Post games that require all four triggers to be armed simultaneously

Post games that require all four triggers to be armed simultaneously

Your mom


Armored Core series. Also Hawken.

>four triggers

Strike vector ex. Amazing game but it's pretty dead. Needs vr support and i would play all fuckin day

Pretty sure there's at least one special move in this that's both turbos + both fire buttons. Either way you gotta be ready on all four of those buttons 24/7.

If you choose Manual Transmission in racing games.

Halo if you play bumper jumper. I guess you don't have to but it really helps.

6-DOF games.

Any good fighting game if you play with the gamepad like a reuglar fucking human bean.

name four eight button fighting games

Street fighter 2 street fighter 3 street fighter 4 and street fighter 5

>racing a tight technical track
>middle fingers on the triggers
>left index on bumper
>pointer finger lain across all four buttons
It just werks


Well not 2 now that I think about it but whatever you get the point

I'll give you 4 and 5 but how are 2 and 3 eight button games

Heavy Rain, I believe, when you have to fight your addiction to tasty blue cocaine.

guitar hero if you play with a controller

>giant enemy crab

If I’m remembering correctly, MGS3 when you’re trying to tiptoe and shoot in first person. R2+L2 to tiptoe, R1 to go into first person and L1 to look down sights.

Also I’m retarded and can’t read, it’s only for that movement and not needed at all for anything else in the game I’m pretty sure

Seriously .. you're mom can control with Bluetooth controller ?