We're putting the WAR back in WARCRAFT!

>We're putting the WAR back in WARCRAFT!
>btw we're removing PvP servers

Absolute incompetency.

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying any actual pvp happens on pvp servers.

Nobody gives a shit about WORLD PVP anymore since BC, yeah sure it sucks you can't kill level 20s with your mythic geared character anymore but hey.

new Goblin models FUCKING WHEN?

Q & A said new worgen and goblin models further into the expansion.

I'm guessing 9.0

Nah man it's all about killing the flightmasters and questgivers and auction house NPCs. That way you can grief more than one person at a time.

what even is the point of an MMO if the developers deliberately reduce player interaction with every update to the game

Why? They were literally the first race to get reworked to match the new artstyle.

theyre replacing any possible organic world pvp with scenario pvp
isnt that what everyone wanted?

World pvp has been trash for a long time. We only joined our local pvp server because it was the most populated.

You have plenty of interaction with guilds, parties and general/trade chat.

What more do you want? Or are you one of those cucked numale faggots complaining that there's no social interaction anymore in MMOs and then it turns out you're the one that never bothers typing a single word to anyone.

I hope they remove this change, it's the exact same thing as how pve servers work except you have to toggle in town

I was honestly expecting them to hack in some kind of rvr stuff to try and stuff all the upcoming rvr mmos. Then they did kind of the opposite.

To be honest though if they're concentrating all the people who actually want to pvp together so you can actually find fights worth having it's probably a good change.

I used to world pvp in wotlk and tbc all the fucking time, user.

Then Cata added flying mounts to themainlands of azeroth, and I've literally raided enemy faction leaders while half the enemy faction just floats in the sky watching their king die from a safe distance

no need to get so defensive, i just don't think any of those things affect gameplay enough to be significant, i mean yeah it's better than nothing but the point is that none of the game mechanics really encourage interaction, some actively discourage it

World PVP is dead and players killed it. If anyone even cared about world PVP all the high population pvp realms wouldn't be so hilariously one sided.

How does them not being able to fly equate to them coming to fight you? They'd still just avoid you, the majority of players don't give a wet fart about world pvp anymore.

It's not, and you're an idiot. If you toggle pvp on a pve server now you go out in a world of untagged people.
In BFA you can decide to join a pvp or pve server whenever you are in a city.

The difference is that it changes the cross realm instancing so you're actually in the same world as the other people who want to pvp.

This is a false meme.
Legion has made steps in the opposite direction, encouraging and bringing back that same interaction you people seem to be always crying for.
Face it, you just want something to complain about.

>none of the game mechanics really encourage interaction
And what "mechanics" in the past did encourage interaction? Because I can guarantee that almost all of them have a nearly identical counterpart in the current game.

>classic is on its way and I no longer have to give a shit about retail.

Classic is retail

Didn't they try to push the whole war thing back in MoP?
That sure worked didn't it?

is this expansion looking good for new players?

Part of the charm of PvP server was catching people at their most vulnerable.
>Oh I'm gonna go farm/quest
>Better turn PvP off
>Oh I'm leveling
>better turn PvP off so I don't get ganked
This is just forced pve that requires a little more foresight. The only people who will have PvP turned on will be rogues and people planning to gank

When you enable PvP, you are put on a cross-server shard with only other PvP players and balanced factions.

As long as you want to PvP, you might as well be on a PvP server. The only difference will be a lack of carebears who are only on PvP rules because their friends are.

It also eliminates issues like Tich or Illidan faction imbalance where one side is always rolling over the other with no challenge.

The start of every xpac is new player friendly. Problem is you come in the middle and don't know what rep to get or the efficient ways of doing things. Legion sucks for new players now because every one will be doing shit way faster due to flying

Get ready for vanilla with:
>new talent trees
>flying mounts
>battle pets
>dbm/atlas/every other braindead handholding addon
>all races/classes
>and much much more!

