Download a shtiload of games

>download a shtiload of games
>"oh boy I can't wait to play all these games!"
>play one for like 30 minutes
>lose interest and go back to lurking this shithole
send help

r u me

>have hundreds of games and thousands of ROMs
>still come here to shitpost
I'm 99% sure that it's depression or something similar.

participate in star citizen threads. good laughs and a game that will never release

Might be depression. I am the same way

Ever thought about taking a break from vidya and Sup Forums. Just like fapping, if you stop for a while thr first time will feel godlike

You nerds are just bored of video games and have nothing else to do in your life.

Just get a second hobby and its all fine

>180 games just on Steam backlog
>not counting emulators
>469 games on tge wishlist
>lurk and shitpost

This, I got a gym membership and started learning to eat/cook healthier to keep myself active and use games as way to wind down and rest after workouts. All about balance

I swapped to console gaming kind of because of this.

This. Idk why but consensus gaming just makes sense to me. If I could find a way to console game with my PC I'd love it

Consider suicide.

Jokes aside console gaming is more efficient. And I am a PC guy since 1994

Its just easier to get distracted on a PC.
Its a curse, but when there is a loading screen on PC I tab out into the browser and sometimes thats it for my gaming session

Steam big screen? Get yourself an xbone controller and go.
Just be sure to use one screen

How do I put it on my TV?

More like

>120+ game backlog
>a reasonable amount of free time every day after work
>I instead play old favorites I've beaten dozens of times

At least I'm playing games I guess. I actually only shitpost here while I'm at work.

Run an hdmi cable from your pc to your tv or get steam link.

Post 'em faggots.

I pirated like 500 gb of games in the past 2 weeks and haven't played any of them for more than 1 hour.

That would be ideal

I got hundreds of shitty games, but they are all "played" because I farm their cards with Idle Master.

Well if we were healthy human beings we wouldn't be here

I got nowhere else to go.

How can I PC game in a console like way? Like big tv with controller

>started learning to eat/cook
>I read that as "started learning to eat cock"

This is what this place does to you.

Steam Big Picture mode, or whatever it's called?

probably something to do with "gym membership" and /fit/izens

Steam in big picture mode is comfy

if your PC has HDMI there you go

That's normal user, you're growing out of games. Just like me.

I still have lots of games in my backlog but I'm too lazy to play sometimes.

So just hook up HDMI, and go big picture with a controller?

Don't see why it wouldn't work. I ran my PC via HDMI on a shitty 720p 19 inch TV until I got a new monitor and it worked fine.

Neither do I, you guys are a daily reminder that I am not alone in this situation. Somewhat comforting.
But blocking this site helped me loads of times to do something productive,
Actually found a job and started working on drawing and programming (not good but started atleast)

Yeah, easy as that. Big picture is just an UI build for controllers. You could use kb+m and get the controller once the game is started

That's great, but for some of us Sup Forums is a symptom, not a cause. We are not miserable because we are here - we are here because we are miserable.
Leaving this place would only remind us that we are failures. We lack the confidence, motivation and/or resources to try and do anything else. And so we end up here.
I'd gladly take my leave from this place if I had something else I wanted and could do, but I don't.

>send help
- watch docos while playing
- work out (higher metabolism = higher enthusiasm)
- used motivational aids (modafinil, caffeine)
- give up on gaming and read a book

>give up on gaming and read a book
haha fucking NERD

Not him, but what are some things you'd be interested in taking up, user? Be it school or just some new hobbies?

>But blocking this site helped me loads of times to do something productive,

I'm going to have to force myself to quit Sup Forums soon, just because it's not uncommon for me to literally spend all day here. Sup Forums has also become more bland these days. I miss the chaos of 2011/2012 Sup Forums.

Damn I might have to do that then cause trying to game on traditional PC chair and all that is just not as comfortable and convenient as console gaming

I think about it every day.

Well lots, but most of them require money, which I wholly lack.
The ones that could be considered free (like finally learning how to play the keyboard, or finally finishing the research for my book for example), take a lot of focus and dedication, which I also lack. Call me lazy or depressed, it doesn't matter. Trying seems futile at this point. I'm not interested in any activity any more.

