>There people who ironically want 1,12 patch for the classic servers
No more 15 people ubrs or 10 people strat
Shitty casualizations like 15minute paladin buffs and keychain
Talent changed for druids and paladins so they could heal too
Other retarded shit.
There people who ironically want 1,12 patch for the classic servers
Other urls found in this thread:
Why isn't official art this lewd anymore?
That’s not official art
Damn it was too good to be true. All these years I just assumed it was official because of the logo and borders.
anything before the last few patches of vanilla is unacceptable. Too few quests to level, some classes only have one viable spec, other 2 talent trees were more useless than useless, no battlegrounds. I don't want the only raids to be UBRS or MC...
there's a difference between the classic experience and dealing with stupid design choices. Most shit pre-1.12 was dumb because they didn't know what they were doing yet.
Sure was fun waiting 5 minutes for the mage to cast Brill-drink-cast-repeat or pass out bread and water to everyone one at a time
Artist is azazel or some shit, been years since I’ve looked him up.
Maybe they could keep 15 UBRS and 10 STRAT while keeping the changes to Paladins and Druids?
>he didn't experience godmode in AV with the revamped retribution paladin of the last vanilla patch
I bet you were one of the stinking orc shamans i wiped the floor with. Faggot.
Being a paladin is more embarrassing than being a NE hunter called Legallass
Nah, I'm a big fan of the Horde but the Paladins are pretty safe.
what the fuck you fucking casual nigger what do you mean you don't want to grind mobs for 1000 hours before youre max you fucking faggot casual go fuck yourself back to retail redditor seriously unironically kill yourself casuals killed wow
Increase the mob spawn rate and I would be content desu
Night Elves are for-
2005 Blizzcon character panel one of the designers said that the idea of all hybrid classes was to be an easier to play class, but specifically Paladin was meant to be the easiest class. Literally playing a casual by design class.
Slaughtering. Filthy mutant trolls.
rape and slaving
Fuck the designer.
Times change, nigger.
Warlocks are the easiest fucking class in the game and they only have one role.
Fuck I remember fapping to this picture in my teens
>there's a difference between the classic experience and dealing with stupid design choices
Why not just use wotlk talent trees?
Druids and paladins not having warrior cd was a stupid design choice too?
What about crushing blows? The most retarded shit ever?
And what so stupid about key actually taking place in your inventory?
Thanks for ruining my immersion
Well I sure didn’t like the 5 min paladin buffs but that’s about it for complaints.
Crushing blows made sense.
I'm happy with elf-sluts, thank you.
What about people who didn't liked game until wotlk invented 10ppl modes for real raids?
What about people who didn't like Dire Maul welfare gear for lazy faggots?
What about people who actually enjoyed doing URBS in the 15ppl groups?
How do hunteresses retrieve their glaive after throwing it? Do they use a new one for every attack? How the hell do they carry around a multitude of such a heavy weapon?
Crushing blows was the only reason why paladins and druids couldn't tank 40 ppl raids and main tank 25 raids in the bc, so no in the state they were in the vanilla and burning crusade they didn't made much sense
What about them?
comfy sabers
You just know
Think of all the mad cash they'd be making with a dating sim
some unknown dev guy supposedly said in 2005 that paladins were designed to be the easiest class. Ok.
They made sense because they secured the Tank role for Warriors.
If Druids and Paladins could tank 40man then why would anyone level a Warrior?
Shit was agonisingly boring.
Warriors are the main tanks and other tanks are the off-tanks.
What's up with the bananas?
Lmao butthurt retail fags.
Of course they bring out Vanilla when I'm trying to join the army.
Fucking bullshit, why couldn't they have brought it out earlier?
WoW was alwas full of army fags. I don't see the problem.
>tfw they were teasing this expansion even back then and we just didn't realize it
I can't go full neet.
Ah well.
What race and class we all going?
I'm thinking Human Paladin or Orc Shaman.
>No more 15 people ubrs or 10 people strat
Those were legitimately awful though.
Go back to /r/wow
Tell me about it, too many people to distribute loot between and too high a chance of getting dickheads when the group number is that high.
Why the fuck would you try to join the army? If you can use a keyboard you are already smart enough to join the Air Force at least.
The army sucks. Hard.
It was great being a horde warrior though. No loot competition.
I got my tier 0 shoulders when I was like level 56.
I want to kill people and I enjoy being /out/
I played an Orc Warrior before.
I still remember when I opened that chest near the quillboar people and got a green weapon.
I also remember getting my shit pushed in by those harpies.
So glad I bought and kept my dungeon bow (grey p.o.s for pulling).
I would like to switch it up this time.
Won't decide until beta, and we see exactly how Blizzard has decided to fuck everything up. I severely doubt that Blizz will allow the same level of abuse that was capable back then.
Who is the artist?
My dick needs it.
They, it should be launch. Fuck any semblance of balance. Don't even implement diminishing returns on fear and stun. The "classic" experience.
No thanks.
I suffered through that shit twice already.
I wouldn't mind a 1.0 blizzlike server that slowly patches to 1.12 with the opening of AQ, Nax event etc. Maybe skip out on the blood plague though...okay no that was hilarious.
Just click the iqdb link that's attached to every post with an image in it.
