, and when the game ranks your performance once you cross the finish line, your score is weighted most heavily toward how little time you've taken to complete a stage."
But the developers put some exploration goals into stages, and by placing a timer on each stage and scoring you based on said time, it defeats the purpose of exploring.
William Morales
Holy shit the box art is terrible. Looks like some shitty photoshop
Eli Hill
You'd think that "could" be ok, right? Wrong, it meant they could literally have an excuse to have 1 min length levels as the whole game. Fuck the rank system, each gimmick they added to the series after the classics has been nerfed or exploited beyond repair.
Hell they even fucked up with rings, you can't even kept them now when you get hit.
Ian Jenkins
>Rated Forces that high >Pretty much every other sonic game was rated lower.
Ayden Perry
>Forces higher than Mania
Jaxson Butler
Sonic adventure Sonic lost world Sonic forces Sonic generatios Sonic boom fire and ice Sonic colors
all better than mania there really is no hope for this franchise
Ayden Lopez
Famitsu is retarded
Jordan Watson
It's because Mania isn't a visual novel
Mason Johnson
Mania is fucking dog shit you brain dead autistic pieces of fucking shit. I wanna bash your fucking skulls in for being so ugly and retarded and braindead and autistic
Lincoln Sanchez
I would give one nut for Sonic Adventure 3, the other nut for Sonic Heroes 2, and my nutsack for Sonic Unleashed 2. Fuck Sega, and all these shitty 2D games with awful controls.
Isaiah King
I hope they drop the formula of Modern Sonic bosses where the boss flies away backwards from Sonic as he chases it. They've done it to death, and it has never made any sense.
Chase Parker
Jack Mitchell
Agreed. All of Eggman's vehicles and bosses like Silver, Infinite, and Metal have been flying backwards for years. Metal Overlord was ridiculously stupid thinking about flying backwards metallic hedgehog with spike wings throwing ships that look at fish at flying talking animals.
Grayson Brooks
Mania is the best Sonic game released in the past 15 years. Get fucked.
Tyler Turner
uhh no sweetie, Sonic Forces is
Joshua Green
Solaris, Final Hazard, Perfect Chaos, and Dark Gaia all worked great because they all stayed in one place and had a death stage feel to it. Fighting backwards in Eggman fights? How does Eggman drive the Dragoon backwards without crashing?
Robert Miller
Jacob Cook
Well, Robotnik did crash into a tree in Mushroom Hill, I thought that was funny back then.
Gabriel Rogers
>Not the Doomsday Zone He fought Super Sonic while trying to escape the the Master Emerald, he launched rockets without having to turn around and fight him, making a billion times more sense than all of Forces chase fights.
Parker Rodriguez
Sonic Advance 2 started the backwards fighting bosses thing. Heroes was the first to do it in 3D and I hated it ever since. Spam homing attack to win. (until you get to boost games)
Hunter Kelly
The point is to go fast while knowing where all the collectables are. Sonic's main strength is emphasizing on replayability.
Even if Forces is shit, that's a retarded criticism.
Xavier Cook
Honestly Sonic games just shouldn't have boss fights. It's never been good at it and they don't really mesh well with the core fundamentals of the series
Imagine if Sonic 2 just didn't have boss fights (aside from maybe a final fight). Everything identical beside the lack of bosses. Would you really miss much? Would it be worse of a game?
Brody Morris
>Let's play the same thing over and over for the next 4-6 hours.
So much fun, completely worth $60
Ian Rivera
Actually Forces is $40. Though that shows how Sega isn't confident enough to think it can do regular MSRP
Zachary Bell
To be fair 3&K, and Mania both have a boss you run after. (Mushroom Hill Zone, and Heavy Gunner in Studiopolis Act 1).
Colors had some arena bosses and all the Zeti fights I think are arena based. From what I've seen, you fight Zavok in an arena in Forces.
Sonic games can have good bosses.
Juan Brown
Classic bosses are fun, Adventure bosses are fun, boost bosses aren't fun, just run and dodge stuff left or right. Literally linear and no challenge since you get rings everywhere. Rush fixed this by taking away the boost and having Sonic fight in a arena or stage like it should be.
Ryder Foster
It's $40.
Noah Hill
Generations was also $40. What shows they aren't confident is the near radio silence from Sega of America.
Eli Walker
Holy fuck they're only charging $40 for it? That just tells you the game is going to suck dick probably.
Wyatt Sullivan
>Expecting to fight Chaos in the Pyramid >He could transform into 0,2,4, and 6 in different phases using the Ruby >SEGA would've made him fly backwards and be another Metal fight
Phew, dodged a bullet there. Chaos had some of the most fun rival fights in the whole series.
James Martinez
>Forces is $40 >Mania is $20
Charles King
>Comparing 2D old school side scrolling game to a 2017 modern day 3D Sonic game.