This is how you get people to do world pvp

If you give them an easy way out they'll take it, like Druids in TBC. If they can't easily escape they have to fight back.

We're putting the FART back in WARCRAFT

Because most people simply aren't interested in a dick waving competition in the middle of nowhere anymore and do you think FORCING someone to do something they're not interested in doing is going to have any kind of positive outcome? Get real.

That's how you get people to log out from your game and log into the forums to bitch about being unable to get anywhere. They can't have that anymore, they have 10 million people to please.

They did and it worked well enough up until a bigger threat came about. Really, the war between factions is always implied, but all of our efforts eventually get diverted to something else. I mean, they already implied at Blizzcon that Azshara and the naga are going to pop up at some point, so fuck the war angle from the start.

people that complain about ganking are some of the biggest pussies in the community. Ganking is just like hazing. Its just fun at the expense of the person being inconvenienced. We've all been ganked, we've all done some ganking, and we'll all continue to get and be ganked (that is until they make these wpvp changes). Circle of life. Get over it. Being killed a couple times before the ganker gets bored isn't a big deal nor is it even a remotely common occurrence. You faggots take shit way to serious which ends up ruining the fun for others.

Will classic not be a PvP server?

Fuck. I don't want it now. They were right...

you fucking serious??? so that means we will essentially being instancing, in instances? Good fucking god its already rare to run into other people outside, this just means that the outside world will literally be a fucking sole rpg.

What? No. Everyone who decides to PVP gets placed in PVP shards and everyone who decides to PVE gets placed in PVE shards. It's basically one step closer to one super realm.

You fucks always seem to act like Normal servers don't exist. It really is as simple as "if you don't want to ever get ganked, don't play on a pvp server."
>Nobody gives a shit about WORLD PVP anymore since BC
If that were true, then pvp servers wouldn't be consistently higher pop than normal servers. They would have died out over the last 10 years since BC.

Spoilers: PVP in wow was always fucking bad.

didnt they say they are putting in dedicated pvp zones? Still a dumb idea

>If that were true, then pvp servers wouldn't be consistently higher pop than normal servers.

If players really cared about world PVP they wouldn't play in horribly one sided realms where you don't ever meet a player of the opposing faction.

Players who don't want to PvP on PvP servers just log out or go away.

There are bonuses to having PvP enabled to counter the "inefficiency." If they add big XP/Azerite incentives to HKs and something similar to tenacity if you're outnumbered, it could be the preferred speed leveling/questing method.

The only times I've seen sustained world PvP past Vanilla has been when people are out to get revenge on one another and more people keep getting added into the mix.
That's the kind of people you should be playing with at all times with the new PvP ruleset.

From a community perspective it goes from:
Quest or level solo because there is no reason not to.
Group up only to raid or do dungeons because you are forced to.

Quest or level as part of a group to stay safer while enjoying the bonuses.
Small/Large group world PvP breaks out much more easily since the groups are already there.

In other words, it creates more content for PvP players while bringing those who would otherwise be PvE players into the mix, not the other way around.
It should integrate PvE and PvP players further if done correctly, not segregate them.

dominating factions tend to snowball over time. I dont know why blizz doesnt just balance out pvp servers

oh. so it just means that pve will be filled with everyone leveling and grinding and shit and pvp will be filled with only the 1-5 people that are in the mood for wpvp? got it!

I've literally never played on a server like that, and I've played on and off since vanilla.

No one actually gives a fuck about WoW PvP at this point. Not wPvP, not arenas not BGs.

The war was the best part though. Especially since in MoP both sides were commiting atrocities and had complete dickheads on each side.

Well they did say they were going to incentivize flagging your self for PvP

No, it means people will start grouping up so they aren't vulnerable while taking advantage of PvP flagged incentives, and actual World PvP might happen again.

They should punish you for not having it on, instead. -50% xp gains or something.

