That old as fuck video forum you used to post on

>That old as fuck video forum you used to post on
>You are now aware of some of the extremely cringeworthy shit you posted there in your youth

Other urls found in this thread:

>the center

Jokes on you faggot all of my cringe forums are gone.

I have a lot of cringy posts up on the net that I dare not look at again. I'll probably regret my posts on non anonymous websites a few years down the line, too.

I can't even remember any of those posts but just the thought that they were made is enough to drive shills down my spine

>All those emoticons

>owner fucked off to japan to marry a japanese girl and stopped paying for hosting without communicating
>forum just went dark one day
Feels good man. The majority of my cringy shit has been erased for good. Now I only have to delete my deviantart account

Stupid me had to use my real name on some vampire forum. Now I can never, ever let anyone online know my name or else they'll instantly google me and find role-plays from 12 years ago.

Just change your user name and you're fine if you care that much about it.

>That extremely old vidya forum you used to post in
>It's still up
>Visit after having been gone for 10 years
>People you used to talk to are still there
>But pretty much only them, the rest of the forum is pretty much a ghost town

The only reason the forums still exist is Gamespot is still a thing. This must be what it's like to grow up in a small town and then revisit it when all the business is gone. I had a cute catch up with some people, they actually recognized me, but I am ready to bury that place forever in my mind.

>never posted on forums before coming here

did you guys know if you scroll all the way to the bottom of this page you'll have killed yourself by the end

>signatures twice as large as the actual content of the post
>opinions judged by the poster's numbers of messages posted
>forum celebrities that people respond simply because they're "famous"
i've been spoiled by imageboards

oh god please no

Well Sup Forums isn't too different.
You still have people that try to use an avatar and use tripcodes. You have people using ironic signatures pretending to be other people. While you don't get recognition for the number of posts you've made you do sometimes get recognized for the post number itself. And there are pseudo "celebrities" here. I'm sure if floor tile user came back and proved it were him he would get a shitload of replies

>Not cleaning this at least once a year

Lurking Supercheats --> Serebii --> Sup Forums
Wasn't very adventurous.

>Go all the way back to the beginning
>Comments from 2006
>Me just giving video makers advise on editing their videos better
>It all holds true to this day
Huh. I'm glad when I got on the internet I trained myself to type in complete sentences and spell things correctly. When I was 13, people would always think I was 20 or something.

>forums are dead as fuck and burried
>most recent shit you could find is me baiting a youtubers forum, chaos theatre or some shit, probably already dead
>actually got a decent rpg maker game out of it and had some fun with it, it was kinda stupid but the gold kind of stupid
>follow the dev, small guy but actually half capable
>dissapeared for a while but back again doing a rpg maker game
Its a odd feeling, not going to lie. Maybe one day camelslayer will be able to finish it.

I almost became a mod on Supercheats.

Fuck I lurked the forums there endlessly

99% of my comments before 2013 are gone. Feels pretty good.


>Wanted to check old hotmail account from over a decade ago just a few months ago
>Learn that all unused accounts after a certain time period would be permanently deleted and unrecoverable
What a load of shit.

My 14-18 year old days.
Definitely have my share of embarrassing stuff there, but at least that was one of the forums that forced you to spell correctly. Later on they lightened it up a lot,
but back during the early and mid days of spending time there, typoing things like "teh"
was an autoban.


>Stickpage forum
Boy, I was such a fucking twat back then.

>You are now aware of some of the extremely cringeworthy shit you posted there in your youth
I'm pretty sure the Neopets forums got nuked at some point and all that forum RP I did when I was twelve is gone forever thankfully.

>tfw never really posted cringeworthy shit.
By the time I really got into forums I was 15+, during the high days of quake III and Cs, at which point I was that dumb anymore.

I think it's kinda sad for kids today. When I did dumb shit back in the day it only my immediate environment and friends saw it.
Nowadays, every little thing can get uploaded online for a ridiculously wide audience and it tends to stick a lot longer, if not for life. Don't even get me started on retarded fresh parents who make a FB account for their toddler and keep posting all the dumb shit their kids do online.

wasn't *

>tfw only 2 comments

Look at it this way, it's pretty much experience as you get a better understanding of the internet


I made 1 comment on YouTube since it's founding.

