Make RTS great again - Earth series appreciation thread

You know the deal, discuss games, call people fags, post news, tell people RTS ain't dead because Supcom exists.

Also, I've been replaying Earth 2150. I almost forgot how good that game is.

Japan mission with UCS

>Limited resources on map, almost nothing in main base, don't have significant reinforcements there either.
>Wipe out two ED bases with a combination of tower creeping and mech assaults.
>Realize I literally cannot reach the third base with my land units
>Naval units not researched, no resources to build up a sufficiently big air force.
>Dig tunnel into ED base, get mechs in, kill everything
>check website in hope of Earth 2170. No new Earth never ever.

Seriously, which game gives you so much shit you can do tactically? Go, buy it now user. Also, I'm gonna try getting back into Supcom FAF, anyone wants to play coach

Other urls found in this thread:

Obligatory War Wind bump

Also, UCS masterrace.
LCfags allowed
EDniggers get out

Also, for anyone who hasn't picked up pic related yet. Protip:

>Google "The protectors mod"
>Download it
>Basically get the game for free
>Play GOAT RTS/RPG with a ton of races and heroes

Bumping with best General

Germanistan kek

Don't mind me just bumping.


Bumping with video games

Its actually sad that pic related died. I had a lot of fun with it, over 400 mp games. I don't know why the fucking frenchy devs didn't realize they need to support the game more. It probably would have never reached CoH 2 numbers, but it wouldn't be hanging around with 200 players while even Red Dragon has more.

It crashed on me.

Hmm, there is a good chance the base game would do it as well then? Only thing I can think of is to ask on their forums or try playing with the compatibility settings, but you probably did that already.

>Fuck the guys who made Conquest

Man, Earth 2150 was my childhood. I loved that game. Such a shame 2160 was so disappointing

>Renaming Fryhtans into """demons"""

There are only two Seven Kingdom games.
Its easier to cope that way.

Nah, I didn't, didn't even attempt some serious trouble shooting. My WB3 is stable, but I think for this mod I have to play around with the resolution. This is what caused WB3 in the past to crash for me.

I own Earth 2160, but I haven't really played it much. I tried the ED campaign but the whole cringy hero thing turned me off. I might try it out some more after I finish 2150 again.

Why was it so bad, user?

>I like RTS games
>hasn't played pick related
Do it user.

>Get a good enough rig to properly run it
>Game is dead already

I really want to talk about video games





If only saying "This game can use 8 cores for game processing!" means it's going to be a very interesting game.

But Arcen Games... cannot make fun games at all, judging by the dozens of games between AI War 1 and now.

If only there's an user with a backer beta can tell us whether the game is/going to be fun or not...

War for the Overworld is actually pretty good for anybody wondering if they should get it. Not as good as pic related but well...


Bumping with Kane

This thread is officially immortal now. Kane lives in death. Talk about video games for the messiah now.

>You better keep the thread alive, user.

Dead Genre Dead Thread

Delete this...

>Pls reply

> Black Gate map
> players vs only hardest Mordor bots
> mordor just spams Orks because they cost nothing
> have to hold the entrance of your walled with basic gondor unit and Faramir sniping all the trolls they send

best coop experience (company of heroes and dawn of war lan parties were also great)

This was years ahead of its time, it's free to dl now as well, use terrain, design units, utilize artillery an air strikes, really good rts that flew under most peoples radar.

It was interesting but at the same it had plenty of issues, namely horrible ballancing, difficulty was all over the place, enemy A.I was total garbage and campaing missions got super boring really fast.

>Gabe fucked me over I bought Earth 2140 and the AI isn't working properly.

>Just making aom and Kane's wrath reruns
It feels hopeless being for rts gamer right now

Its really depressing. I was googling upcoming RTS games and most of it is some mixed in MOBA, FPS, MMO shit. Literally the only thing looking like a RTS that is coming out soon is Iron Harvest and another game that is set in the viking age or something.


What rts games are a must on steam?

A lot of the problems have been fixed, there's been people working on it for years now, its actually amazing how long its fanbase has stuck by it and continued to support it

I am overcoming my addiction to structures in SupCom and making armies. Wish me luck.

How do I git gud? Is it just looking up build orders and shit?

It's pretty average..

UCS, More like You See Shit!

Fight me IRL Eurasian nigger

>Still driving tanks
>Still nuking stuff
>Steppe niggers
>Literally primitive monkeys of Earth

Watch higher level replays. Always spend all your mass. Build more flak. Don't crash on energy. Don't overbuild energy. Scout and raid. Eat your cereal.

The best RTS.
"Strategy by design"

>LCfags allowed
Those ditzy "Oooh, they're attacking!" lines still make me laugh after all these years.
I still wish 2160 wasn't such a shitshow.

