Monster Hunter World Raises Capcom’s Expectations; Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Ships 900,000 Copies


>Capcom reports strong financial results, and the initial shipments of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, which moved 900,000 copies in its first month.

>Speaking of Monster Hunter World, the publisher mentions that it “drew much attention” at E3, and was “overwhelmingly popular” at Tokyo Game Show, raising expectations for its successful release. Capcom also noticed “broad signs of recovery” in the industry due to “greater penetration” of PS4 strong performance” of the Nintendo Switch.

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>Anti-world whiners getting progressively more BTFO by the day
Feels good to have been on the right side of history the whole time
Yesterday's Arekkz video showed nicely how much damage even low rank early monsters can do and how quick there are since people have been worried about that. It also seems like monsters might use new moves when facing off against multiple hunters, which is a really cool feature if true!

>gather/kill X small monsters quests practically don't exist anymore and are just passive side quests that stack and you can work on while doing monster hunting quests
This is actually the fucking best thing.

Wait, didn't capcom had ABSURD sales expectations for Infinite?

>due to “greater penetration” of PS4 strong performance” of the Nintendo Switch.
What? Sounds like some words are missing here.

fairly sure their expectations were around 2 million. Still, the fact that the game with all its glaring flaws managed to sell close to 1 mill is impressive

I lvoe the Hilarious amount of mumbo jumbo

Especially since it was known that they got 90% of their views by making the video an ad and blitzing for a few days.

I wonder if some subhuman here fell for this

They're betting on the eSports side of things to make them money in the long run.

And it's capcom, so obviously they got it wrong.

2 million at launch, and its only shipped 900k now almost two months later


Apparently it's budget was half the SFV's DLC budget.

Its only shipped 900k, this is including all the copies still rotting in stores.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>“greater penetration” of PS4 strong performance” of the Nintendo Switch.

Their aim is to sell 2 million copies. The 900k talked about right now is the amount physical retail shops have ordered, meaning they're already halfway through their goal way before the game has even come out.

With good reviews they will sell many times their original 2 million goal at this rate.

Moved =/= Sold lol

oh god. here begins the new age of the capcom and sony lovefest. get ready for MHW2 g rank to be exclusive to ps5

Just go bankrupt already

Anyone shitting on world are nintendo users who can't stand sony stole their girl. This is a fact, no matter what stories they tell you about how they've been playing MH since PS2

The article author probably meant
>"greater penetration" of PS4 and "strong performance" of the Nintendo Switch
Whatever "greater penetration" means.

Technically stores bought the game, so it's their problem now. Capcom got the money.

>projected 2mil for Infinite in a month
>only sold 900k

LMAOOOOOOOO even SFV still hasn’t hit the 2 million mark they set for it in March 2016.

I hate capcom with a passion but lying about the situation doesn't help kill them. Retail stores have ordered 900k copies to sell in their stores, so that means capcom is almost halfway towards their sales expectations for Monster hunter right now. Depending on pre-orders retail stores will probably order more copies than that even.

Long strory short all combined, plus digital and steam, etc Capcop is most likely going to hit their expectations for total sales on launch day already.

More like
Ps4's strong performance over the Nintendo Switch

It's SFV all again, first shipment rotting on the shelves.

Sure mate, keep telling yourself that.

it means ps4 is for gay

Well guess the franchise is officially dead now. This is bullshit because I just got into it with Generations.

>moved 900,000 copies in its first month
and by that they mean that's what they shipped, not what they sold.

is this cocksucking shill high?

2 million was sales goal for MvC retard, with less than half that shipped to stores are 900k. get your facts straight before you start gagging on corporate dick you pathetic fuck

More like they raised the MHW expectations because MvCI bombed

>original sentence is interpreted that way in the first place
>guys, they meant to praise switch as well :)

>Moved =/= Sold

The stores need to buy the copies to put in the stores

if they dont sell, its the store problem not the dev

fucking this.

Capcom already sold the copies to the store, they got their money. For better or worse all capcom wants is to sell 2 million copies to stores and to us through digital distribution and it'll consider it a succes.

