There's so many video games I want to play but school, work, friends, girlfriend and family keep getting the in the way...

>There's so many video games I want to play but school, work, friends, girlfriend and family keep getting the in the way...

What should I do???

Take care of school, work, friends, girlfriend and family first you autismo

what did you expect...? that's called adulthood...

>All of my friendly animals have died from age and now stuck doing all the chores.

I have never had a GF. Not ugly and I dress well all the time because Accountant. Why no GF?

Having no girlfriend will free up a lot of time for games as I and many others here will attest to. Break up with her, let her know it's because she gets in the way of your vidya.

>i have no free time!
>sits infront of a TV all day
>sits with friends and just yammers on about random bullshit for hours on end
nigger you got free time, you choose to not play vidya, because you clearly dont want to play it

probably your shit personality

>break with gf
>drop out from school
>stop working
>basicly just become NEET
Here, no need for thanks

>having a girlfriend
>caring about your family
>having obligations with friends
you're doing a few things wrong, user. why make friends IRL when you can make friends over vidya? my only friends are online friends, and 8/10 of them are mentally ill trannies, so you know...just be yourself. sometimes I like to pretend i'm in a cute boy harem and bully them by comparing our willies

I feel the same way sometimes. I work 40hours a week and I take a class or two for college every semester. Have a girlfriend. Both gf and I live in same town as our parents, so there are family things to deal with often. Those magical times where I'm alone are great. I usually use that time to practice keyboards and banjo. Then when I finally sit down to get on steam, I see that most of my friends are too busy doing the same stuff to play vidya. So there is always a moment of why do I want this.... Luckily that goes away and I start up the Witcher. Weekends I still play rocket league with friends though.

>He fell for the succubus meme

>have no free time!
>sits infront of a TV all day
Similar but my friend spends 2-3 hours playing video games a day. I know because he plays with me.
It's just a nicer way for people to say "I don't actually give a fuck", because if they cared, they sure as hell would find the time.

You sound like a dum dum all around, but I’m sure you will just continue living blupill hell while pretending you understand more.

considering your pic
you should kill yourself

If you're commited to irl remain that way, vidya is just bad for you.
Most people here envy your life but they are too deep into depression and vices to swim to the surface and conquer the beach.

But I work with lots of other Accountants and we all have no personality and some of them have relationships.

I wouldn't go that far. I will agree that I've turned into what seems like a normal person. I'm happy and annoyed to be busy. It's just when I have free time I feel a little empty playing Vidya alone and not practicing on my instruments, reading, learning more about my new career blah blah blah. I still do it though, because I remember it makes me happy even if it does seem like a waste of time.

>implying they aren't depressed on the beach and dream of water
t. wagie

Have you tried initiating something? find some 6/10 girl, find out what she likes, and pretend to like it too. boom. free pussy

fuck off normalfag

>Dedicate one day a week for vidya
>tell it to all your friends, gf and family
>if they don't understand, who cares? It's not like you are obliged to do anything for them

There are so many desperate women looking for guys who actually have real jobs. This guy gets it. You don't really want a desperate woman to be your long term gf though... They probably won't really enjoy you so much as they enjoy telling people they found a guy who makes money.

I find much irony in this post.

None of my coworkers really like anything. We just work. Accountant stereotype for being boring is mostly 100% true. I'm afraid to approach any of them because HR might fuck me over for it.

Because you're ugly.

>dedicating JUST ONE DAY to vidya a week
Every day should be dedicated to vidya, normalfag cuck. You shouldn't have a girlfriend or care about your family.

Get woke and fast

>unironically using the word "woke"

Unironically, this


kill them all

>having a job
>having friends
>having a GF
If you fall into any of these categories, congratulations, you're a dipshit normie. You can get away with school as long as you aren't paying for it.

What if I have job but no friends or gf?

You washed fuck. Become a NEET

(Don't actually. I'm in the same boat [law school/gf/friends/working out] and I'm a lot happier. Embrace the chad life and play vidya on the side)

>posting yourself on Sup Forums
Wow you're retarded.
Have fun getting doxxed ya ugly cunt.

You must think everyone is being serious all the time? Posting a Overwatch pic proves that you probably do. Please don’t report me

>have a job
>still play 4-6hours of vidya a day
>can buy whatever game I need without worrying about a budget
Feels good

Women can smell desperation. When you don't care good things happen. I had the same privileged whiny attitude as you before I got laid, just fucking chill

i am disgusted by your behavior

Only way they are getting laid if they stop thinking they are hot shit and fuck within their means which is prostitution

Not only are you a dipshit normie, but you're also incapable of reading 4 lines.

>bragging about 4-6 hours of free time a day
>thinking that 6+ hours of your day are worth any sum of money
I only feel bad for you.

mate, then pay for a hooker and tell her to pretend to be your gf

Drop out of school, quit your job, ditch your friends, dump your girlfriend, ignore your family, apply for NEETbux. How hard is it?

Hard to tell on text. How do you know I'm not pretending to be retarded? Here's another overwatch for your troubles.

not exactly ugly but not pretty either. above average though. I know because I'm actually pretty

The alternative is not getting any games I want straight away. That is way worse than current situation.

>hard to tell on text
Stop being such a try hard faggot on Sup Forums

>there's so many video games I can play but since I'm jobless/friendless and alone without any family there's nothing stopping me from playing them and realizing that they can't and will NEVER occupy the void in my life.

You play on consoles don’t you