When can we play video games that look like this?

When can we play video games that look like this?

Is it possible to predict when it will happen?

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Looks like modded Skyrim.

I just want more Sylvanas.

you already can Blizzdrone.
Maybe pull your head out of Blizzards ass and look around

I want to get between those legs and worship my queen while she maintains a bored composure and humours another war "council" from orc brainlets

...for the horde...

I mean when will the technology be good enough for WoW to look like the cinematic, guessing it's still decades away

3 decades away

when computer get powerful enough to be able to render images like this in split second, not weeks

Never. This required renderfarm, with single frame rendering for hours

btw worst looking blizzard cinematic so far, chinese outsourcing and usage of boring realistic PBR shows

Lol those fucking eyebrows, imagine having eyebrows so fucking huge they stop hitting your head on shit.

>for WoW to look like the cinematic

Am I the only one that wants Neural Network based enemies in my games when the hardware can handle it and not just pretty graphics?

>this single frame has been rendering for days
>it would need to be able to render in 1/60th of a second

I don't know user, probably never.

Meaningful advancements in vidya AI is all I've been I've been wanting for the past 10 years or so.

>Probably never
This game is 20 years old, praised at the time for it's good graphics
Look at a game made this year, the graphical differences are enormous, now tell me we won't advance to ops pic in 20 years

1. diminishing returns
2. moore's law is ending

There are 3-4 possible die shrinks left, which mean around 400% increase in power, after that intensive improvement of conventional GPUs will be no longer possible.

have you seen Uncharted 4

it looked nice

GOOD ai can only be as intelligent as its authors... those chess and GO AIs just brute force the most "optimal" decisions to make, they're not actually thinking or intuiting. to make a robust AI you have to allow them to actively make trade offs with regard to valuing information, allowing it to "focus its attention" just like humans do. that's why RTS AI sucks cock... people keep trying to make RTS AI like they make chess/GO AI and it will never (for the foreseeable future) work because RTS has a jillion more potential moves to value/comprehend compared to like 52 in chess and 3000 in go. eventually computers will be strong enough to brute force starcraft in the same way, but in the mean time people need to actually write SMART ai, not just LE MEME OPTIMIZATION ai.

>"I cannot do this, father. I cannot be the hero you were. I cannot be the king you were."
>"Stand as one! For the Alliance!"

A gradual progression towards this change would have been nice, instead of this almost Far Cry 3-esque manning up out of nowhere. Then again, I didn't play through the last parts of Legion, so maybe it happened during that.

Quantum computing

>superb graphics
>devs still with their excuses to do the optimizations nowadays
>muh budget constraint
4 decades more

People say they want better AI, but they actually don't want it.

Let's imagine an FPS with AI that is almost self aware. You would either get locked in cover taking potshots in a stalemate with the enemies as the AI has just the same amount of self preservation as you do, or the AI simply uses its capabilities to mount a defense/offense so effective that no one human could hope to fight against it. After all, shooters are not dueling games, the AI would have access to a lot of manpower, which in turn translates to more firepower, more angles of attack and more resources in general.

So the game would either be boring or impossible to complete.

>When can we play video games that look like this?
I'm more interested in when we can have furry porn that looks like this.

This happened with FEAR. They programmed basic flanking AI and players got pissed because they never noticed the flankers and then got shot from an angle they didn't even know they were being attacked from. It's really good flanking, but it feels "cheap" for the player.

I think if you train your player to expect the AI to be cunning and give them the tools to understand what the AI is doing that will mitigate the feeling of "cheapness" though. Plus, an AI that can actually be "psyched out" would be amazing.

The problem is that AI is in such crazy demand right now, that anyone with any skill at it drowns in lucrative employment offers. Companies like Google offer $300k a year contracts to kids straight out of college. There is no way for the games industry to compete and get good AI programmers on the payroll.

How do you train players to deal with multiple angle flanking? The player can only realistically engage one flanker at a time, while the others will effortlessly gun him down. They would have to give the player a minimap that highlights enemy positions so he could keep ahead of the curve, but that would kind of defeat the point of the AI being so crafty in the first place. And if the player tried to fortify a position that cannot be flanked, such an advanced AI would just flush the player out of such positions with explosives.

>How do you train players to deal with multiple angle flanking?
Let's pretend we're making a modern shooting game. The AI fire element first lays down suppressing fire to pin the player, then the AI manoeuvre element moves to flank the player.

The player could be given something like a smoke grenade to block the suppressing fire and allow him to move from the position being flanked. He could be given landmines to block flanking approaches. He could be given explosives of his own to engage the AI fire element directly. He could be given AI squadmates or autoturrets to block flanking approaches, or to send out as flankers of his own. He could be given a stealthsuit and pretend to be suppressed while sneaking and hiding, then wait for the flankers to flank on his original position then pop up behind them and knife them like a total badass.

Then the AI could have its own strategies to deal with these impediments, forcing the player to create multi-layered defences to keep on top of AI flankers. Maybe if it's approaching and gets landmined it backs off and looks for an overlooking position to get enfilade fire down into the player position instead of trying to close with you. Maybe if the doors are mined it goes through the walls. If it encounters and autoturret maybe it pops smoke to evade it - but that reveals that it's flanking, giving the player warning. And so on.

The thing is that all of this requires effort from game designers to first create, then balance, then make fun to use, then educate the player in using. All of this just to create AI that flanks.

Much easier to turn off their flanking behaviour and design corridor maps that don't have room to flank anyway.

when can they plug us in to world of warcraft you mean?

