Just finished Wolfenstein 2. Boy, that ending sucked. Game was mostly mediocre aside from the gunplay and a few ridiculous moments. I think I'd give it a 5/10. Its kind of baffling how critically acclaimed it is but I guess that could also be said for The Evil Within 2 or the Mordor game, just the state of modern games journalism, I guess? What did you guys think?
Just finished Wolfenstein 2. Boy, that ending sucked...
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I didn't play it because why the fuck would i bother playing it?
why would you bother responding to this thread if you didnt play it
>Its kind of baffling how critically acclaimed it is
because the marketing is: if you don't like this game you are a nazi or pro Trump, so reviewers try to give it good score
because he's free to post what he wants, this isn't reddit or neofag
So you know what you're talking about
im free to chop my own cock off but it wouldnt be unreasonable for someone to ask why i did it either
Yeah it took so much effort to write a few words
Any other game get 9/10
>lol IGN w/e
Wolfenstein gets 9/10
anyone else think the game had weird difficulty spikes? it was mostly easy but there were a few moments. particularly that part in the courthouse jesus fucking christ that was terrible.
also is there any reason to do the sidequests at the end of the game, does it lead to new cutscenes or anything or is it purely padding?
Well you're not wrong
-It was too short
-The story wasn't funny, interesting or satisfying
-There weren't any bosses even though there usually are in Wolfenstein
-Music was bland for the most part
-It was quite heavy on unskippable cutscenes ruining replayability a bit
-There's no multiplayer
On the plus side it runs well and the gameplay is generally pretty competent but not as fun as Titanfall 2 was.
forgot the fact the level design was mostly linear trash and the enemy variety was lacking and a lot of characters were completely one dimensional and shit. anya was a fucking cardboard cutout
You're the only one "reee"ing here.
>So you know what you're talking about
Go apply this philosophy to drinking drano please
How do you know chopping your own cock off is a bad experience without trying it?
man, i forgot about titanfall 2. that and doom 4, imo, shits on this game. but i always prefer my fps games to be really mobile and encourage movement which wolfenstein 2 really doesnt do, especially on higher difficulties
What, because I'm the only one to type it out? We all know what you're like behind that computer screen, you perpetually butthurt whiner.
I feel absolutely no desire to know what that's like or ever talk about my experiences with it.
when you say ree youre implying someone is extremely mad when the only emotion displayed here at the critical consensus is befuddlement. you seem pretty derriere damaged right now trying to play armchair psychoanalyst because a guy justifiably called you out on a taiwanese image board lol
It's fair 7/10. "Mediocre" is 5/10 and, as you've pointed out yourself, there's fun gunplay and these few ridiculous moments that are putting it 2 points above mediocre.
Not a Doom-tier, but still a good game. I had a blast and I hate linear levels as well as commies/leftiests.
>you seem pretty derriere damaged right now trying to play armchair psychoanalyst because a guy justifiably called you out on a taiwanese image board lol
Same to you, friend.
Come and get you white ass milk dick cracker jive turkey honkey muddafuggin redneck neckbeard milquetoast republican cumskins
Stop projecting.
Yes but its fucking dumb.
No, it is not "okay" to be white because white people are the greatest rapist murderer oppressors of all times.
lol classic
Zero fucking self-awareness
Can you blame them for being wary of white people in a Nazi society? A black man, they'd know which side he's on just by looking at him. Some white dude they've never seen before? Statistically, that's a Nazi.
Learn your lesson and buy any AAA game a year after release and skip all the bullshit this industry throws at us.
Congrats. Go blog somewhere else. What do you think this is? A board about video games?
Was buttmad at the difficulty on i am death incarnate so I switched to the default dont hurt me one.
It was a great choice now the game plays a lot more like the original wolfenstein. Those harder difficulties make the game into something completely different.
Doom 2016 at least played the same on normal and hard.
Difficulty escalation should be like that, not this abomination that forces you to use stealth as it gets harder.
The evil within 2 had the same problem, Nightmare was complete bullshit but the game was better on normal
this so much. higher difficulties shouldn't play so different from the normal one. Should be a harder version of normal not almost a different game altogether.
