Press the JUMP button to jump

>press the JUMP button to jump

>press G for grenade

>press JOY5 to shoot



>press the DOUG button to DOUG

>Press right_alt to crouch

>press SHIFT to jump

wow what the fuck I'm not playing a nazi game



>use UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT to move

>press triangle to cross

>can't toggle aim
>can't toggle crouch

>>can't toggle crouch

What does the doug button do anyways?

>can't toggle sprint

anglos will never understand the frustration

am i the only one who hates toggle aim/crouch/sprint on pc? toggle crouch is better on console but i cant imagine HL2's movement working as well with toggled crouch


Minor kek

made me quickly exhale air through my nose.

it's context-sensitive

>Hold spacebar to run, take cover and vault.

i don't even need to ask if you're talking about Mass Effect 2.

>hold shift to run, jump, climb, vault, balance, and literally everything platforming related

fug asscreed

Why would you not play asscreed with a controller?

>not disabling sticky keys when you first install windows

>Hold [Not bound] to not die!

>hold LT to etc. etc.

Could be Spec Ops

"hey guys alt+F4 and you get noclip and rocket launcher"

>Press f12 for flashlight

>played RuneScape on mac
>couldn't understand why it wasn't working

nothing is as offensive as QTEs that show you an icon for an action rather than WHAT FUCKING BUTTON THE ACTION IS BOUND TO

>press [NUMPAD 8] for zoom
>tenkeyless keyboard


>play action-centered game
>[first] key to interact, [second] key for grenade
>play stealth-centered game
>[second] key to interact, [first] key for grenade

>game switches controls depending on if you're in action mode or stealth mode

>press F to interact

>F12 also takes screenshots


>been playing halo 2 multiplayer where x reloads
>playing halo 3, trying to get the "we're in for some chop" achievement for killing a vehicle with a tripmine in campaign. reload is now RB.
>tsavo highway
>pick up a tripmine
>shoot enemy with BR, go to reload
>press X because of halo 2 muscle memory
>throw tripmine at ground
>can't pick it up

Must have been pretty traumatising if you remember that.

>Use motion controls to Jump!

> J,K,L,I moves camera camera


>Use the six axis to aim granades

Is that the Fall Into a Tiger Pit icon?

>Get a game second hand but doesn't include a manual
>Go to the "tutorial" section on the menu
>Tells you to read the manual
>Go to options to see if there are controller options
>There is none
>Spend the majority of game time figuring out what does what.

>Press π to jump

it was yesterday

>drink verification can to continue to game

This is what consoles do to games.

There's trip mines fucking everywhere on Tsavo. No big loss to be honest.

>double tap W to sprint

i was trying to do it in the first part where you can find mines because there were relatively few enemies after you kill the Chieftain, and two Choppers driving around. I was playing 2-player legendary co-op.

The next part of the mission where there are tripmines is a pain in the fucking ass because of the phantoms and jetpack Brutes.

>press UNBOUND for Flashlight

>Press (A) to jump
>No controller connected

Use the ACTION BUTTON to interact

>Use the right analog to attack

>press A to use item, press S to use bomb
>game HD remake
>press A to use bomb, press S to use item

>Game-pad button prompts

Holy fucking shit, that ruined donkey kong country returns for me, thank fuck it was remade with proper controls.

>Press B to jump

Too Human will forever be one of the strangest expirences ive had in gaming

>Press any button to start

>Not binding grenade to mouse4

how retarded are you?

another mindless Sup Forums thread everyone

>press (1) to interact

xinput is unironically one of my favourite things to happen to pc gaming

>press 3 to throw grenade


Press INSERT to open inventory

>a and s
>not z and x
Fucking pleb

>action is performed by pressing a button and holding the stick forward
>awkward to do and only works half the time
>no way to bind the action to just a button

thats a garbage bind and you know it

>having anything other than fire, zoom/aim/secondaryfire and jump on mouse

the dark souls kick, god fucking dammit

>"to use weapon wheel, hold "
>no option in settings to rebind it

>Screenshot taken

>cant remind any controls

Seriously, this is so annoying one of the worst parts of DS was not having a dedicated button for the kick