>I don't think I want to play the old one so you shouldnt be able to!
What the fuck is their problem?
I don't think I want to play the old one so you shouldnt be able to!
They're retarded
Because they're right. Vanilla was bad.
There have been massive quality of life improvements over the past decade. WoW was released in such a broken state that several quality of life changes happened before this recent expansion. I feel sorry for the people that spent fifteen minutes on flightpath, or grind dailies for weeks, just to afford an endgame blue item.
if you're a casualshit then you'll be free to play contemporary wow though
no ones forcing you to play it
>grind dailies
lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll retailbabbies think we grind dailies
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums and mmo champ and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
>at the very least the lfg tool from legion (lfd and lfr later)
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>infinite hunter ammo
>mass guild summon from mop
>itemization overhaul
>updated models
>level 20 mounts
>more quests or faster leveling
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
>or grind dailies for weeks, just to afford an endgame blue item
the absolute state of retailshitters
I know this is bait but what the fuck would be the point if they made it just like retail
This isn't bait go read mmochamp and wow forums. Where blizz will be getting feedback from.
Needs achievements, welfare gear, and access to cashshop mounts.
>at the very least the lfg tool from legion (lfd and lfr later)
nice bait but desu this is probably what all the retail babies will cry for anyway
blizzard should only take feedback from people who wanted classic before they announced it in the first place
Sup Forumseddit babies already trying to destroy WoW Classic.
Take a look at this nigger and laugh.
Achievements are actually a good idea I'll add that to the list.
why don't you just play legion at 60?
We need Dragon Soul at launch I think and Demon Hunters.
Also artifact weapons would be nice!
Well if we have a chance to do vanilla over again why don't we do it right?
Most people don't agree with the new classes because the lore wasn't there yet.
I agree.
Maybe we should just make it 4.3 forever.
I want to farm Dragon Soul for another few years, one and a bit wasn't enough.
That's a classic raid now right?
fear the retailcucks fears his death
the only thing i'd accept from that last is maybe rebalance, no hunter ammo and regeants.
everything else can go suck a dick.
Why do you feel sorry for people who enjoy the game? Do you even understand what MMOs are about?
It could be like a reverse timewalking system. That'd be pretty cool after naxx.
To be honest I'd like to see them add new classes eventually, just make them actually fit in Vanilla.
If they wanted to make an expansion id be okay with them making one that fits with vanillas ideals and world. Maybe reuse hyjal and twilight highlands but yknow.. A different story and design. Always wanted Hyjal back in the day.
Some of those actually make sense since they were bad design choices from the start, such as
>no regreants
>better mail system
>AV timer
But then you go full retard and say shit that makes me think "why the fuck don't you just play retail then", such as
>at the very least the lfg tool from legion (lfd and lfr later)
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>infinite hunter ammo
>mass guild summon from mop
>itemization overhaul
>updated models
>level 20 mounts
>more quests or faster leveling
Like, why even bother at that point? Play retail and cap yourself at 60 and do the content.
Don't say that, they might do it. We need new raids if anything.
>Want to tank: (lolwarrior or you're out
>Want to heal: you better be a priest with fear ward or a paladin buffboy if ally
You're delusional if you think vanilla was any better than TBC
I don't see how adding QOL changes makes the game any less vanilla.
People don't really want vanilla anyway. They want that situation where you needed to talk to people if you wanted to control and face scarlet monastery. People want to make alliances with random people to quest and defend each other from PVPers while questing.
People want an mmo again.
Sad thing is...I don't really think you can have the true mmo experience without grieffers. So it's pretty much over for good. No company would ever give players tools to better annoy each other.
Im actually getting back into wow BECAUSE of Classic. I havn't played since Cataclysm
They know that classic will pull bigger numbers than nu-Wow and essentially blizzard will scrap nu Wow and instead give us Caverns of Time, Karazan, Zul Aman and Hyjal etc. as level 60 content like they should have 12 years ago
>tfw all these autists using retailcuck when they will have to pay a subscription and retail for classic xD
fuck off. leave AV alone.
Why remove regreants but keep hunter ammo? Where's the logic in that.
Why would you need to buy retail WoW for classic WoW?
Because it's past the point of QOL, you're altering things that add flavor or are so innate to the current era that they're hard to ever change.
LFR/LFD is disgusting to even think about in a vanilla server, and I've only played since WOTLK, where that was already in.
The others are simply removing class flavor, something that people have been complaining for the past 2 or 3 expansions.
Changing the entire leveling and making it easier isn't even QOL, by the way.
no dude i literally want vanilla
Here's an update
>at the very least the lfg tool from legion (lfd and lfr later) *a lot of Sup Forums doesn't like this
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>infinite hunter ammo
>mass guild summon from mop
>itemization overhaul
>updated models
>level 20 mounts
>more quests or faster leveling
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow
Don't. I did it for you. Just save yourself the month of heartache.
Lol, flightpaths were the time you took to take a little break, it was absolutely fine!
Literal retards
so basically dont make vanilla wow tho a weird deformed meme version?
im going to do push ups and situps during flights. wish I did it as a kid
>all those faggots saying vanilla was shit
>>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
Just go fucking play retail, what the fuck is even the point of Vanilla at that point, you fucking retard
>>new raids later
It wouldn't make sense otherwise.
>>newer classes added in somehow
Just no, fuck off. Makes no sense at all.
Makes little difference and they're probably already doing that even if no one suggested it.
add welfare epics to that list please. essential to QOL.
