Why aren't you lining up RIGHT NOW to collect your brand new Xbox One X, Sup Forums...

Why aren't you lining up RIGHT NOW to collect your brand new Xbox One X, Sup Forums? Do you hate blockbuster exclusives at crisp 4K or something?

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Already got one.

What blockbuster exclusives?

How many do you think he will steal?


what a legend

i'd rather have 120fps and 480p than 4K and sub 30fps

cool it with the racism bucko

No I don't. But first show me a console that has those.

cause I bought it on amazon lol
the fuck is this, 2005?


I came into this thread just to call you a nigger.

no you don't

post your xbox one x or leave this thread

Until the Halo 6 console is announced I don't need one...yes I'm buying it for one game.

I'm warning you.
Enough with the racism.

i can't believe this gen has already gone on for 4 years

finally got into med school when I shoulda did it 4 years ago, I'm returd

Poor guys, they really fucked up big time making that rat the head of xbox.

Is that you in the pic op? Also I'll probably pick one up once my ethereum goes higher

I know 343 will probably rape halo further but I need my fix




Not OP but no worries, I do the same. I buy Xbox for Halo and Nintendo consoles for Metroid.

I have a PC already.


>tfw LEGEND posting is kill
>replaced by cancerous boar posting no less
This site has gone to shit

Oh shit!

This is the original Xbox and early 360 all over again

porch monkey
pavement ape
outdated farm equipment

I warned you.

Yeah I get it, the Sup Forums "haha racism lol" edgy 13 year old culture, but where I'm from we don't let such offensive comments slide.

I warned you and I tried to be civil, but you've crossed the line.
It is time for you to learn that your actions have consequences.

>We'll be slightly good again we promise
>Because we got an ex-wrestler to shill for us



Do something then NIGGER

I'd rather just have fun games instead of spec pissing matches

>This is the original Xbox and early 360 all over again
OG Xbox and early 360 had games though. If I wanted to play AAA garbage I'd just play it on PC.

the wii u of xboxs

Better late than never.

It's already happening.

You'll never see it coming.

Nobody will know it happened.

You're done, kiddo.

Has more games than the PS4.

That was the Xbone.

xbox x has no gaems

i know that feel. bought a wii u for xenobalde chronicles x and a ps4 for bloodborne. no regrets.

el oh el

Agreed, if Xbox doesn't come out with an FPS Halo staring the Master Chief and Nintendo doesn't come out with a 2D Metroid game staring Samus Aran I don't buy their consoles. I mainly buy Microsoft's and Nintendo's consoles for those games and then I would go out to buy other games but Halo and Metroid are my fixes.

"Xbox One X" is a worse name than "Wii U"

shoulda just did xbox 2, 3 etc

I'm not seeing a problem here.

XBox One X
A full 360

Waiting for the superior white version. At 199€




It's fine

The problem is it's a mouthful and any attempt to abbreviate the name sounds horrible
"XBox" on its own is fine
"XBox 360" could just be shorted to "360"
"XBox One" was usually just called "XBone" which sounds kind of stupid but it's serviceable
But with the XBox One X you either have to shorten it to "XBone X" which sounds even worse or "XBox" which creates potential confusion because they might not know what you're talking about.

I mean yeah you could just say "the new XBox" in casual conversation but you could do that for any horrible name.

I already have one. I've had it for a few days now. Taco Bell.

Me and my crew of core gamer friends just call it "bone x"

Your comment adds nothing to the conversation queer. To answer his question, I think the shitskin will steal one console but get caught and probably shot.


Evolution of the meme in real time.

Xbox One X Beta-Opening X.

What Video Games are YOU going to play on your brand new Xbox One X Sup Forums?!?

>Musty white boys buttblasted at the fact a black dude is going to be the one Xbone owner.

white boys smell like fish when they sweat. disgusting

The waiting game, as always

I literally know nothing about video games. I'm so new to it. Is the new Super Mario available on the X Box One X?

>You'll never see it coming.

Now the song is stuck in my head.

>You'll never see it coming

i cannot wait until this thing flops hard and microsoft is finally forced out of the console gaming scene
these are the jews that introduced their jewish schemes to nintendo and sony like the edgy kid in the leather jacket introduced heroin to the innocent highschool christians


>You'll never see it coming

You'll visit him during the night?

Except without the games.

So like the PS4?

Like the xbone.

I've heard all of these but blue-gum. Where the fuck does that one come from?

PS4 has no games though

Xbone has only dead memes left.

Xbone will have something by next year and 2019, will the ps4 have that's even worth getting since it hasn't really had anything worth getting this entire gen?

>have something by next and 2019
Like what? So far microsoft hasnt shown anything except the waiting game.

They're going the Nintendo route of not showing anything until it's almost finished.

Except they dont have anything thats almost finished. Thats the problem.


Pure cringe. gotta be a no lifer.

>blockbuster exclusives
Blockbuster went out of business OP. They won't get any exclusives like Gamestop does.

Because I'm waiting for my god damned bedsheets to dry so I can go to sleep.

Even blockbuster has more exclusives than xbox at this point.

I still don't know if the X Box One X is a next gen console like the Switch or just the last gen console new version like the Playstation Slim was.

Like Scalebound and Crackdown 3 and Quantum Break and Fable Legends, right?

Meanwhile Ghost of Tsushima has been in development for three years and playable for one.

Just call it "the X" you autist sperg.

its a mid gen upgrade. so its still an xbox one just beefier specs. its what the xbox one should have been when it released.

>Ghost of Tsushima
Never heard of it, don't care to know about it.
>Fable Legends
Who gives a shit.
>Crackdown 3 and Quantum Break
These were made before that decision was made.

I hate modern games in general and Xbox one X will not make Streets of rage 2 any better.
Actually, it can't even run streets of rage 2.

fuck off shill

>he thinks ori 2 is coming out in 2018
That shit is a 2019 game.

So every single game on the X Box One will be playable on the One X and visa versa?

>buying 343 Halo games

I didn't think anyone on Sup Forums actually fell for this meme

yup. Many original One games like halo 5 are getting 4k patches.

X gonna give it to ya

Really dude


Good bye... my sides.

sounds like an ED medication

>image gets posted to reddit
>everyone blindly cheers the monkey on, can't find one instance of "nigger" or any other slur with ctrl + f, even looking at the most "controversial" comments
>post the same image here
>thread turns into a nigger hate sesh

this is why i still come here. fuck dishonesty and the virtue signaling faggots who revel in it