>googled my old handle
>Insane Clown Posse avatars everywhere

So, how do you think up a new name?

I get more cringe from the stuff I posted when I started using Sup Forums t.b.h

>pokemon self insert fanfiction

I guess I'm the only person in the world who had BETTER posts before they turned 20. I'm now 25 and sometimes I look back on posts I made a decade ago and wonder where all my humour and wit went. I was a better person back then than I am now in almost every way.

Get object
Get another object/adjective
Mash together

Get 12 leters
Scramble together
Hope for something good sounding


Had a porn tab open and saw a phone.


>VGDC died with Randy.
>VGDC died when Shark took over.
Though used to be big into the spriting scene and I migrated to Serebii after until about the release of Windows 7(When Paint was fucked up).

>only 3 comments
I'm surprised I've posted anything on youtube.

>old gametrailers is long since dead
Thank fuck for that

I've been using the same name online since 2004. A friend said a pun that had my name in it. Been using it ever since.

I didn't think it would be that bad.

Boy, was I fucking wrong.

>the absolute state of the website formerly known as

>there's nothing there
I've never really felt compelled to start discussions on random internet videos

I remember sperging out about Baldur's Gate 2 because some early battle was pushing my shit in. It turned out I misunderstood armor class and I was equipping everyone to have the highest number possible.

I had a golden age between 21-24, everything before that was garbage and everything since has been bitter and horrible.

I even had friends and I threw it all to shit because I hated them

I used encyclopedia dramatica forums for years. I don't even want to remember it.

I miss the facepunch that allowed porn and cringe threads.

I was fucking based ten years ago. Fuck.

>mfw thinking about the state of my life when I was making those comments vs the state of my life now

I used to have a blog where I talked about a girl I was in love with who played video games. She never liked me though.

I had the blog for 15 years. I wrote so much stupid stuff on there. Thankfully I deleted it a few years ago.

life was tough as an angsty 17 year old.

>That sonic roleplaying forum you used to post on
>still friends with 2 guys from there

This was a real ad? Must've been yurope exclusive.

What the hell, Sony

>found Sup Forums in 05
>no digital trace
moot I love you so much SO FUCKING MUCH

>All these "Haha I posted something that you would find out of context several years ago, boy I hope no one sees it on this vague and not popular forum haha"

Lmao congrats you were a kid/teen/dumbshit years ago. Luckily you're not some cringe compilation or some reddit post. Like that guy who "Sniffed" the chair at AGDQ and got bullied out of his job or those Foam Adventure girls who got bullied and harassed on all social medias ruining their harmless life that they loved. Kill yourself faggot for making this shit thread for the 100th time.

jokes on you I've abandoned my YouTube account like 7 times and I don't even remember the names for all of them

All the forums I posted my shitty 'art' on went under. It's all gone, forever.

Do they still have an OIFY forum?

jokes on you I lived in a third world country and didnt have access to the internet back then
thank fuck, I was a retarded kid
I used to think oral sex was when you talked to another person about sex

Killing myself

Are you a bad enough dude to screenshot a sample for us?

>Google search Calle Borjesson
>literally nothing comes up
Feels good.

Most of it is in mongol language. But I some english stuff.

>Your forums from that age disappeared from the internet and are from an era before detailed archiving

>It's blank

>Reading old posts on old game forum I use to frequent as a teen
>All my grammar and writing is perfect with chad tier alpha posting

I bet my teen self would kick my ass...

Who /nsider/ and /nsfcd/ here?



>postin a hate comment on Justin Bieber's video several years late

>Commented on Rainbow Six Patriots Reveal Trailer
>Can't wait for FOX news attempt to bash this for the ability to shoot Americans.

>Seriously though, it looks great, and if it overthrows COD and returns shooters to their former glory, I'll definitely buy it.
>5 years ago

I completely forgot about Patriots. We were basically going to fight radical leftists in it, weren't we?

I want to turn back time

>only forum that I've posted frequently in has managed to stay alive through all these years
>it's a video game walkthrough/faq/cheats site
>if I google my username, pages of cringey shit appears.

