A new age of furry cybering has begun

>furry shortstacks
a daring synthesis


Me as the Human.

So how do these allied races work?

Can you play as them? What is their purpose?

>orc instead of tauren

"Allied races" are basically subraces, the thing in the OP is just a new race in the new expansion

>We couldn't figure out how to make people willingly want to play as goblins so we reskinned them as furries

The nipple clips through the wood.

>Implying they won't be the subrace for goblins

Wow that really looks like some fucking awful shit that does

cuckold fetish

they're not playable though

They're cute. I might actually play Horde if they're made playable, but alliance still has the best shortstacks.

for now.

>More fuel for the furries

>Horde dont get worgen but tiny fox people.
Damn blizzard really shootin for that equality.

Why does Knuckles look so angry ?

Yeah, when I pick up the game again I fully plan on playing a Gnome. I just can't hide my love for shortstacks, even if my friends see.

There's a giant ghost gnome costume toy you can apply to yourself semi-permanently

Gnomes a good choice; I made my gnome rogue all way back in BC and it's been my main ever since. Couldn't stick to anything else when I tried to change. Couldn't even keep any alts beyond a warrior side-kick.

I was actually going to play Rogue with her, I was considering Warlock or Mage, but I don't want to deal with robes!

Gnomes are small so vanilla low res mogs don't look so bad.

For robes? I know, but they just don't look all that cute in general.

I meant that most non-robe cloth armor skins come from vanilla.

Oh, I see what you mean now. Maybe I'll just make a mage after all..

Shadow killed his mom