>adding another feature that SWTOR already added years ago

>tfw things like quel danas are too triggering for nuwow players
oh boy how much fun I had griefing people there

If there are three people in your entire region who want wpvp then Blizzard would be 100% justified in removing it entirely.

oh boy. leveling in a zone might happen again

All of the popular PVP realms are one sided, going all the way from 2:1 to 16:1

They said in an interview that they want to recreate the vanilla WoW experience, warts and all.

The one exception is Emerald Dream


>we're removing PvP servers
>but making areas mandatory PvP FOR LITERALLY EVERYBODY

This is good though you stupid fag, that and the level scaling of zones are some of the best decisions this retarded company have made for the game.

Yeah but that doesn't let him get outraged.

>they didn't you just opt in

Servers with lopsided factions are common, but not so lopsided that
>you don't ever meet a player of the opposing faction.
like you claimed.

SWTOR's only value is in the devouring of it's husk.

Yeah, go play on Illidan.

>We're putting the WAR back in WARCRAFT!
They say this every expansion and it never amounts to anything.
Which class should I play.

>The only times I've seen sustained world PvP past Vanilla has been when people are out to get revenge on one another and more people keep getting added into the mix.
>That's the kind of people you should be playing with at all times with the new PvP ruleset.
no. the only kind of people you are going to get with the new ruleset are 5 people who are just bored and in the mood for wpvp. They're just going to wander around for long periods of time not finding anyone until they find another person just like them, in which case it won't even be wpvp but more of a duel because its far less organic.

unless the rewards are really good, it would probably just be more efficient to go pve since you don't have to deal with the time lost to pvping. And besides that already said that while there would be rewards, they quote, "dont want players to feel in anyway pressured to have to flag pvp because of the rewards being too high not to."

>implying that would ever happen.
its like you don't even play the game m8.

not even. point is most people like wpvp until it inconveniences them. Ganking is fun, surprise attacks on other equal level players questing in the same area is fun, until you're the one getting fucked. So my point is, players are far more likely to just pve mode when they are trying to do something like go farm herbs, which then leaves no one left in the pvp area to be fucked. Someone has to get fucked in order for their to be fun for the fucker. If I'm going to go fuck someone, I need to also have my own ass available to give back to the community so someone can go fuck me. Its a two way, give & take system. this changes it to a take only system which of course won't work.

>tfw blizzard finally removes instancing for rp realms.
>tfw you have the perfect realm for wpvp.
>tfw blizzard just decides to take a giant shit over everything and perma kill wpvp.


>but making areas mandatory PvP FOR LITERALLY EVERYBODY

How is that good? pvp servers should be 100% pvp and pve should have the option to opt in or out of it.

Some of us are casual scum that just want to level without worrying about some other players getting in your way.

And others that want to play on a pvp server dont want the ability to bitch out on it.

>no one wants to get ganked when they're busy doing other things, so no one plays on pvp realms
>pvp realms end up with significantly less competition for resources due to reduced population, but all the people that do happen to be there want to kill you

Shit, that almost sounds like a risk/reward deal

Stuff like herbs and mining nodes are instanced per player now. It'll probably still be good for farming leather and cloth though.

ideally yeah, but unless you're out farming some rare shit, blizzard has made most resources for farming or quests plentiful enough to make competition with other players minimal.

I do play there, I ganked and got ganked plenty while levelling my shaman and druid there in WoD and Legion.

>you don't ever meet a player of the opposing faction
Actually I've had the experience of almost never meeting a player from the other faction pretty often. More so after they starting phasing zones, not sure why.

I also played there in vanilla, it was the first server I rolled a character on when I picked the game up in 2005. I made a rogue specifically because it sounded like fun to kill other players with.

>cant gank lowbies anymore.
>Actually have to fight people your level now.
its pretty damn funny when you realize that the real carebears are the people who wont PVP at all unless they have a sure shot at winning.

