Are there any games out there that actually teach useful life skills*, but are still fun vidya, Sup Forums?

Are there any games out there that actually teach useful life skills*, but are still fun vidya, Sup Forums?

*such as
>learning a language
>building something

Other urls found in this thread:

>"sister" taller than brother
Fucking tranny

>sister looks like that
>practically doing hover hands a foot away

Faggot, she should be pressed up against him so hard that he could feel the panty lines through her cute skirt.

I love business games and work as a consultant but most games are pretty lacking compared to real life. Capitalism was used in MBA courses some time ago. There is this whole category of serious games you can check out.

I think most games that try to teach end up being as boring as the real thing, such that you might as well just go ahead and learn the real thing instead.

But I've always wondered why someone didn't just make a video game based on higher maths, like proofs and stuff. That stuff is difficult if you're just trying to learn from a textbook but usually it's not the material itself that is difficult but the way it's explained or conveyed.

>learning a language

If you play enough jap games you'll learn it a bit, not very effectively but way faster than the faggots who claim to love japan but who can't deal with a kindergarten kana chart

>average American white male

Here you go senpai.

>What are high heels?

tis 100 for programming.
there was also a game where you programmed the behaviour of your colony. in javascript. i forgot the name...

>learning a language
I bet many people learned English by playing video games. Just play enough text heavy games and you'll learn eventually.

Tycoon/Sim games

Playing Ubisoft games in French helped me a lot with the language

>rent shitty car

gf who cant drive it must be dripping

lol no

Victoria 2.

Victoria 2 is pretty well game at seeing how economy works.

Pls give consultant job, I'd do your fucking paperwork to get experience in a management consulting firm

Good grief. The women sure got hotter and the men got happier. Viva la Raza.

When will they learn?

>Victoria 2

Came here to post this.

Playing Japanese games taught me a lot about the Japanese culture, if that counts.

I unironically developed people skills and became more assertive by running a corporation in EVE Online


>not alive during the perfect aesthetics 70s

Spice and Wolf: Tales of Sorrow

There are all kinds of typing games (e.g. Typing of the dead) which will improve your wpm. Other than that, talking to online friends sure helped my english and using keybinds for everything speeds things up. Can't think of anything else, maybe driving sims that teach you theory of driving dynamics?

Unironically this