Of course they're going to ask more money for Forces, personally I wouldn't have paid for than $20 for Mania, it's not worth more than that.
Angel Jones
Generations started at $50 at launch if my memory serves correct, as was Wii U Lost World
It's just me or this game feels rushed for something Sega worked on for quite some times? It isn't terrible but it could be more. Tails has always been capable of fighting but now he is a scary cat? And no:it wasn't because Sonic was presumed dead,since he acted like this from the beginning when Sonic was around and after he came back! HE should have tried to pull Sonic out of the portal too! I loved Knuckles as a leader:FINALLY Sega gave him some respect! How couldn't they realize that the enemies were just illusions since they kept fading away? Why the others barely did anything and how can Sonic being stronger than Silver? Why was Sonic so calm when he was captured,knowing his friends were in danger? Why wasn't he hurt in the slightest since Eggman tortured him for months?
Robert Hughes
Dominic Baker
This guy cleared it in 2 hours and 40 minutes and he fucked up a lot. Adding in the cutscenes, a competent player can easily finish the game in 1 - 3 hours.
I have seen this exact same post multiple times now.
Aaron Reyes
lmao fucking kill yourself autismo
Noah Perez
Zachary Young
>Why wasn't he hurt in the slightest since Eggman tortured him for months? Felt like a line they added in for the sake of being dark and edgy.
For being locked up 6 months, Sonic appears to be in perfect health body and mind, and proceeds to fight his way out just fine - so if anything Eggman was feeding him well and letting him get some exercise in that cell, not torturing him.
Carson Russell
For the love of God please start tripfagging so I can FILTER your ass Unleashedfag.
Evan Howard
If Sonic Forces sells well/is even reviewed as medicore, it is over for the blue hog. Sega will realize they don't even need to make a full game like Unleashed/Colours and Generations, and actually put time and effort into it. They can shit out a game with reused assets of all previous games, reskinned bosses, go backwards in controls and physics AND graphics, and they'll still be rewarded for it. If this does well expect more tripe to follow just like this in the exact same vain. They will realize that the western autism audience, and the "I'LL BUY IT IRONICALLY XDDD JUST TO SEE HOW BAD IT IS XDDD" will fuel the series forward.
You know it be true. This is the fate of Sonic. He will never ever thrive in the hands of ST.
Kevin Ward
>So much fun, completely worth $60 Fuck you entitled shit. Back in my day a good game WAS worth replaying over and over. It WAS fun. fuck this generation that want 100 hours of shit to do that they'll never actually finish.
Ryan Nguyen
Sonic Forces got worse reviews than Bubsy
Christian Long
Ehhh that score is pretty much what I was expecting.
GAME in the uk are selling the game for 28 britbongs though so I might as well give it a try.
Tyler Brown
3D sonic games will always be shit, sega can't seem to get over the temple run gameplay, and when they try to make something different you get unleashed night stages because the linear crap has to be too big to not end in a second and they're lazy Mania should be enough proof that sonic must stay 2D and improve on that
Dominic Clark
Dominic Nguyen
This game is just a Sonic fans wet dream because you can create an avatar and team up with Sonic, so you can like self-insert yourself into the Sonic world. Probably heaven if you're a furry who is really big into the autistic Sonic fanbase.
Ryan Murphy
The fact that there is an Avatar character in the story who has to do everything when Sonic isn't present just made the rest of Sonic's friends look so incompetent.
Jonathan Smith
Not really since the avatar customization options are fucking shit, you can never make a good looking OC.
Jordan Jones
Lego Sonic looks and plays like a better game than Adventure 2.
Alexander King
And it's not even a good game either.
Cooper Thompson
Maybe if you're a degenerate furfag. From DeviantArt no less. OCs stopped being "good" when Shadow became a thing.
Joshua Ward
I like the music in the game.
Gabriel Phillips
Really? Seems like they give you tons of customization options in terms of clothing, color, and species.
Gabriel Rogers
Yes, and Mania was priced correctly. What's your point?
Ethan Rodriguez
Its okay for Modern/Avatar
But I don't know what the fuck they were going for with the Classic stage music, its all total shit.
Joshua Parker
Jayden Morgan
Haha no, you don't own it. Sonic controls perfectly in game. The dialouge is great, and it's open world like Mania. You can do so much things in there and then replay with any other character you have. Also they did Chaos right. Lego Sonic>>>>Adventure>>>>Boost
Adrian Powell
>no way the game should take more than FOUR or FIVE hours to complete
Now to be fair OP, who'd really want to play this piece of shit for longer than that anyway?
Julian Sanders
Probably not, but plays better than everything past '06. This is how 3D Sonic should handle.
This gave me more hype than Forces. They have a Silver Sonic and Chaos boss fight. Forces BTFO.