The funny thing is that mentality is probably the most realistic thing about that resistance group given the current state of leftwing purity testing.
No multiplayer is a good thing though. I Agree with your other points.
Pretty much how I felt about it.
However, that fucking credit song is a crime against humanity rivaling anything the Nazis ever did.
Considering how perfect the blacks are portrayed in Wolfenstein, how is nazism a bad thing? I mean, compared to the real world.
Where do I find the sick bass theme that often plays in cutscenes?
OST mostly contains ingame ambients and so.
How could you improve this game?
Honestly? BJ becomes disillusioned with the degenerates that he associates with and slowly begins to wonder if Hitler was right. It becomes a thrilling masterpiece of inner conflict and moral dilemma.
Wyatt, a drug addict, literally takes drugs while in the field of combat and stops to talk to a cartoon frog while a pregnant woman is getting shot at.
A former lawyer who threw away his lucrative career to chase after space aliens, so stupid that he thinks walking into a Nazi prison and literally acting like a stereotypical yelling Jew is a good idea.
The black chick, smokes while breastfeeding her baby and can't show the least bit of respect to the men around her who have fought for her "freedom". Has a child with a man that should be on antipsychotic medication.
Horton, an actual alcoholic communist. While the Nazis are in space, he's living in an alligator infested swamp.
The fat chick, throws away her relationship with her mother and a lucrative career as a high ranking member of the military because she can't stop eating sugar.
Max Hass is a literal retard.
Set, had access to technology that could have liberated all of mankind forever and didn't share it for no good reason at all. Also admits that the Dash Yid (whatever) uses mind altering drugs.
All of the characters are awful. Also the portrayal of the Nazis is Hollywood retarded. It's mentioned that blacks are enslaved again. Why? The have giant fucking robots that can fly, what can a black do? What, did the Nazis send nigs of to Venus to build their facility? Also the portrayal of Uncle Kamphy. There's no evidence that he ever behaved this way, it's just typical kike gloating and smearing. How much do you wanna bet that the degenerate college going lefties are the ones who vomit in public and drunkenly piss in buckets? And Engel, you really believe that the Nazis would let an actually psychotic woman be in charge of anything?
>Has a child with a man that should be on antipsychotic medication.
Is that his kid? I never could tell. I know Sup Forums and Sup Forums did the whole "wife's son thing" but I never saw anything in game that flat out said that.
You also forgot Fergus.
Some how, a veteran, killing Nazis since WWII, well into his fifties or beyond, is a virgin.
This whole post is why I'm confused as to whether the devs actually had a healthy sense of self-awareness given they're making you side with the utter dreck of humanity to destroy what has become for all intents and purposes a utopia with shoehorned faults that don't make sense. Once you get past the Pavlovian response everyone is conditioned to see when they hear "Nazi," the actual sides and arguments start to present themselves in a much more nuanced light.
It's kind of odd really. A person would be forgiven for thinking the whole thing was merciless satire of all the archetypes and analogous personalities that make up the resistance, but at this point those people no longer see the reality of their situations nor understand why someone might reject such a gaggle of objective trash.
If the game was genuinely supposed to be pure satire, I'd say it is probably one one of the most brilliant games in a long time.
Like if you're supposed to think "Wow, this dad is so unrealistic, he's basically what liberals think everyone in the south is like" and not think "No dad, what about you?"
Just ran through the game, I do have an honest opinion about it.
Gameplay wise, it's solid but tedious. Doom4 had you in situations you could easily get out of and made the enemies tough, but not hard to maneuver around. They also spawned outside of the area and jumped in or they had a little portal they stepped through, giving you a visual warning before appearing. In Wolf2, enemies would pop into the environment with no warning, and due to the palate of this game being mostly grey and darker tones, the same tones used with enemies, I was run into them when they were literally not there a second ago.
