Today I upgraded from a GTX660ti to a GTX1060 3GB. Now I have that 660 just sitting there

Today I upgraded from a GTX660ti to a GTX1060 3GB. Now I have that 660 just sitting there.
Is there something I can do with it?
No, shoving it up my ass isn't an option.

fuck off, beato

>No, shoving it up my ass isn't an option.


put it back in

Do you suppose it's physically possible to build an entire working computer inside someone's ass?

>from a GTX660ti to a GTX1060 3GB
You pretty much wasted money, especially if it was a 2GB model 660ti.
I personally went from 1GB 560ti to 6GB 1060 couple months ago, and the upgrade was notable.

>is there something I can do with it?
Sell it for 50 bucks.

sell it on craigslist

Don't give them ideas

>3GB in nearly 2013+5

The 6 GB one was way beyond my budget (40% more expensive). Still, I tested a couple games and the 1060 has been a notable upgrade.

My 40" TV has a max resolution of 1960 x 1080 so I don`t see the need for a higher card for now.

>50 dollars for a 660

I'm using HD7950 for 1080p and 3GB is surely not enough for max textures in some games even with "1080p assets"

give it to me ;_;

Found your problem.

Where are you?


>made a budget build long ago
>270 and some cheapo AMD card
>Worked great back when I built it
>Still runs siege at 60 so idc all that much
>Really starting to show it's age in any new game otherwise
>Have a 290 I could upgrade to but then the CPU would bottleneck it hard
>Can't replace the CPU without going to a higher AMD one
>If I want to upgrade to Intel I'd need to change the Mobo and that brings with it it's own issues, like potentially losing lots of stuff on the hard drive I've heard
What do I do?

Ah man, if we were in the same country I would mail it to you for real.

Don't upgrade

>upgrading motherboard
>losing hard drive

Something something the motherboard is extremely integral something something reformatting something. I dunno, it was a conversation I had with a buddy a long time ago.

I just wanted a little better performance. The build is approaching 4-5 years old now.


Good goy

...are you running Linux and wrote integrel parts of your front end to work with the BIOS like chump?

Then you're buddy would be right.

Oyherwise I think windows has a dummy script that writes part of the security check on your bios type, in that case windows will think you pirated windows, which might require you to reinstall Windows and reenter your Windows key(it's retarded). You wouldn't lose your files though. It could be messy, but you wouldn't lose shit.

you could use it as a dedicated physx card

Shove it up someone else's ass

Yeah, keep it in case you wanna try gpu passthrough virtualization, for windows gaming on Linux, which needs a separate dedicated monitor and graphic device, one for each, the host OS and another for the guest OS.

you really should have got the 6 gb version


Sell it
Keep it as backup
If you have the space and power put it in and use it as a dedicated PhysX card

let's build a computer inside Beato's ass

she already has speakers

What does a GPU manufacturer have to do with memory allocation by software, genius? Also HD7950 aged way better than any GTX600 series GPU to the point in overperforms GTX680 nowadays.
If anything it's Nvidia with ba reputation here. Suck that 3.5GB meme up.

>shoving it up my ass isn't an option
why the fuck not???

Play warioware smooth moves on it.