Is she the greatest video game girl ever made?

Is she the greatest video game girl ever made?

I love Reisen!

she has no personality.


Fucking delete this

I love Fuuka!

Explain in one post why you think Jill is not best.

Which RE is this from?


>cardboard delivery VA's in most games
>never fucks chris
>1 dimensional character that is married to her job
>never fucks chris
>her face is now even more of an abomination than it was before
>never fucks chris
>the one fucking time they get a decent VA for her she was reduced to a shitty damsel and you could only play as her in the mercenaries via unlock and later in the dlcs
>never fucks chris
>was cucked in re5 when token bitch and chris went on the mission to finish wesker while she was busy being a mind slut
>aaand she never fucks chris

Did I miss anything?

git gud

Cynea from gravity rush anyone?

No way fag


That's not becca

She's ok but you can't compete with the queen

I like girls that play the piano.

Can't argue with that


Rebecca exists

Claire's better

twin plebs

Good taste.

Jill is fucking trash unless it's your dream to fuck a mannequin. The zombies are more lively than she is jfc.

what the fuck do I do against Krauser on the tower with the three minutes time limit, time keeps running out even after blasting him full of shotgun rounds

Shoot his legs or knife him shits easy as fuck

You could have went to literally hundreds of other resources to find out how to beat him yet you came to a mongolian cave drawing convention instead?

>Scratch below to reveal a hidden code!

thanks friendos