I don't lie blizzard's "we will work closely with community for the classic servers", it just means that it can be nostr 2.0 where retards who don't even played during classic wow had power to change and alter things.
>I want to kill people and I enjoy being /out/
That's a really stupid reason. You are going to hate your life because you will be doing very little (or none) of either of those things.
You will get more time to be /out/ if you get into a good technical career field that gives you time off. You will get even more time later in life, when you can actually get a job after spending 4 years working for the gvt.
I'm serious, don't join the army unless you enjoy menial labor, being treated like a retard (which you are, if you join the army), and PT. Seriously reconsider your decision my dude. Unless you are one of the 1% of ultra fit psychos who know they are shooting for special forces/rangers/para and want to go hard, you will regret the choice you are about to make.
I never noticed how puffy her vulva was in this picture.
>vanilla cucks are dumb, you don't want inconveniences silly nostalgiacucks.
The inconvenience is a feature that forms the experience as a whole, it's a slower pace you millenials could not conceive of enjoying because you could just play and chill and not be bombarded with WOAH SHIT STIMULI every fucking moment of playing.
Aye, it also comes from an era where excellent unofficial art was more rare than the devil's arse. I am sure many thought it might have been official too. It was also drawn in an era where blizzard didn't fall over backward to the demands of high-level cuckmanship.
The pictures are old as fuck, but I didn't remember the name and I'm phoneposting.
It was hilarious because it was an new experience.
It will be shit with every streamer and "lel le epic meme" fucks doing it all the time.
Thanks, man, I appreciate your concern.
I'm going for paras and then I will pursue further training.
I'd like SF but there is no clear route towards it from what I can see.
I'm gonna see if I can work out a deal with them along the lines of me signing up for a long ass time and them giving me priority on training and opportunities.
They will probably say no but I figured it is always worth asking.
Ever since I was a kid in Primary School, I wanted to be an Infantryman.
Fighting in trenches and fixing bayonets then "going over" (I know we don't do that anymore).
I still listen to artillery sounds, on Youtube, to help me relax.
My favourite was this long video that had artillery firing and guns firing in the background.
Yeah, the slow pace was an essential part to the Vanilla experience.
Since you got into the habit of being nice and chatting with your healer while you waited for the lazy fucks to walk to the dungeon.
>I'm gonna see if I can work out a deal with them along the lines of me signing up for a long ass time and them giving me priority on training and opportunities.
They're gonna lie and say yes. A recruiter will suck your dick to get you to join. They told my friend he could be a seal, he went all the way through buds (the pre-actual-seal-training hell slog) before they rejected him because he wore glasses.
The military is awful.
Can you not get it put onto your contract?
>Since you got into the habit of being nice and chatting with your healer while you waited for the lazy fucks to walk to the dungeon.
Nowadays you can ask for a blowjob.
>and I'm phoneposting.
>le healslut XD
no matter how many elf pictures you post I still hate them
I like how everyone was hating on BE for horde but they saved the horde from being completely dead in player count
There were some important fixes though, like the shaman chain heal fix that made that spell behave like it should've in the first place.
They'll do everything they can to trick you with whatever contract they give you. The only safe way into the military is as an officer.
If you're really going to go through with it, you better read that fucking contract thoroughly. Maybe even pay a professional to look at it with you.
You have no idea how bad a military recruiter needs you as a number.
Got a problem?
Have some sexy orc then.
BE were a mistake and so were the space goats.
I don't have the qualifications to be an Officer.
I will, of course, look through the contract thoroughly.
now we are talking
Pretty much all healers nowadays are submissive sluts.
>tfw youll never get fucked by a futa night elf while sucking a draenei futa
Wake me up lads
I love orcs but I keep elf-sluts for shitposting.
No, faggots act like that because it gets them attention.
>like picture
>see chang chong artist signature
>don't like picture anymore.
join the marines pussy
The Royal Marines?
I suppose I could but I don't know if you can get trained as a Para when you're in the Marines.
not at all in fact all my healers are male
you wanna be a badass or do you wanna be a para?
Males can lso be sumissive sluts, user
I want to kill people, so if the Marines can give me that more than the Paras then I'll go Marines.
Ultimately, my goal is SF since I assume they get deployed more often.
show me. bost boipucci
>Shitty casualizations like 15minute paladin buffs
Nigger, in fucking EQ buffs lasted hours. Short-term buffs has always been fucking retarded.
What's the most viable way to level in a party of 5, premade dungeon farming? Without the variance of shit pugs slowing down runs, would this be viable?
Quests are pretty much not going to happen at server launch, who knows about grinding spots.
Makin' sweet love.
You don't believe ir.
I'm not submissive if you are not a harsh sadist.
You don't.
Level alone and dungeon together.
You are just screwing yourself over.
Unironically embarrassing.
aside from rare laces like jintha'alor or tyr's hand you'd be better looping dungeons until you're high enough for the next one
Not in the eras that nostalgiafags laud as the "best". Long duration buffs were 45min to 1hr, Avatar was 10min and had to be cast on every melee and tank, regen/DS were 15min. We didn't have multi-hour buffs until 65+ with extended duration AAs.
post is bitch wear a collar too
I don't think you're embarrassing, user.
I like you, just the way you are. :)