Warlock or Hunter for Classic WoW?
Warlock or Hunter for Classic WoW?
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>muh vanilla is superior to all following expansions in all regards!
>warlock rotation 21111111121111
>hunter rotation 11111111111
Both level fast, Warlock might be more wanted for dungeons and utility.
Warlock. Hunters are boring as shit and get absolutely raped by Rogues and Warriors.
Hunter for farming
Warlock to wait for tbc
What about Warlock or Rogue?
Warlock because while Rogue is great in PVE and PVP you will be competing with about ten thousand other rogues on your server for spots/groups.
>retailcucks are this upset
Will they balance the classes a bit for this return of vanilla?
If not is there some helpful build guides anywhere? I only played paladin during vanilla and I was shit as well. Not doing that this time, thinking of Warlock or mage.
I was thinking rogue at first but like said there is not going to be any lack of rogues.
Hunters were boring as fuck.
You'll have more fun as a warlock.
There's going to be a shit ton of mages, too, and warlocks if you're Horde. Just play whatever you like.
soulshards vs arrows pick your annoyance
>all this hope for nu blizzard to deliver
i don't get this place
you are all idiots
>spending mana on anything that isn't tranq shot or feign death
look at this absolute retard
>not putting on auto-shot and going afk
2017 wow...
Hunters shit on warriors. Dwarf hunters shit on rogues.
There are a few ways they could fuck this up, but I hope they dont and it doesnt seem like they will.
I'm gonna be a Troll Priest, PvP.
I like being in second place at whatever I do optimization ways because it makes me feel like I'm not a bitch boi that clearly just picked the best combo.
Rogues are the braindead obviously best pick for PvP, so I'm gonna mid-tier. Undeads are the best PvP race by far, so I'm not doing that either.
Gonna do my own thing and operate with style.
warlocks are mushrooms.
How about fuck off back to your containment board ? You faggots ruined all chances of Warcraft 4 and instead keep worshipping your stale outmilked, dying cow of a game. Fuck right back off.
Hunter for the aesthetics
I'm going to roll hunter and roll for all items
>tfw picked lock in vanilla/bc because some guy told me they were OP
>play the game on and off
>only get to max level during wotlk
Damn I missed the glory years
They'll probably balance the game a fair amount. A lot of classes aren't viable at endgame/meme tier. And like then shitposter above stated rotations really were as entertaining as watching paint dry. There will be some retooling, otherwise they won't have a playerbase to sustain. People will just leave the sub paywall for free servers.
>>Rogues are the braindead obviously best pick for PvP,
Can't wait for all the rogues rolling on classic because of this meme only to find out that rogues aren't anything special in 1.12.
lmao, look at this madbabbie
Warlock, hunters will be over represented.
And I will be playing one.
Missing out on Devouring Plague for personal hipster points just makes you a retard.
patrician is to keep passing on gear to other hunters to foster good will, and then if people complain about your dps you can just point to your shitty gear
no no, he has the correct attitude for a troll
you've got to embrace the hipsterness of being a troll
It's going to be entertaining to see the buttfrustration when they address how imbalanced the faction racials are and overall balance bullshit. They won't pop out vanilla hybrids in today's age.
LMAO your taste in games if fucking garbage
Get the fuck out you underage manchild, mods need to clean this shit up right now. Don't you have a daily cock to suck off?
I can see them tweaking Boomkin, Enhancement Shaman, Shadow Priest, Warlock overall, and Retadin. Not sure how they would make Feral and Paladin tanks viable without just turning them into their BC versions. Itemization will be a big part of these classes not being garbage.
Zero chance they do racials, the immense salt could fill Thousand Needles to the fucking top.
they simple have to change it if only to sustain interest
i can easily imagine them not going to TBC, people are just used to private servers doing that because thats the only "new" (but really old) content available
what they actually should and i hope they do, is release new content for vanilla BEYOND NAXX
karazhan and hyjal could easily be brought into vanilla but i think they could go beyond that
>implying hunters even had a rotation
it was literally autoshot while you reserved mana for feign death and tranq shot. half the hunters in raids would have to jump around every once in a while to avoid being marked as AFK unless there was an aggro reset coming up
>Zero chance they do racials, the immense salt could fill Thousand Needles to the fucking top.
imagine if they removed fear ward
Auto auto aimed, you dumb nigger.
Nearly infinite mana and if you weren't braindead you could avoid overclipping and do much more dps
>Vanilla Hunter DPS
I imagine they'll add in the current racials to classic. People complaining would be try hard horde fags anyway. But yeah, in honestly see them pushing the game to a minimum of TBC mechanics pretty quickly just for quality of play. People would get bored within hours. My personal opinion is they push to Wotlk, rotations actually we're rotations but none of this current 3 button rotations and a proc.
Mage or rogue for vanilla. Everything else is a meme pick, unless you're a PvE shitter.
Problem is Blizzard can't win with vanilla. Tamper with it even a bit and you'll get the vanilla fags raging, leave it unchanged and new players won't get it. I doubt Blizzard is doing this for any reason other than to bolster their failing subs with additional income.
>classic servers
>tremor totem quaking intensifies
with tremor totem you still needed 2 tanks for say onyxia
i just did ony with an alliance raid on a private server with literally 28 people, 1 tank, and we downed the rat in 3 minutes flat, with most of the raid being fucking alts
alliance is so easy its disgusting if they change anything change that so its worth even bothering with
They really need.to introduce at least a single viable seal to retry palies to make it at least playable(like the seal of blood or whatever they gave blood elves in TBC, which still left alliance retardins useless)
What healer guys?
