Dark souls 4
>implying that From Software would still work on a video game
They're done. We have't heard anything from them since 8 month.
do you really want the souls franchise to become the new cod, releasing shitty rehashes every fucking Christmas?
We had a good run, I'll be looking forward to the eventual action rpg from From, but seriously, let it die.
Aren't you tired of Souls shit?
they fucking said no more
It's called Code Vein
Considering that they're making another "Dark Fantasy Adventure Game", we're going to be getting another "not-souls" anyway.
New Shadow Tower or King's Field plz
I'm still waiting for a game that is what Souls tried to be.
They said 3 was the closure for the dark souls series.
Dark Souls 4 is not going to be a thing. Miyazaki doesn't want to work on it because he'd rather work on something new and after Dark Souls 3 Fromsoft got out from the contractual obligation they had with Bandai Namco and are likely working under a new publisher.
They said they didn't want to ruin the series, so they stopped making them.
Which is weird right? They are a business after all...
You're everything that's wrong in the industry, you know that.
>They are a business after all
From doesn't own the rights to Dark Souls, Bandai Namco does. And Fromsoft made the 3 games because they owed Bandai Namco 3 separate games and Bamco wanted them to make Dark Souls sequels while Fromsoft wanted to make something new.
Having seen Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne I know that they're at their best when they're doing something new while keeping to the Souls series' core gameplay which is why I'm really excited that the Dark Souls series is over.
There won't be a DS4. They're working on a new IP because they're tired of the Souls series, and frankly so am I.
I honestly would not be interested. 3 made me tired of these kinds of the setting and gameplay. Let them do something different with it like they did with Bloodborne with a whole new setting and new gimmicks.
>mfw I see retards screaming for a Bloodborne 2
>they learned nothing of Dark Souls 2 and 3 being bad/mediocre
they're looking on how to insert look crates
>you buy a chest with microtransaction that has a 30% chance of having the treasure you want, 30% chance of it being a mimic but you still get the treasure if you kill the mimic and 30% chance of you getting nothing
>Valve immediately starts developing a Dark Souls clone.
at least they're not making a yearly cod rehash
Got your 4 right here
What's the other 10%?
>you'll have to grind hats and other outfit pieces to complete your fashion souls
>they keep adding more shit constantly so it's practically impossible to get all of it
10% of the time it contains another chest.
Wouldn't it be the same thing as Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, though? With the same retarded AI and circlestrafe combat?
No that’s a great value Souls game.
A rare special version of the treasure of course
Getting your moneys worth.
Is the Dark Souls comic good or shit? Asking because apparently they're making a Bloodborne comic next year.
These are the same people who buy cod every year
The difference here is that Souls games aren't milked to death yet.
Maybe we'll see it in 20 years. Same with a battle royale by Valve.
Yes I do. That's exactly what I want.
It could have been good if they stuck with smaller one off vignettes or short tales in the setting instead of the mary sue bitch on a really generic quest
If I get dubs then they are working on Bloodborne 2 and a Dark Souls 1-3 remaster for Nintendo Switch. Both will release in late 2018.
whether or not you like any story elements in dark souls it will make you cringe
....yes and ?
I've read nothing beyond the odd page that got posted in threads but feel secure in calling it shit.
Fuck that.
I want Bloodborne 2.
Or a finished, fixed and remade Dark Souls 1.
Demons Souls hd when?
>angry solaire face
It boggles my mind. The fandom is full of people who are amazing and talented artists yet this is the level that's acceptable in an official product?
>The difference here is that Souls games aren't milked to death yet.
its already been though
Is that Otz?
The souls games were tired AT DaS1, the only ones that don't feel like they're retreading the same shit is DeS and BB.
The one and only.
YES can't wait to memorize shitty boss patters, get lost in convolulted level design, and have to figure out the same retarded weapon enhance system for the FOURTH time in a row
Let it die in piece. It' s been raped since 1.
>western comic based on japanese vidya
I'm sure it is a masterpiece
I love his accent when he explains why something socks dik. Is he Spanish?
fromsoft is working with the remnants of blizzard north to make a dark souls/diablo fusion, but not in any way that resembles nioh
screencap this
>is he Spanish?
I think he's supposed to be greek or something but don't quote me on that.
>get lost in convoluted level design
Souls levels are pretty simple. If you get lost in them you just might be a retard.
dude fucking 2 felt like the series (barely a series at that point) was milking it.
Because the actual creative talent was working on Bloodborne.
Fuck the souls series.