You're making it man keep going.

Are you really not interested, or are you just used to not being interested at this point? Force yourself into something and take notes on it to measure progress. I 100% recommend a journal of some sort to keep track of things. Put your thoughts on paper. It helps a lot of people. Hell it helps me.

Start asking yourself what you're gaining by continuing to not feel like things. And don't get too far ahead of yourself. Start small. Play keyboard for an hour a day, same with the book research. Keep it measurable, keep it simple, and don't set yourself up to fail with all the expectations in the world after day 1. It's a slow process, but it can be done.

You're not lazy, you're just stuck in a cycle of not so constructive behavior. Break it down and show yourself what makes it not so constructive, and start to think about how much more you could. Seriously, start as small time as you need to. 30 mins a day at first is totally fine. also, have you considered church? Hopefully this doesn't make you discount the rest of what I said, but I just feel like I need to tell you just in case. Spirituality can help. God loves you and so do I user. If that's not your gig that's ok, but the option is there. You can do it user

>Not knowing pirates fatigue is an incredibly real thing
LMAOing at your life.

sound like you have depression or you dont enjoy vidya you just enjoy talking about it, endlessly shitposting about it

for me, im like 31 now and still enjoy vidya wholeheartedly and play everyday i can

sad that youre so pathetic you cant enjoy a simple hobby

I don't know what is wrong with you people. I literally only browse Sup Forums at work or if I'm eating or whatever. Whenever I can actually play games, I fucking play games. What is the point of even visiting videogame boards if you don't actually enjoy games or have interest in them? Is pretending you have anonymous friends here like some sort of weird camaraderie really that important to you?

I see you are also a man of impeccable hygiene.

Forever a teenager

>Have a lot of games I would like to play
>Start to play one
>Can't think about the game
>thinking about how I am wasting my time instead of doing something productive
>Don't do anything instead

I don't know how to fight this shit

>I 100% recommend a journal of some sort to keep track of things. Put your thoughts on paper. It helps a lot of people. Hell it helps me.
I did kinda start writing a journal of sorts a few years ago, but I stopped. It was more like a "muh feels right now and how I got here" essay, but yeah. Maybe I should write something up again, I don't know if it helped before, I don't think it did, but maybe it will now.

>Start small. Play keyboard for an hour a day, same with the book research. Keep it measurable, keep it simple, and don't set yourself up to fail with all the expectations in the world after day 1. It's a slow process, but it can be done.
I will try to force myself on it.

>also, have you considered church? Hopefully this doesn't make you discount the rest of what I said, but I just feel like I need to tell you just in case. Spirituality can help. God loves you and so do I user. If that's not your gig that's ok, but the option is there. You can do it user
I actually glad you mentioned that. In fact, it is probably my faith alone that has prevented me from an heroing so far. I haven't gone to Church in ages though, and I feel kinda bad about it. But as with the rest of my life, I can't bring myself up to attending service. I especially feel guilty for my "laziness" for not attending. It shouldn't be an excuse.

But yeah, thanks for talking man. I appreciate it.

Do something productive before the games. Make them a reward.

And always remember, there's nothing wrong with games as long as they're not keeping you from doing things you're responsible for.

I'm the same as you but honestly there are some people who have been playing vidya for so long they played all the good games and classics to realize that other games just borrow their mechanics and you feel like you played it before resulting is a lackluster experience.

At some point you simply have seen all the good stuff and notice the lack of creativity from some studios.

However, that's just an asumption which can't be proven

Keep up the journal, pal. I love to write and seeing your own thoughts somewhere other than your head can help you sort them out.

And good. Force yourself, but again, not too much at once. Do 30 mins-an hour per day for the first week, then up it for as much as you're comfortable with. And be sure to measure it. That's another thing the writing helps with. Measurable progress you can see is awesome.

glad I could help in that regard. It's never late and there's power in prayer. I'm always afraid to lend that advice because it causes people to discount whatever else I may say, but it's something I try to say as much as I can, because ya never know who you may help. Ease yourself into that too and keep your heart in the right spot. It'll get better for ya, man. It always does

I hope so my man. Thanks again.

Anytime friend