Tfw Gamestop rejected my job application AGAIN

>tfw Gamestop rejected my job application AGAIN

Other urls found in this thread:

>wanting to work retail

I was a GameStop store manager for 8 years and it made me into a suicidal alcoholic and almost ruined my marriage. Now I work a boring safe office job doing half the work for twice the pay, and life is good.

Don’t ever, ever, ever work at GameStop, friends.

how close to this video is working at Gamestop actually?

I’ve never clicked on a single YouTube link from Sup Forums in my life and I’m not starting today.

You're lying but okay

But if the money is going to games, you might as well get discounts and trade up bonuses.
Also you can try games for a few days for free.

Just use Hooktube and be golden

>not using 4chanx

working at gamestop is garbage. enjoy being expected to upsell people constantly and being spied on by your manager to make sure you're following the script. no one wants to buy a warranty for games or some game informer subscription or to be hassled for 5 minutes to sign up for gamestop credit while theyre buying games and you'll be forced to do it in every single interaction if your boss is crazy enough. its honestly demoralizing as fuck. and people hate you because you're being forced by your manager to upsell products that you know people don't want and waste their time.

christ even the shitty inline extension lets you embed videos so you can see what they are. its not 2004 anymore.

They don't want people with well-formed opinions, they want idiots who will gladly hock the latest piece of shit to the other idiots.


Knowing the title still wouldn’t make me click on it. I’m not worried about a virus or anything, I just don’t trust any of you worthless faggots to post something worth my time. It’s probably just a cringey meme video done by some epic teenager who reminds you to like, share, and subscribe.

Just seems like you don't want to answer or something I mean you're taking your time to write that and sound annoyed but you won't watch a 1 minute video, in that case you never should have answered in the first place or maybe you're lying, who the hell knows or cares really but you do sound like a faggot now.



Fuck off

I wanna punch you

>acting like hes better than all of us
>still visits and posts here
excellent meme

How pathetic can you be if not even GameSpoot will hire you, not even as a laser cheese?

Electronics Boutique in 1999 I can understand. Gamestop in 2017 is just fucking pathetic.

How do I get a boring safe office job?

>not denying it
Good to know I missed another epic meme video.

Ask me a real question and I’ll answer it.

Build a good résumé, shoot for a low position to start (I started as Administrative Assistant, now I’m a Contracts Manager) and it really helps if you interview well. Be affable and honest, funny if you can swing it. It’s even more important to make them think “I’d like to work with this guy” over “he seems like a hard worker”.