I played a pally healer in vanilla and I was buffing every 5mins. Free mount was neat.
Priest or Druid?
Hex of Weakness is very good unless you're a glory hound that needs to make all the damage and kills personally.
Also, devouring plague chews through mana like nothing else, I used to play an undead priest and that shit is way overrated unless you're able to duel someone fresh.
I'd rather hex of weakness people left and right, especially if I don't look like a generic undead fagboy while I do it.
Druid is far more versatile. Depending on patch, Priest might have Spriest being stupid strong.
Depends on what you want. Druid used to be hard to come by in actual Vanilla but they're damn popular on private servers.
Druids are dogshit in vanilla, worst class.
Priests and paladins were best healers with paladins having way better buffs and easily being the best support class.
And I meant versatile in that you could always change specs. Druid is great, priest is great, but druid is much more interesting to play overall.
Druid is shit because you can't have More than 1 of each type of HoT on the tank. If there's two Druids only one can Rejuv. Druids are only for PvP.
Priest, Shaman or Paladin are all solid picks though.
I 100% guarantee that the old buff debuff system will be gone.
>not being UD priest master race
Honestly, im kind of a "vanilla purist" but i hope they do, the racials were so retardedly unbalanced back then that its just pointless to keep them the way they were.
Alliance racials were basically useless, especially in PvE....
Or if they add the new once, i hope they rebalance them cos shit like Every Man for Himself is also OP as fuck
Extremely unlikely, it would completely trivialize KT in Naxx if you could just have 4 Resto Druids rejuv the Frost Blast target instantly.
>Warlock or Hunter for Classic WoW?
Battle for Azeroth because I'm not dumb enough to go back where I was 10 years ago, lol.
This. That's one change I'd actually support.
It made it so that literally only 1 of each class that relied on that shit would get brought into groups.
I used to tank as holy pally in stat and scholo.
Can’t wait
You're not a purist at all. You want to sound cool but you want shit changed. You're a casual.
Im just gonna sit in AV and spam dots on mages as a warlock
Will I have to install the current WoW game to have access to the classic servers? I don't want 700gigs (or however big the game is now) just to play vanilla.
Tell us user, what are your favourite games?
I really fucking hope they keep dual specs, FUCK being a spriest at heart and slaying nerds in BGs, but having to respect every single day for raids and dungeons cos no none wants to take spriests :(
Content was balanced around it though. Likewise the debuff limit. Yeah removing it would be nice from a gameplay perspective, but doing so would require extensive rebalancing.
Very few people trust Blizzard to make large changes and not fuck it up. they'd rather deal with the problems the game had that they are already comfortable with than the unknown problems Blizzard would interoduce by tinkering.
I agree with you, but they will work around it somehow. Most likely scale encounters to a different way than pure vanilla. Basically design the game around how it is currently with multiple buffs but in an vanilla coat of paint.
Yeah, and it'll be current sub fee plus 5 dollars for Classic they said in the last interview.
I think respecs will be reduced significantly, dual specs is a little too casual
Wow buy a bigger HD you colossus faggot..
Waaaaa storage!!
No info on that yet, but I can't imagine that it will be necessary. They are two completely different games
>20 dollar sub
Because Blizzard are totally going to be able to do that without completely fucking it up, right?
Dual specs would fundamentally change the game and are a bad idea. You choose something and you stick with it. You don't like that? Too bad.
New character models or old?
I’d prefer old
>im so hardcore i want objectively dogshit gameplay decisions to be kept, while they can easily be fixed without taking anything from the experience and actually improving it
neck yourself
my best memories with WoW were the world PvP and battlegrounds, and I started near the end of TBC/beginning of WOTLK
will classic WoW be good for me? I haven't played in a very long time, quit in Cata
Didn't say they wouldn't, but that change you can see coming a mile away.
>are a bad idea
They're not a bad idea when majority of specs are not viable. I'd rather have dual specs than Blizzard trying to fix shit.
Yes, bring back nelf titty bounce
That was TBC with the aimed-steady-killcommand macro. Vanilla Hunter was auto-aimed-auto-multi-auto-auto-aimed-auto-multi /repeat
Have there ever, at any point, now, vanilla, or otherwise been a time in which Blizzard has correctly balanced racials? No?
So why would you ask them to change something with how bad their track record has been for what, 8 years now for other content?
Can't fucking wait to try and level in STV again. Page trading, rogue dodging, maxing out the quest log with a zillion quests, FUCK it'll be so good
So what I’m getting from this thread is that most classes in vanilla are worthless and the ones that aren’t are boring as fuck to play, correct?
Page trading might actually be viable where as you've had to skip it on every private server due to shit population.
Mite b cool.
Worgen demon hunter
Undead warlock > any other type of warlock
Every class is shit unless it's your favorite.
Fuck it I’m rolling pally
Dwarf or human?
Im gonna do gnome
That's Vanilla, nostalgia is great.
Can I have a rogue just for pvp in vanilla? or would I be forced to compete with a million other rogues for gear from pve so that I can be relevant in pvp?
Can I just pvp and get some sort of pvp set that will stay good vs raid gear?
Dwarf because cannon arms
Undead is best everything, though.
He has no source. They haven't decided anything at all. Go read the Eurogamer interview.
How viable is it being a raid healing priest and trying to pvp in the same spec?
All classes were taken everywhere. People complain because all specs weren't viable.
>cutting your DoT DPS in half to be a special snowflake