I've only just started playing Rocket League.
I'm really loving it so far, even though I'm shit.
What do you think of Rocket League?
I've only just started playing Rocket League
shit game
I think it's good yeah
it's shit
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
It's fucking boring.
It's a great game.
It's really good as a casual time killer when you only want to play something for 15-30 minutes.
It also has a surprisingly high skill ceiling, so putting time into it feels somewhat rewarding as you start to do more impressive shit and your games get more intense
what I don't like is how you need to get to high diamond ratings for people to start acting like adults
It's one of the few modern games that's based on a solid foundation of player skill and teamwork (not, you play different classes that hard counter each other so you have to rely on others to cover for your built in weaknesses even though this results in degenerate cheese). The better you get the more you realize you have to learn.
surprised at how shitty the matchmaking is despite each match only requiring a handful of players
I honestly hate it. It’s way too fumbly, the skill floor is ridiculously high and everything before that feels like it happens by accident. I hate the camera too.
I also kind of hate it for taking the spotlight from Videoball, which is a considerably better-designed game that released way too fucking late.
what you think if rocket league didn't happen, this mobile game shit would be popular or something?
i play this shit with the senpai all the time. it's fun as hell.
by the way, does the mic system work online for the ps4? i never heard anyone talk before.
the ingame voip is garbage and impossible to understand
I was about to criticize you, but then at this point the average ranked player is much better than they were a year ago ,so you might be right in a sense.
I don't know about that, gold 1 is the average and even in diamond 2 I see people do dumb shit all the time
how can the camera be bad? You can adjust everything about it, you can even change it so you have to hold down a button for ballcam.
>i got 62 hours in game
>friend has 35
>neither of us can aerial with any proficiency
should we just give up?
I'm 500 hours in and the best I can do is hit the ball in the air, maybe sometimes in the right direction
>gold 1 is the average
What training modes do you use? Any workshops?
>not exclusively playing Snow Day
you bring your pain and suffering upon yourself
yo it took me 120+ to start understanding how to properly aerial, and best I can do at 160 is properly hit it in a straight line about 70% of the time. My friend with 300 hours can approximately turn around in the air to make it go the way he wants, but you ain't going to be doing loopings under ten million hours and not if you're not a super saiyan.
>tfw went from gold 2-4 to silver 3-2 after a fuckhuge losing streak
I started enjoying the game a lot more when I stopped playing ranked. No more stress or whining teammates, just get to chill out and have a kickaround for fifteen minutes after work before I move on to a chunkier game for the rest of the evening. The ranked community in this is absolute cancer and it's best that you separate yourself from it as soon as possible.
t. former Shooting Star
You're right. Random casual matches are generally low quality, you'll either want to go in ranked, team up with buddies, or both.
pretty fun to play 3 games a day.
I'm like platinum 2 so it's good for competitive games against non-try hards who practice all day
I also only play solo 2v2
I'm a bit above 500 hours.
Takes a lot of time to get good.
Totally worth the $20.
You're right about that, a lot of unlucky pinches and bullshit goals happen.
>the skill floor is ridiculously high
Yeah it just keeps going up, newer players aren't going to like that.
This is my biggest problem with the game.
Higher ranked players say to just use ball cam but ball cam sucks, it zooms in so you can't see shit like when/how your opponent is going to react.
There is no standard camera the way other 3d games have it, since it automatically resets back to infront of your car.
You shouldn't be expected to hold the camera to the side, boost, jump, air roll, and aim at the same time.
you do realize there is a completely separate options menu for camera settings, right?
His point is basically that there isn't a 'free-aim' camera mode.
Yes, none of those options stop your camera from auto resetting once you let go of the side.
Seriously though, I put the slider out to maximum FOV and distance and ball cam zooms it fucking in and pans all over the place.
The camera system is annoying as hell.
>Rocket League
>His point is basically that there isn't a 'free-aim' camera mode.
you don't need one. if you want more visual of your opponent, adjust the camera to pull back more. if you can play like this, you will have the advantage of seeing more of the field.
if you guys feel your camera setting is a problem, go into practice mode and adjust until you feel comfortable.
Would have been a better game if it Incorporated aspects from the Twisted Metal series.
what is camera stiffness
Im high diamond but with over 800 hours, my best tip especially when you start just do the training, the aerial training is reallyuseful because most shitters dont try to aerial since they feel they cant hit the ball anyway so they dont really get to practise in real games. so just do the training
Camera stiffness doesn't fix that at all.
I already have camera stiffness at maximum.
That prevents zooming further out than your settings while boosting, not zooming in.