The story of this game is overblown as hell but I liked it. I was playing with my wife on the couch and she was shocked when Super Spesh died. The resistance members were obviously flawed, but we're meant to root for them because they're the most human. The Nazis have been doing crazy shit in almost every Wolfenstein game, I understand some people take that as a personal attack with the current political climate, but I thought it was okay. Shit with BJs dad was stupid as hell though. In TNO he doesn't even mention his parents and now I'm treated to a tragic backstory like that?
Combat felt fine, but the constant bobbing and motion blur was just sickening to get through. This game is built around the lean function, but at higher difficulties the enemies just become more bullet spongy with better aim, meaning you die in bullshit ways far too much. Which is disappointing; I was hoping harder difficulties meant more enemy spawns instead of just them soaking up damage.
This game is good, but suffers from development flaws and poor story choices. I don't blame them for their marketing strategy, it's practically free advertisement the way people spread it around, but it feels poor in taste. I'm just disappointed it wasn't as good at TNO.
The BB gun scene with his dad was mentioned in TOB. He mentions his dad a few times in TNO+TOB, mostly in a positive light. Then they retconned him to be a horrible racist dad that all the edgy teenagers can relate to.
I actually didn't think the game was that bad.
BUT, it has the worst end credit song in history
Nazis would kill anyone who isn't an impotent asexual because sex is evil.
I think they knew they couldn't do a nuanced rendition of a Nazi controlled world because Man in the High Castle (the show, though not to mention the book) does it a lot better: the show uses the Japanese trade minister's perspective of the Allied-won world to find critique in the Axis-ruled world, it's done subtly and makes everyone a character with their own struggles.
Wolfenstein has never really been about this, the Nazis were always caricatures from the get-go
Literally STRAWMAN: the game
Leling for real at anyone paying money for this filth
Like this clueless leftypolack here for example
This makes no sense. It's kind of the opposite of reality really given they stressed the virtue of having big and healthy families. You do know how people make those right?
>In Wolf2, enemies would pop into the environment with no warning
That's kind of what makes it so damn jarring though. The people you side with are made to be just as big a caricature, not at all positive ones, and you're expected to side with them. It would've been jarring even if they went for an over the top Team America type resistance with its own set of faults too given there were quite a few similarities between '30s-'40s USA and Germany.
It all kind of feels a little empty, like the devs didn't have enough confidence to just go all in with a mindless Nazi slayer game a la Doom, or felt the need to latch a story that didn't really help the game onto it.
I get he feeling that these cucky devs 100% feel like the resistance are admirable and likable characters. Oh look, they painted the helicopter like a 60's hippy T-shirt, aren't they so cool and awesome guys?! They probably want life to like in the submarine. They probably also want people to be inspired by the game to go out and shoot Trump supporters.
Never underestimate the cuckiness of cucks.
>Being against racism is now edgy
What about anti-white racism? Are you against that?
Wanting to live out a fantasy where you take an axe to your father's head is edgy, you fucking neogaf retard
>They probably also want people to be inspired by the game to go out and shoot Trump supporters.
>how critically acclaimed it is
Users aren't critics, and every time Sup Forums gets triggered about a game we're reminded of why that distinction exists.
Come on, with that faggy end credits song? These are the kind of people that believe that their portrayal of Nazi America is exactly what Trump is planning.
Yes, I'm also against unicorns and leprechauns.
>User aren't critics
I trust userscore more than paid reviews
also, casually ignore the abysmal 183k sales for pc on a triple A game
>I trust userscore more than paid reviews
I too trust console-war plebs and Sup Forums to tell me about my games
Oh good, then you won't mind talking a trip to South Africa faglord. Kill yourself my dude
>people say no multiplayer is a good thing.
Do you know how easy it is to implement multiplayer in games nowadays? it's really easy. Fps games should always have one.
>Everyone who rates badly my game is a Sup Forums faggot
>Wolfenstein is the only game that suffers from console-war review spam
Is that the best you can do to justify the fact that your political-bait garbage of a game sold terribly
What was the deal with the two large robots you fight on the Ausmerzer just before the game ends?
They seemed like they were supposed to be the final boss together, but died too fast.