Didn't feel this. It was new characters within the same world, a different focus with the curse, a bit more focused on the humans and not the gods. 3 actually felt like milking it since NotOnion knight comes back, Patches is back, I'm surprised they didn't have Solaire coming back. I liked the idea of 3 being 1 after several centuries having passed but it could've been handled better.
I think 2's biggest issue was that they focused on a continuation of 1's marketing. Making things harder for the sake of prepare to die lulz. You even have the die once achievement called This is Dark Souls.
new armored core as well as 2 other unknown projects, one being a souls like but not dark souls, were confirmed earlier.
Sorry thst you can't accept the truth. Why would you even want another? Dark Souls III was garbage. I love the series but III sucked.
>Souls levels are pretty simple.
That's kind of a misnomer. Souls levels aren't expansive and complex. They're generally tight, and it's hard to get lost. But "simple" is dismissing how intricate they can be on a macro level - which I guess only really matters for original Dark Soul though... so on second thought you might just be right overall.
i agree with this, though honestly its because im tired of dealing with poisonous swamps every fucking game.
What I mean is that the basic layout of the Souls games' levels is pretty simply to navigate and the game always gives you good environmental clues where to go so in order to get lost in them you would have to be mentally retarded and shouldn't be allowed to walk outside without a caretaker.
When will From announce the next new soulsborne? I need more, damn it!
Maybe in PSX in December or if not, it'll probably be next year's E3.
>They're done. We have't heard anything from them since 8 month.
Good, give them a few years
>miyazaki core
pls no
no he wants you to stop flooding the thread with your retarded incest fetish ENBnigger
prolly gonna be shit
Well fuck,because there's gonna be a Bloodborne comic as well.
cod is a copy-paste formula for children and manchildren, just so they are able to cry and scream in online matches, forget their time, and feel a bit of accomplishment when they've won a match and didn't go negative.
Dark Souls is an actual thoughtful game, carefully crafted through countless hours and unpaid overtime activities, by the glorious Nipponese
You're joking but the souls games are actually thinking man's games.
You are right.
I've done a couple for Vaati. These comic pages are just... hurting the image, and disregarding what the community actually wanted to see and experience.
If the artist is not into Souls, and what it portrays, he cannot truly grasp the visual concept of it.. a dark, gritty, dystopian adventure, recurring themes of loss, tragedy and certain doom.. but at the same time, a world filled with beauty, dreams and a deep sense of melancholy.
I guess it's easier for Bandai Namco, to just hire/commission someone like Titan Comics, who provide their own partnered comic artists, but, as mentioned, are probably not suited for this type of content.
I'm just curious why Sony has gone down the same path with Bloodborne..
What's there to joke about, I'm serious
Now I want more bloodborne
>Wanting another Souls sequel that will be worse than its predecessor
As annoying as it is, this series created it's own fucking sub-genre. Go play Salt & Sanctuary or whatever if you're so starved.
>That one autistic faggot who keeps posting ENB pics on every souls thread
Don't acknowledge him. We'll end up with another ACfag or Cheetahfag
Who is this?
>still no Bloodborne Kart
I would enjoy a cyberpunk Bloodborne
This shit right here. Playing ST:abyss right now and it is super fucking good and kings field is my shit.
I have been a fan of souls since DeS when nobody gave a shit about it and I am a mega faggot for the series but it needs to fucking die. Do you really want to see solaire and more shitty covenants again?
not really thers like 2.5 good souls games (BB included)
Code Vein looks cool, if only because you can actually make good looking characters this time.
>They're done
Honestly? No I'm not
Dark Souls series has been disappointing since 1.
give me a DeS or BB sequel if they're working on a souls/borne game.
if not give me AC or something completely fresh.
Not really, I want a larger world with more story and possibly MMO characteristics.
I think it would be neat to see an MMO do what Dark souls did with it's combat.
I demand a new trilogy that takes inspiration from a different historical era, perhaps Indian or Greek
So now that code vein is confirmed trash what are we hyped for my soulsbros?
the joke is they WOULD stick something that hard in the first level, because it's a "come back later" area.
>contrarian faggots always spam board saying Dark Souls 3 wasn’t good
One of those three unannounced games in development. Surely one of them is what we want.
whatever fromsoft comes out with next.
they've been making dark fantasy medieval action RPG's since the PS1 days, they ain't gonna stop any time soon. It's one of the two core pillars of their company, the other being Armored Core. it's just a matter of when
it wasn't.
It's good compared to 99.9% of everything else on the AAA market, but as a fromsoft game, and a souls game, it was incredibly lazy, phoned in as fuck, and too much of a mishmash of contrasting gameplay ideas.
True soulsborne fan reporting in. None of das was good.