Michael Perry
This would be a lot funnier if it were like Sonic Boom, where Eggman's idea of torture is feeding him farm raised Salmon.
Owen Miller
So there's our missing Chaos fight. Sucks they lied in all the trailers of Forces. Now we just need a Shadow fight.
Connor Harris
Or serving him a chilli dog on a collector's plate.
Luke Martinez
Reminder: Lego Dimensions was made by Traveler's Tales. The same guys who made Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R.
And yet they did what Sonic Forces couldn't do right.
Alexander Cooper
Why the fuck does this game look so much better than Sonic Forces and is written so well, too? That was entertaining as shit.
How do you play this? Do you need to buy the toys to play the levels?
Charles Brown
Better plot, better animation, and beautiful level colors.
Unfortunately, Lego Dimensions is canceled and unpiratable through the toy gimmick. If it was on PC, it would been cracked months ago.
Hudson Hall
>Why the others barely did anything and how can Sonic being stronger than Silver? As of Generations, Sonic is the most OP member of the cast. There used to be a rock paper scissors thing where Sonic > Shadow > Silver > Sonic, but then Sonic got better and just started styling on everyone
Ian Taylor
>just made the rest of Sonic's friends look so incompetent. They've been doing that since Sonic X. The cast was helpless without Sonic. Even OG badasses like Knuckles have been reduced to complete meming shitters
SA1 killed the franchise, it was a bad translation to 3D and for some reason sega decided to stick to it anyway
Grayson Perez
Just mod those into Generations and then we don't need Forces anymore.
Christian Cruz
>le entitlement meme Stopped reading there
Joshua White
>le meme meme Dismissing criticism by calling it a "meme" is a retarded argument for brain-dead cretins. I'm sure you use words like "cringe" any chance you get too.
David Garcia
Can OC also modded into Generations?
Nicholas Adams
>would give a nut for sonic 2006 >would give the other for a sequel to the worst sonic game of that generation
Jason Ramirez
I was not excited for Forces because footage and teasers for Mania had me and tons of other people completely hyped up. So I'm just gonna go ahead and say what needs to be said, Forces isn't a terrible game but they seem deadset on targeting a really young demographic.
Generations was 6 years ago and this does absolutely nothing for the series, like what's new? It's like they went into designing the game telling themselves "Let's not get too creative." Where are the frills? So half-assed.
Ryan Bailey
Everyone knew since the beggining that the only good Sonic game this year was mania
Ryder Sanders
>no Sonic Heroes
I don't understand the image.
Matthew Gutierrez
>It's like they went into designing the game telling themselves "Let's not get too creative. none of the level designers for forces have previous experience with sonic games
Christopher Anderson
>Fuck you entitled shit.
I didn't realize that people aren't allowed to decide what they find worth their money.
Michael Ross
I realize this is hard to believe but SA1 was actually pretty well received when it came out. It was also the first 3D Sonic game, so people were more lenient on it.
SA2, however, didn't have such an excuse for the steps backwards it took and it's inexplicably edgy tryhard plot that turned a lot of people off. Then Heroes failed to pull the series out of its nosedive and it was all downhill from there as far as the critics and general audiences were concerned.
Ayden Davis
>395923237 You have to work harder for this (you)
Anthony Russell
>Sonic 06's Director and the Lead Designer/Director of the Storybook/Wisp games team up >I can't believe I was excited for this I can't either.
Isaac Walker
Can I make Shadic?
Lucas Campbell
>infinite's voice
Unf it's so good lads. Shame he was wasted on this game.
Luis Cook
I'm in this really awkward spot being a die-hard Adventure fan. I think that although Forces has some redeeming factors to it, it's overall a step in the wrong direction and I can see what kind of Sonic games we're going to be getting from now on. At least it's a 3D game that pushes the series forward unlike Mania, so it's the lesser of two evils. Savoring every tear from these deluded dick sucking classic cucks
Elijah Price
I hate this I hope you are just falsflaggi
Jaxson Nguyen
Your picture tells us all we need to know about you.
Ethan Sanders
Delicious. Your sadness, fear, anger and sorrow brings me great joy. P.S. Mania is dogshit
Jackson Wilson
Ehh.. if possible they can do another twitter takeover with him and Shadow. That'd be interesting.
Ian Perry
Don't link to Polygon, use an archive.
Lucas Roberts
>Mania is dogshit Hi there pseudo-intellectual/brainlet wojakfag
Alexander Cox
>Savoring every tear from these deluded dick sucking classic cucks What tears? We actually got a good game. I've seen some Classic fans say it's not their favorite Sonic game but I have yet to see a single Classic fan that doesn't like Mania. Only people I've talked to that weren't fans of Mania are people who don't like Classic as a whole.