Jesus fuck, eat shit. We know how easy it is. We also know that work needs to be put into it otherwise it turns out pure garbage. See DOOM for a perfect example. I remember you assholes going on about how it was going to be shit because the multiplayer was trash. Just focus on making a fucking good game. If you have time for multiplayer, add it.
I don't even own the game or have any interest in it you shitpile. It was a fucking hyperbole. Of course I don't think that. I cannot fucking deny that it fucking carries a significant weight though. Especially in the age.
There are people who think Trump is capable of "planning" things?
They can't be very bright.
no you fucking don't. Literally a retard would say "don't add multiplayer" to a fps game. Your post proves it. Nowadays work doesn't need to be put in to implement it. This is how unaware you are about game development and how lazy companies are. Implementing multiplayer is prepackaged with the game engines nowadays.
It's not a question of oh shit do i have time. it's just that easy to implement.
They seem more like a mini-"boss" encounter you would fight before the actual boss or a first phase boss. Yeah the game just stinks.
good day
Dunning-Kruger in action.
Why do people like you pretend that anti-white racism doesn't exist this pathetically when all it does is make it look more apparent? Halifax just had a literal Rosa Parks-esque "White people go to the back," moment and here you are gaslighting with shitty unicorn quips.
This kind of political commentary is somewhere between stale dad joke tier and recycled Bush joke tier.
>Halifax just had a literal Rosa Parks-esque "White people go to the back," moment
lol, white people
>We're so oppressed, it's literally like being black during Apartheid, it's literally like being a Jew in Nazi Germany, why won't anyone pity meeeeee ;_;
Fuck off, Shadow of War was good.
>talking about yourself
Look in the mirror you idiot.
Like I said multiplayer is prepackaged in the major game engines for clients. You can look this up yourself. It is quite literally press one button and the engine builds it for you.
Funny how everyone who uses "kruger" seems to be suffering from it.
Can you even tell me the engine Wolfenstein II runs on, without looking it up? And then can you tell me the button that procedurally generates multiplayer maps and auto-balances the gameplay for a fair match between equally matched opponents instead of shooting AI cannon fodder?
Did I compare it to Apartheid? Unless your ass is from South Africa you didn't live Apartheid either no matter how black you are.
You have a literal example right here of someone telling white people to go to the back because of their skin color and when one woman refused the whole damn show stopped for upwards of 10 minutes with an irate crowd around her. She was forcibly removed, lost her job, and had the organizer of the music event apologize to the racist POS on stage for because refusing to move constitutes "overt racism," somehow.
Let me know how this isn't a literal example of the same shit we talk about Rosa Parks for. Shut the fuck up with you're weak ass "anti-white racism doesn't exist," shit.
He literally buttfucked you, dude.
>I am never surprised at white fragility
Choice fucking quote.
>Let me know how this isn't a literal example of the same shit we talk about Rosa Parks for.
It's not systemic for one.
Look kid you think you're smart but you're not this forum is for over 18s.
>Samefagging three hours after the fact
That's not butthurt at all!
>You resort to lying to get me to not play this game. For one, I already have a key. Second, the game got good reviews. Saying I'm going to lose half my audience and have a breakdown? Please. You are being dramatic, persistent and deceitful. I know the real reason you don't want me to stream it and for the record, you're the only one acting this way. Any other email's I've received shared similar concerns in a very well thought out manner. Even those who disagree with the politics were extremely chill about it. It's really sad to see someone get so worked up about something so trivial. But don't worry, the game stream is on indefinite hold for now because I'm not sure babies can handle a bit of fiction. I suggest you find another streamer if I ever do decide to stream it. I'm not upset, just disappointed. Nice emails for years, then seeing you argue with people in the chat, hostile, edgy comments, a ban and now this. I'll be filtering your emails from now on. I hope you can learn from this.
Actual, legitimate response I got from a one Vincent Pizzapasta of Vinesauce fame upon sending him 5 emails telling him not to play the game.
>not systemic
That's exactly what it is. The singer says she does it all the time. Nobody stops her. One person suddenly doesn't like being treated that way and the established powers that be not only remove her, but apologize to the racist person because a white woman had the temerity to stand up against her. How dare she! That's systemic to the core. Go on, move the goalposts.