We only had 56k dial-up until 2006. After that I was old enough to not post cringeworthy shit on forums.
However, I had an equally cringeworthy blog around that time

My internet journey started on IBs, I'm 23, been using IBs for more than 10 years there's no saved data about my shames. Thank god, I used to do ERP with furry pics with other anons using pics like that.

If there is really a tribunal after death and they show that kind of shit, I will plea guilty in the beggining just so they don't need to show that stuff on the big screen.

I was made for this place huh?

You were the embodymment of Sup Forumss spirit. Congratulations.

They had religious debates
I joined in
These were men on their 30s and I used the most condescending tone possible

Yeah, luckily the forum was deleted years ago so my cringy shit is gone for good

random initials and numbers at the end of the name to make people think i'm dumb enough to put my birth day in my name

>All the emoticons
>Began to remember every single autistic shit I pulled off
>Laugh it off
>Felt extremely uncomfortable afterwards
10 years. It was a magical place

I deleted most of my atrocious roleplay posts, at least. You can still see a lot of them because people quoted me but maybe it'll help a little. I don't use that username anymore anyway but I'm always terrified someone will decide to dig up dirt on me and find some unscrubbed connection between my current online alias and my old ones and then go from there.

My shit starts with myspace, two art/comic hosting websites, and a rollerblading forum where people talked A LOT of shit. Like Sup Forums before I discovered Sup Forums. I'm a little worried about that, but I was a kid so I'll explain it like that. Then just your typical facebook/youtube. I treat that like talking to grandma for the most part. Thank god I found Sup Forums in 07, it has kept me away from a lot of dumb shit.

The escapist wasn’t my first but it was my longest (aside from here). I don’t know my password or I’d check in on it.

>posting style on forums was le randumb 12 year old and edgy 15 year old

This was a long time ago, also, my English wasn't good which makes everything worse.

I constantly make up new names with no regard for quality when I'm on places that don't require setting up accounts, every once in a while I end up liking that name and use it repeatedly.

I can't believe I still remember my username and password.

>always have used a throwaway youtube account
Who cares

>tfw you thought your posts from 12 were cringeworthy and you were now fine at 15
>tfw you thought your posts from 15 were cringeworthy and you were now fine at 18
>tfw you go through this cycle every couple years
Sometimes I go to the archive, input filenames or image hashes I don't often see other people using, and feel the same amount of shame as the shit I posted when I first got Internet. I'm going to go through it again in a couple years when I read the posts I'm writing right now, and it'll probably feel even worse because I'll likely think "you were self-aware about this shit why were you still so cancerous"

oh geez, I was that stereotypical hot topic wearan, myspace postan, yaoi lovan, fanfic writan, weeaboo goth girl in high school. Thankfully all my old haunts except for Sup Forums, Facepunch, and a couple of others are dead so no one will ever find out.

What I would love to see is my Sup Forums comment/post history. especially from back in 2004 but I bet it's the same cringy shit since I posted basically only on Sup Forums when it was still Anime/Random and then Sup Forums when they got split up

Here's my oldest pic in my Sup Forums folder, because all my older ones were lost due to HDD failure. Still funny. I wish we could go back to these simpler times.

I don't even remember my Gaia account or pass

which is a shame because some of that old shit could be flipped for some pocket change

>had a shitload of posts (15k+) on a small closed-knit fansite 15+ years ago
>they've had several database wipes and none of the old posts remain
>can't find anything through googling my old username or using

on one hand I'm glad, on the other I'm curious to see what dumb shit I used to post as a preteen

>tfw tons of cringey stuff on oldschool WoW forums
>it was all deleted
>still feel somewhat sad for all those juicy drama threads that are lost forever

Over 8 years, I see me transition from full liberal, to slightly race-realist liberal, to neoconservative (weird), to libertarian, to nationalist.


>That user on Serebii who had a Metagross avatar with a weird name of jumbled characters and posted in every fucking thread as some sort of cynical know-it-all

Pretty sure there's a way to have your username and password sent to you by email. Also, I looked into selling these rare items but they sell for close to nothing. You'll be lucky to sell the nitemare scarf for more than 10 bucks.

>sonic forum with oc donutsteel
>GAIA Online

How far back do Sup Forums archive sites go?

TechRaptor are gutless faggots.