Air is difficult to use for me, like I try to bomb raid or intercept but they all fly over the place, land and naval seem easier to use

Voice acting is hilarious. Its so bad that it gets good. The UCS I'm being hit line sounds like Microsoft Sam. Maybe it even is. Also, same question as in

You gotta keep the pressure on, don't turtle. Keep attacking it's a continuous process so don't start building units as a reaction instead your available resources becomes "total resources minus the cost of producing units infinitely".
I think so at least, i'm still building way too much point defenses because i like canons so much.


It's been over a decade since I last played it, but I'll try to list off what I remember:
>one of the first games I played that had drm that required an internet connection (thankfully it wasn't an always online thing)
>unit pathfinding was more or less the same as 2150, aka ordering a large number of units to go through a bottleneck will result in them getting bunched up while trying to shove each other out of the way to get through
>which was only made worse with most maps having tons of these annoying bottlenecks
>no tunnels
>infantry units were useless
>don't remember much about the hero units, other than I felt they were out of place
>english voice acting was worse, ED units didn't even have silly russian accents anymore
>the alien faction was stupidly overpowered, their buildings would have several times more hitpoints than their ED/UCS/LC counterparts
>campaign was forgettable

I will say that I liked how each faction had different styles of base building though. ED bases started with a central module that you could add more buildings/modules to that were all connected together. LC buildings were stacked on top of each other to form towers. UCS pretty much kept 2150's base building system. The aliens would just create their units and buildings by cloning/evolving existing units.

Fair enough, I think they tried to appeal to a greater playerbase. Seems like it didn't work out. I'm still gonna try it out when I'm done with 2150 again. I hope we see 2170 one of these days.

user in the C&C thread posted this

Has a LOT of similarities to Warzone 2100, apparently it's being made by former Westwood staff. What do you guys think?

Not much from the clip. I saw it before. I don't really like the cartoony artstyle, but I'll take anything these days because no games are coming out. I'll give it a try.

Also, I like the custom faction thing but I'm kinda skeptical when it comes for it to work properly, especially in MP. Seems susceptible to cheesing.

I dunno, other than the cartoon-style graphics, it's eerily similar to Warzone 2100 (I'd list all the similarities from what I've seen from the trailer, but I'm up to my neck with work), which is a good thing, because Warzone 2100 is amazing.

>hero units

There are build orders through the first fac and some mex upgrades, but it depends on the map.

1600+ rating replays are pretty good.

Setons is garbage though. GoR is fun.

>only upgrading t2 mexes if getting adjacency bonuses from 4 storages





You're probably one of the shitters complaining about nukes being OP.



>yfw German “censorship” is just a way to teach young Germans to dehumanize their enemies in order to become even more ruthless and efficient



What is this?


afraid of getting my soviet urals up on your stupid american face, comrade?


Heroes of annihilated empires

what is the matter comrade, jealous of glorious ED tech?



Why are RTS games these days always trying to be as complicated as humanly possible? I don't want to micromanage fucking everything. I want to build shit and have fun.

Same with those fucking city builder type of games.


You've got the Total Anihilation family of games and the Total War games are relatively simple.



Having played both War for the Overworld and Dungeons (1 and 2) I can safely say the former is the best one when you want to play something that feels like DK(2, 1's frantic combat has yet to be replicated as far as I know).

I haven't touched Dungeons 3 but I'm interested.

What are some games where I don't have to worry about running out of resources? I like to sit back and be comfy for a while, build my base and attack when I'm ready. Either resources should regenerate/be infinite, or it should be something that you can build up and generate with your buildings.

I want to like games like Tiberian Sun and it has everything that I like, but by the time I finish building my base with nice walls and turrets and shit the CPU runs out of money every single time and basically dies on its own and stops sending units.

Already played SupCom, Stronghold, AoE3, BFME2, Empire Earth.

This actually looks pretty good. I tried playing it on Steam but everything was zoomed in as fuck and I didn't bother to keep playing after that.

Is this a fanpatch or something that I'm missing?


This one is coming next year isn't it? I remember seeing people talking about it on an older RTS thread.


Check the keymappings, zoom out is on some random button, rebind it and use it.

>EDniggers talking shit
>Think they are cool with their primitive peashooter tanks and lazors
>Get destroyed by plasma like total fags

Still the best and most iconic C&C track


I like these threads

Company of Heroes 2

How is Grey Goo? It's in one of the Humble Bundles right now.

Nuke rushes are extremely powerful on large maps with retarded chokepoints. Maybe it's more of an issue with maps like dual gap, but gap has its own share of cancer t3 air/land/exp/TML rushes.

>if the game doesn't end with a t1 rush it's cancer

Who /comfy/ RTS here?