F2P in 2 days

>F2P in 2 days
how hard they gonna fuck up this time?
So far we had 0 advertisement and LoL pre-season is on the same day

>and LoL pre-season is on the same day
that will be its downfall

is headhunter in yet?

>So far we had 0 advertisement
not anymore thanks to you
play our game please

no, thorn and metal warden is on the way

They've already fucked it up. It's dead before arrival. Devs don't care about this shit, worst money I spent last year.

>expect a lot of people on release
>don't advertise it at all
this fucking faggots have no idea how marketing works


I honestly think this game was just a scam now. They baited people into paying their salaries with early access and just fucked around for a year.

>there are people on shittdit who create threads about reposting positive reviews so "Recent" will be "mostly positive"
imagine being so much of a cuck

Oh shit really? I enjoyed it during the free weekend.
I'll probably pick this one up

I had no idea it was going F2P. Is it actually good?

game itself is very good and solid
devs that are completely fucking retarded

>I had no idea it was going F2P
the epitome of SLS marketing

I wish that deer was my gf

who this, she looks much cuter than the furry shit

she doesn't have revealing skins yet

I don't want revealing skins, the cape is cute

>leaguerino seasonal patch the same day

rip in pieces

>had 1 year to pick the date
>pick the worst one

what about stupid hats

that just make it cuter, too bad I didn't like Battlerite

Why would they know in advance when LoL preseason starts?

because its always soon after worlds and they know when that is

they did the biggest fucking update week before F2P. There are a lot of bugs and UI is really shitty
they can't into managing time at all
whole situation is a mess

>No advertising
>No sponsored streams
>No hype going into F2P launch
>Launching during League Pre-season

It's like they want their game to bomb

they are saving marketing budget for post-release advertisement
fucking retards holy shit

I've never heard of this game
But usually when I see that a game is going f2p I instantly think its going to be shit

It was always planned to go free to play, but the management of the game has been so fucking bad it's actually baffling.
I mean how stupid do you have to be to delay your game's F2P launch several times only you to choose the day of League's Pre-Season to pull the trigger?

so like are all the champs or heroes free or do i have to unlock them and how long does it take if so?

yeah you will need to unlock them
dunno, but it's grindy as any F2P game out there
good thing you basically can main 1 champ and climb to the highest rank, it's not typical moba

their CEO is probably a fucking masochist

What game is this?

Can someone post more deer ass already


What's that characters name?

they should have just made her buck naked. we're all adults here.


>buck naked
Carlos, you son of a bitch.

>fuck all for porn of the deer
This is gay as fuck

nobody knows about the game
they have to advertise r34 subreddit on twitter like randy for it to be created

>Lol pre-season is on the same day
Fuck, good to know, time to return to that piece of shit

how do you like sad punk girls


Taya's voice is annoying

not as annoying as Blossom's

Annoying and obnoxious, but I reckon it suits the whimsical creature she is

it's not possible that this VA can fit any character in any game
may be only in battleborn

True, I didn't know this game existed before this thread. And I still have no idea what kind of game it even is.
Shame, really, some of the girls seem appealing.

so after I inevitably get bored of league of legends after the new patch, should I give this game a try?
I saw a couple of people play it, and it seems interesting for the most part

it's very different from league
you will suck hard for the first 500 games if you didn't play BLC
give it a try on release

It's like any MOBA, but you move with WASD, aim with mouse, can cancel basically any ability and there are no objectives besides "kill your opponent"

Top down arena fighter, combat is sorta like a moba crossed with a fighting game

Character's name?

Can't believe I bought this piece or crap when it was in early access. It stopped being fun after 12hrs of gameplay.

they fucked it up by not listening to the community a single time not even after their first version of this game died and then they made the same mistakes again

As someone who bought the game in early access back in January, maybe? Game gets kinda boring even with all the heroes, and I feel like with free-to-play hero unlocks that's gonna be even worse.

you can refund it after release.
it does count as a new game no matter how much you played in EA



She is a qt. I would rut with her any day. Shame no one knows this games exists.

>mfw the general died right after drawfag made this picture

Is it balanced around 3s yet

the CEO wrote a blog AGAIN saying they gonna balance for 3s and it's the best mod and next patch after that they literally nerfed Rook because 2s shitters were complaining

Cool thanks. Dryads are my favorite.

>dryads are my favourite
my nigga you got good taste

>Original game's art design was too esoteric and creepy
>Try to appeal to waifufags instead
>Still gets less discussion than fucking Smite
It's just not fair, bros. :(

>don't spend a single cent on advertising in 2017
>"Still gets less discussion than fucking Smite"

> no fur on her ass

What did they mean by this?

bloodlines aesthetic was top tier

battlerite looks like every other game pumped out of the dota-factory that is finland. complete with atrocious voice acting

everything in this game from cosmetics to characters feels like dull generic shit compared to the original


The only ones that look legitimately better in the old version are the Dryad and Harbinger.

The only reason the old version looks "esoteric and creepy" is because it looks like PS2 graphics.

What is this game

Is the movement speed still slow as shit? Could be a fun game otherwise but that just completely killed it for me.

yeah, they reduced hitboxes and increased speed by 4% but that only helped a little

>that extreme lumbar lordosis
God damn do some fucking kettleball exercises

I want to do lewd things to this deer.

It's the same date for 6 years dude

Both sides are extremely generic and shitty for their times.

reminds me of something

dat not-Soraka skin
pity they chickened out on the sideboob

and yet they nearly have her crack showing, what are they doing?

Butt is less lewd than boob I guess.

source? I want my friend to duo que with me but he doesn't want to buy shitty waifu sim

>tfw no lewd raigon outfits

Shame I'm an ass man ',:^y

i really can't wait for it to just shutdown. Motiga is already gone.

green hill zone me on this game Sup Forums

I would like to have consensual intercourse with that fawn with my wife too.

There is you mongrel

Man this game wad super fun I have 200 hours.
The Moba mode is garbage, i just camr back idkwtf they did to Jumong he's gay as fuck now.
Raigon feels OP
Jade's good rites are gone
I can't root with Croak anymore
I can't double shiftsands with Oldur anymore fot free
Reeeeeee give me a reason to keep playing

>dps brainlet cries for the loss of OP rites
Are we surprised? NOPE!

>right: Warcraft 3
>Left: heroes of the storm

>20 dollar early access not-moba game is going f2p

Why don't they just save everyone the trouble and cancel it now?

It was always going to be f2p. Just early access was paid.

I ALWAYS said this, it's bloodline champions 2.0, to the point of them fucking up their business model in the same way they fucked up bloodline's model.

Hi, where are the husbnados???:DDDDDD

whats wrong with their business model?
Their management is just fucking shit