I know about 50% of people don't like Sylvanas as a character in Warcraft/where Blizzard took her character, but what was Sup Forumss opinion of the modeling and animation work on her in that trailer (accuracy to previous iterations of her not withstanding)?
I thought it was pretty good (I thought all of it was actually excellent).

Quantum computing doesn't work the way you think it does. It is actually worse for many things, rendering being one of them, than conventional computing.

You will never, ever be able to play games that look like OP in your lifetime.

>like OP in your lifetime.
I dunno man. Skyrim/Fallout 4 mods look pretty fucking good. Given another decade, I think we'll get to something similar to that.

What the fuck is your logic? Have you seen the graphical jump from the last gen to this one? Barely noticeable.

We're gonna keep improving, no doubt about it but your point makes no sense.

Maybe static models will, but dynamic movement of hair and stuff will require so much more computing power than we have available at the moment. Given the kind of graphics stall we've seen over the last couple years (let's be honest, games aren't really getting markedly improved in the graphics side of things) it might be a while.

When can we play video games that has gameplay mechanics like trailers?

Skyrim and Fallout look nothing like OP. It is simply not possible for that kind of rendering to be done in the home. Maybe there will be some kind of breakthrough, but if there isn't the answer is fucking never ever until it's feasible to OWN a personal renderfarm.

this is how Wc2 cinematics looked like
after 20 years we've surpassed them

so theres a good indicator

One major problem with this is it takes way more money to make textures and models of this quality, nevermind how herculean a task it is for a computer to actually do.
That's one problem with uping graphical quality. You also have to get better artists and it takes them more time to make something.

I guess you aren't looking at the right mods then. With the right ENB enabled, stills of characters can look easily as good as OP. I'll try find one.

heres an orc today
ill post more comparison pics

We're also advancing slower than we were.

To give you perspective on that question. Typical scene in cgi cartoon involves 17TB of geometry and 30TB of textures. When will your PC able to raytrace-render that at 30FPS at least?

>He dint "played" The Order

after I upgrade my graphics card later this year

What would have your reaction been if this appeared at the end instead?

Depends where you make your comparisons. At the upper end of the spectrum for example, compare Assassin's Creed 1 (PS3/360) to Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4/XO), or Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 4. There was quite a quite a noticeable difference in both resolution and overall visual fidelity.

When can we play video games that look like this?

Is it possible to predict when it will happen?

Video games can handle neural network AI there's just no point in doing it for anything other than strategy games, action game enemies are intentionally dumb to make them easy to fight

It'd probably be shit


pic related: heres a human from wc2

with optimization and some smoke and mirrors it could be done

the polygon count isnt rising as fast, but we're getting better at lighting and other minor effects that, at this point, add more to photorealism then just a detailed model

>We're also advancing slower than we were.

it seems to be like that for everything these days, even medicine is not advancing at the rate people predicted

>with optimization and some smoke and mirrors it could be done
optimization and smoke and mirrors results in the graphics we have today
if you want cutscene looking graphics you need raytracing lighting and that's slow

Do you honestly think they'd make a RTS game nowadays? Fat fucking chance. SC2's popularity is nowhere near what Overwatch has (had?) and considering how people are crying that games are too hard for them I doubt anyone would even play RTS anymore.
t. someone who actually is really shit at RTS but happy for people that can get some decent games they like

and human today

Looks like you posted the wrong picture

Hasn't happened in that yet but they have said there are going to be mini story things happening after the raid but before the expansion leading to the launch event.

He can't be the hero or King his dad is because hes not a fighter. Hes trying but even in the cinematic his fighting is just autistic swinging against a shield and only winning due to holy magic. He can't be int he front line directly murdering shit like Sylvanas was but he can stand with his army and do his priest bullshit to heal and rez them.

Another good example is the marines in Halo games. From left to right is 1, 2, 3, and Reach. Advancement even within a generation is typically pretty noticeable, it just depends who's working on it.


Lordaeron capital city then

>Advancement even within a generation is typically pretty noticeable
then why does 2 look the best

>Then again, I didn't play through the last parts of Legion, so maybe it happened during that.
Yeah, maybe.

You fucking twat

>good example

and now

heres the ruined version

by the time that these are feasible ingame graphics, we will have long achieved the jew singularity and it will simply not be worth your time or your money
My last best was the west importing japanese gacha jewery, now I'll bet for pay2highres graphics

Yo, I'm talking about polygon counts and texture resolutions. Stylistic choices are a different issue.

>Hasn't happened

Hope for a breakthrough in the quantum computer thing.

Then we can have this in real time in vr.

>He can't be int he front line directly murdering shit like Sylvanas was but he can stand with his army and do his priest bullshit to heal and rez them.

isnt that way better for a leader

I kinda like this

t. horde player

More leading directly into what is happening with that is what i mean. We got him picking up the sword and that but how that directly leads to leading a siege on Under city.

Khadgar then

so why does Anduin look like Brad Pitt with the lips of a little slut

Khadgar now

>Brad Pitt
Glad other people thought so.
(I haven't been in any discussions about it, so don't know if this is common opinion or not)

>don't know if this is common opinion or not)
he was clearly modelled to look like him

deathwing then

Deathwing now

have you ever played a multiplayer game? People there have the same self preservation and still the game is playable.
Having a good ai doesnt mean it will be extremely effective or impossible to defeat.

People make mistakes and overestimate their abilities. An AI would not do that, unless programmed to do so, which would make its performance awkwardly fluctuating.

And have you never been in a multiplayer match where the other team is a cohesive unit and the other full of bumbling retards with you stuck with them? Playing great AI would be like that, except you wouldn't even have the retards with you to soak up fire.