Make hunter pets immune to boss aoe damage. Doesn't affect pvp balance and would boost hunter raid damage by 30% easily.
>retailcucks already full psycho mode because they know they will be forced to play vanilla
Your shitposting is absolutely terrifying.
Nothing good ever happens. Blizzard will cater to nu-wow babies and it won't be anything like vanilla.
They're terrified of losing even more people on retail so they don't want a valid official option to exist.
Personally I'm banking on Classic's success to usher in TBC Classic down the line and even WotLK Classic after that.
what? did you even read the post and the date of post?
I could see that being a good thing in pvp. They could add the honor point spending system to buy pvp gear.
>Vanilla wow
>There have been massive quality of life improvements over the past decade.
>people seriously want 5 minute buffs on pals
im glad that im rolling shaman
They really are out of touch, to insist vanilla WoW doesn't have a huge niche. It brought MMO addiction to the masses after all.
>what is SHITlitus and Argent Down Syndrome?
>Blizzard will make nu-wow infected "Classic" servers of all expansions and kill all private server options for a real classic experience
You literally had to do it for BIS pre-raid.
It's a collective your, dickfungus.
How do peopke like this even function in the world?
So if the storyline of the original game was that the armies were off fighting eachother and we were helping out the homefront, where were the armies?
In the zones you couldn't access in vanilla.
Wouldn't make much sense nu-wow babbies already have a gamr that caters to them.
Government subsidies and their parents coddling them.
This wasnt supposed to happen. Retain was gonna rain supreme with its updated graphics and Qol upgrades. The game is going to devolve thanks to you nostalgiacucks AND ITS NOT FAIR
wow, you're retarded and don't know what you're talking about
The people at Blizzard and Activision are just as dumb as the people that like nu-wow.
Those weren't daily quests though. You weren't gated behind limited daily progression.
I was already in raid epics by the time AQ dropped.
Not really, mage bracers for example BIS pre-raid came from AQ grind.
You're correct about it not being "dailies" in the same way it became in expansions and you could grind everything out in a week if you went full no life.
>Nostbulls won in the end
its not fucking fair I wasted weeks shitposting against Nost celebrating the server close FOR NOTHING.
you're retarded
why the fuck would you go for pre raid BIS when fucking AQ is out? you do know people can fucking pug BWL?
The only thing I hope for is that IF they base it on current WoW engine (but with original assets), is that it will have the original pre-Cataclysm Day/Night and Weather system.
Pre-Cata WoW had 13 different weather states, that got reduced to merely 3 in Cataclysm.
Furthermore pre-Cata WoW also had proper Day/Night with different lighting changing depending on the hour and actual nights, in Cataclysm they removed that system entirely and simply changed the skybox depending on the time of day, so Night was just as bright as Day. They restored a heavily gimped version of Day/Night system in Pandas but it's still drastically gimped compared to pre-Cata.
Honestly, WoW died with Arthas.
Yeah you're also one of the people who will quit in the early 30s because it's too boring and it takes too long to level. Private servers first had qx exp rates and guess what happened? People got bored with the game big surprise. Game isn't eve playable until TBC. Like, why even have specs?
I still want to know what the fuck happened with Orclords of Orcnor because that game was literally sabotaged.
Pre-release it looked a lot like what people wanted, and roughly 50% of the shit that was promised was never delivered and the game only launched with 30% of promised content with 20% more added in patches despite all that shit being supposed to be there no release.
They even had the vanilla composer return to score the music and everything, but the game simply isn't there, it was literally fucking sabotaged and it feels like Kotick just defrauded all the money.
There must have been some fucking scam going on behind the scenes, there is no other explanation for what happened with that game.
There's no dailies in Vanilla, cunt.
Legion classic when?!
Should there be?
I actually want Classic TBC and Classic WotLK more than Classic Vanilla.
Cataclysm+ can fuck off and die in fire.
My only problem is pointless running. I want more fly masters and more than 1 graveyard per zone.
The game is already devolving. Retail is casualshit for brainlets.
I stopped playing in WotLK.
Did anything good happen after that point?
All I hear is complaining and people actively ignoring the story ever since.
Literally all of the biggest vanilla servers had 1x rates
I guess i shouldn't expect a retail shitter to not be delusional
It doesn't make sense for there to be flight masters FUCKING EVERYWHERE and graveyards FUCKING EVERYWHERE.
Vanilla wow is a casual as fuck MMO what the fuck is everyone hyping it up?
If you like that version more, good for you, go play classic but it's still a casual MMO.
>Sup Forums whining about muh QoL
>reddit full of chad purists
Make it stop, lads.
Adding minor shit like improved AH, auto-loot without having to hold shift and improved mailbox are fine in my opinion. Achievements specifically for classic would be cool as well, but I can see why some people would disagree. Optional new models would be neat. But I am absolutely against class rebalancing.
How much do you think alliancebabs are gonna pay people to level a paladin for their raid buffs? Or better yet dwarf priests?
Eh, atleast put a flight master in Bloodhoof Village and places like Brill.
There are plenty of people who wanna be heal/buff sluts
Healsluts will level nelf priests and druids, no one wants to level a paladin or dwarf to healslut.
The (((QoL))) posting is just funposting.
But female dwarves are cute
I'm playing him as a guy who wants to heal, but doesn't like the Paladin order
He wants to spread the Light's Word as he please and where he pleases
>mmochamp and wow forums.
>Not bait
>wow **classic**
What did he mean by this