You clearly aren't getting the picture.
no I'm getting the picture, you're autistic
First you know nothing about the camera settings while trying to tell me about them, and then you resort to name calling.
Do everyone a favor and end yourself.
There's no point arguing with these people.
>the camera is perfect!
>what, you can't do this thing that'll make the game playable?
>nah nah you don't NEED that, go practice until you adapt to the shitty camera!
the problem is on your end buddy
It's good. I've taken a bit of a break after the last season finished, currently waiting on the Tournament update, hopefully there will be automated tournaments with rewards, similar to Bloodline Champions.
oh look its the 1% again, in the real world we call it football.
Ball cam is for faggots
Its great, if youre competitive. But also fun with friends, game gets alot more fun when you get decent at certain mechanics instead of the monkey brainless ram the ball in low ratings
>champ 1
>cant even do rookie aerial training
how did it come to this?
Soccer was coined by the Brits though.
who the fuck gives a shit about the americans 1.0?
Someone in a thread a few days ago said it was basically Final Destination with cars and a ball.
What makes the game inherently satisfying is that skill is the only thing differentiating players. Its not one of those games where you get rekt by people with better gear or a build that counters yours, or shit like RNG crits. It comes down only to how well can you position and handle the ball.
If you have great game sense and position properly, you can rank up extremely high even if you cant do the flashy stuff.
Unfortunately the game is kinda plagued by shitty servers and matchmaking feels very odd sometimes. But overall its very solid and enjoyable with friends.
Road hog is the best car and 3v3 is pure anarchy aka garbage. Fight me.
>what a save!
>what a save!
>what a save!
>people on voicecom stuttering "EZ"
I usually stick to bullying the goalkeeper and watch them go mad
2v2 is really the best balanced mode. You have a team mate to play off and cover for you, unlike 1v1, but Both players have to acknowledge their commitment to a given play and constantly switch things up because there isn't just going to be a 'third man' waiting wherever on defense.
Been playing since release, average "shit" player nowadays would rank at least challenger elite or rising star back then. The real problem with Rocket League as with any game where skill matters is that the difference between the best players and pro players is a mile wide. Champ ranks are just high speed ball chasing contests where players can do aerials consistently. Demos are compulsory and the game is a stagnant 50/50 mining simulator where teams try to boost starve the other harder and everybody loses for having added 5 more minutes onto their 1k+hour playtime.You get to vs against the actual 1% of players with genetically superior reaction times and be reminded that you're still garbage but now you're not even having fun. Great game.
frustrating but fun
>genetically superior reaction times
You sure its not just server latency?
I have 4 ping a lot of the time and in replays it looks like my car is behind where its supposed to be.
Also a lot of corrections happen, probably because other people don't have sub 30 ping connections that often.
Kind of disappointing it all comes down to boost starving in the end.
I remember watching the early esports matches from when the game started and was surprised at how little team co-ordination there was. The meta has gone a long way, and people are still figuring out kickoff strats.
>Kind of disappointing it all comes down to boost starving in the end.
In the same way that it's disappointing that Quake comes down to pickup hording.
I think Plat is the worst for that, I've rarely seen a game there that didn't involve some sperg throwing a fit in the chat. Surprisingly, Silver is pretty chill most of the time.
Plat is the absolute worst. I'm in Diamond 2 now and people are pretty chill.
What else separates the best from the "best"? If you react quicker then you do everything faster than the other guy unless he got a lucky pre-jump
Yeah the meta is moving towards planning actual plays I was just saying you'll only see these 1% of the 1% of top players doing that. For the normal champ players you scrape by in matches against other plebs then occasionally get fucked by pros just messing around.
I have a love hate relationship with it. I have like nearly 900 hours and all I play is ranked 2v2.
Things I love
>great gameplay
>unlimited skill ceiling
>lots of added content for free
>tons of hours of play time
Things I hate
>the rank system (I pop in and out of diamond 2 and if I win 3 or 4 games I play against champions and diamond 3 even when I am in division 1 or 2 and if I lose 1 or 2 games in a row I am playing with platinums it makes no sense)
>the toxic as fuck community (you get a mate who is just there to troll and then he writes in chat something like "report my mate pls" and the other team all report you for no reason and you get punished)
>the ban system, you get banned for the most minor things in this game or sometimes no reason at all and there is no appeal system or anything and the vans last days
>crates, just a scummy gambling gimmick with pointless items
>pretty bad servers
I cant think of anything else right now but I am sure there are more.
>I dindu nuffin and got banned
yeah right
It actually happens.
Really fun game, have over 400 hours in it now and still counting. Gonna buy it on switch when it comes out later this month.