>straight back trolls
>straight back orcs confirmed incoming
This is genuinely good. I don't know what the fuck were they thinking when they made world of hunchbacks. Like what the fuck was their logic behind such a crappy decision back in vanilla.

I also play on Illidan and I've done the pvp world quests for six months straight without ever going up against an alliance player. Finding a player to gank with the same frequency you find a rare to kill is hardly a lively pvp.

Maybe some people like having the ability to do both.

nigga you so strawman you're name may as well be winkerman.

>We're putting the WAR back in WARCRAFT!
>Warfronts are PvE

fuck. wickerman*

>I've not witnessed the absolute surge of zerg pvp on Tich and Emerald Dream over the last 3 years.

Holy fucking shit that was the most edgy and retarded thing I ever read on this board.

Dont let your black chain pants snag on the bedroom door when you go to bed you faggot.

Warcraft has no gameplay, its basically a chat with an EVE spreadsheet simulator type "game" wrapped around it. Its explosion in popularity back in the day hinged on the lotr movies.
People who are desperately grasping for these vanilla servers are only doing two things, claiming to be the most og and wanting to just straight up timetravel back in time.
WoW is a fucking cancer that killed the most interesting rts and spawned a shitload of clones and kept proper gameplay out of mmo's for a decade or more.

>Horde and Alliance seriously at war now
>Separated by islands
>PVP servers gone
>PVE type "PVP" events
Bravo Blizzard.

Talk for yourself. One of the most fun things is engaging in natural world pvp while you are leveling a character against someone else who is also leveling in the same area. Aka both same level range and just happened to be in the same place naturally.

Of course, some people only care about whining and their brains only register the bad things such as them getting ganked by a player 50 levels above them. Limited minds lead to selective memory I suppose.

Okay, I'll bite - in what way did Legion,with its cordoned off sections of the game for each class, its emphasis on single-player content with artifact power grind, its phasing so relationships are meaningless, etc... at all incentivize social interaction?

Convince me to play the Alliance or Horde.

>I dont know why blizz doesnt just balance out pvp servers

Because there is no way of effectively doing it short of stopping players from doing what they want. Most people on high pop pvp realms don't give a shit about wpvp, they just want to play where their friends already are or play in a realm where there's actual shit to do compared to low pop realms. Forcing people to play on a faction they don't want for balance issues doesn't solve the problem while creating another.

>pvp world quests
You mean the ones the alliance has NO WAY of knowing the horde has a world quest there unless they go manually check every single tower on the map, and no incentive to go there other than to be outnumbered by all the people questing there?

I've never seen world pvp at those either for obvious fucking reasons, but I have seen them at almost literally every other world quest at least once.

I believe all y'all to be shitposters, cause I don't believe for a second that there is anyone who enjoys pvp

>Sylvanas realizes that leading an entire faction is too much for any one person
>goes to Zandalar to resurrect Vol'jin as a Zandalari ghost Loa
>forms a council of the leaders of the Horde's races. so its no longer a warchief that leads, but a war council

Screencap this.


They made raiding so fucking awful that guild now cycle through their entire roster of raiders over the course of a raid tier. Thanks Blizzard for making all those raiders meet so many new people!

It never was about lowbies or high lvls. It was about whether it was consensual or not. They enjoy jumping afk people or those who don't want to pvp for any reasons or are on their way to an instance. Basically game enabled griefing. If they actually wanted pvp they would queue for battlegrounds where they're matched up against players of their own mentality.

For them however it's more fun to crush people who can't fight back though. At least they're doing it in a game and not on the streets.

The need to form parties and groups using public channels, the need to complete group content in order to level from 1-60 effectively, the need to actually physically trek to dungeon locations, the need to dedicate x amount of time to high end content, the need to organize people in order to achieve anything meaningful .

All of this is absent in modern WoW because of the phasing, the raidfinder, the cross-server bgs, etc.

No, I mean the arena brawls.

Source for this pls.