But I forgot, not wanting to be targeted simply due to your skin color is "fragility," to morons who can't understand the inherent descent into madness that double standards entails.
"A singer" is not systemic.
Also she didn't tell whites to go to the back, she invited brown girls to the front and the white person refused to give up her spot. That's typical, isn't it? When asked to give minorities a chance that they've been enjoying, they scream "REVERSE RACISM! I'M BEING OPPRESSED! " You ask them to be considerate of other races and they say "SO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE?!!?"
>Damage control
Look, we all know you said something stupid, but the manly thing is to own up to it, admit that you ran your mouth about something without actually knowing anything about it, and resolve to do better in the future
>sending him 5 emails telling him not to play the game
Most of them were far less longer than the first, but the scunt won't listen. I did this for his own good. I don't care if I burnt the bridge between us and communication.
The circumstances around the singer are systemic though if music festivals around the world, many in the US and Canada have tolerated it.
>Also she didn't tell whites to go to the back, she invited brown girls to the front and the white person refused to give up her spot
How is this not exactly analogous to not wanting to give up a bus seat for a white person moving forward? The only way for all the brown girls to move forward is for the white people to move back. The demands are the same exact thing. You are a prime example of the retardation that makes up the modern left and why I gleefully abandoned it.
Doesn't exist. It's just plain racism. Don't kid yourself.
The singer clearly does. Go on, feed me some more bullshit double standards for why your racism is OK because reason A, excuse B, and cognitive dissonance C.
You're an idiot.
console player detected
Yeah, maybe it would be the same, if white people were always required to move to the back for every concert, but they're not, so it's just one person bitching that one singer wanted to do something empowering for a demographic that isn't usually empowered and that she wasn't allowed to participate because she's not part of that demographic, i.e. typical white people whining about White Entertainment Television and White History Month.
Didn't Vinny turned into a huge SJW cuck a while back? I'm not surprised.
I mean, a little part of that is Twitch, but the jabroni is a bit slow when it comes to things like trusting reviews. Sup Forums has left his soul, and now, I don't know what lies for the future.
And there it is, the goal post shifting. Racists like you will always find the tiniest little excuse for why your racism is acceptable compared to someone else's. Do you think black people were forced to move for every single bus in every single city in the US?
People like you don't see others as people. You see colors. You don't see injustice you see scales you have to put your thumb on and it doesn't matter how many individual people are hurt or punished for it because all you see is their color. Go on, make more excuses for your pathetic racism dressed up with saccharine platitudes. Go on, throw more irrelevant strawmen at me because you've never interacted with anything but, or can't even contemplate nor understand the position of someone who isn't a caricature you made up in your own head.
>Go on, throw more irrelevant strawmen at me because you've never interacted with anything but, or can't even contemplate nor understand the position of someone who isn't a caricature you made up in your own head.
Just going to highlight this for the irony.
There is no irony. If you weren't exactly that you wouldn't be defending an openly racist person literally telling people to go to the back for their skin color. You wouldn't be telling me anti-white racism doesn't exist. You are and it's precisely because of that racist mindset people like you have.
>Brown girls to the front
>y u haet wypipo ;_;
Not everything is about you people, like damn woman. White fragility indeed.
>retard itt that thinks a classic multiplayer fps game needs to be balanced.
>even though all players would be indentical
Still laughing is the only game you are familiar with Overwatch?
Engines come with multiplayer modules that can be loaded up. Id tech 6 comes with that built in. snapmap is just a slim downed version of the developer tools and it has multiplayer modules pre-built.
Seriously the brainlet infestation on Sup Forums is growing.
If "brown girls to the front," is not the same thing as "white people to the back," then why was this woman accosted for not moving?
Yeah, because standing alone in an angry crowd while the person on stage is berating you for your skin color for over ten minutes just screams "fragile." Meanwhile you're going to tell me the people who need to have others move for them, that they're allowed to practice this open racism if it means something for them aren't the fragile ones.
"White fragility," is almost always projection and this case is no exception.