And let's be honest it's going to make that easy. Why do you guys want this game to fail anyway? They're trying out different things and actually put a big budget behind the game for a change. You don't honestly want them to keep rehashing the game like a Dynasty warrior game, right?

Man, I can't wait for the eventhubs article about how MvCI is going to be the most successful video game on the planet because it shipped (not sold, shipped) 900,000 copies

As much as I wish World would bomb too, I think the nips will carry it. The game is Capcons last ace in the hole, if it fails at least other companies can treat their IPs better.

kill yourself faggot
>During the six months ended September 30, 2017, our industry saw broad signs of recovery, including greater
penetration of the PlayStation 4 home video game console and the strong performance of the new Nintendo Switch game
console. This revitalized the home video games market, which had appeared stagnant relative to the growth of mobile
games primarily for smartphones.
Now stop making shit up Canacucks.

>I'm going to get super worked up about shit I don't have a clue about because my life is a meaningless existence

>SHIPS 900k copies to retailers.
>Wants to sell 2 million copies to consumers.

If that is Capcom's back I don't want to see the front.

>Capcom is happy that PS4 is doing better than the Switch
yeah user right

Videogames. Or rather, Capcom.

You DO remember that the E3 reveal had a 10th of the expected like/dislike for a video with that many views, and that it was discovered that a shitload of these views were gotten during a roughly 4 day period. Thereafter, a complete plateau.

Hint : World will likely fail. They are trying every little trick in the book to save it. Most recent is muh darksouls
They'll see 1 million in the west at most, and it will have been a tremendous waste of time for all involved.


I just really hope it's good.

>You don't honestly want them to keep rehashing the game like a Dynasty warrior game, right?

Yes, they have been doing that successfully for decades and why the games are so popular. If you want to make a shitty spin off to milk normies and casuals, go ahead, but don't ruin the main series. So i ask you another question, do the people that want this game to be successful want another final fantasy or elder scrolls skyrim?

Do your parents a favor and move out you freeloading piece of penis crust.

>Putting all their games on ps4 and not switch
They should

>and actually put a big budget behind the game for a change.
What? The budget for MvCI was half of SFV's DLC budget. And you can fucking tell too.

well, seeing as Capcom is almost always wrong, it's believable that they think the PS4 is doing better than the switch.

Confirmed shill thread

>but don't ruin the main series
Generation already did this

Even if they did, do you really think they would come out and say it? Come on

>And let's be honest it's going to make that easy.

SFV still hasn't even sold 2 million though, what makes you think an even worse game which died out even faster will reach 2 million?

>The budget for MvCI was half of SFV's DLC budget.
It's a low budget game for sure, but that's got to be bullshit.

>I dislike it therefore shill

Legitimately, why would you fucking want that? You already got the same game 7 times over. And it's not like this version is that different. They streamlined grindy kill/fetch/gather quests and are trying a different approach to gear upgrades. It's still the same fucking gameplay just with tweaked systems.

If you want the same shit you have half a dozen games that already do that.

I hope it succeeds, but I also hope to see portable MH in the future again because playing it on my bed after bath is super comfy and I'll miss this experience.

This, most staged highlight videos I had seen so far made me weary about monster damage and combat, but seeing people getting btfo'd and gs users missing every charged attack then knocked on their asses made me realise combat remains mostly the same, still not sure how will monsters flee from hunters when you can stick to them while they run

If the stores can't move the 900k units of the initial shipment how they can reach 2m by March 2018? It also sold like shit digitally, almost losing to Arkham Knight in PSN.

>monster hunter is popular in japan
this is news at capcom?

>And let's be honest it's going to make that easy.

How are stores going to order more games if no one is buying the current stock?

Previous monster hunter games are... an acquired taste. I think that's the nicest way I can put it.

Many monsters can fly, so that's an obvious one. Monsters might have monster-only accessible shortcuts, I'm imagining Tobi-Kadachi climbing along trees into another zone where the hunter can't follow.
Then again they could just run quicker than the hunter can. It'd make sense unless they're limping, and sometimes even then.

> tfw love monster hunter
> want this game to be good
> besides a couple minor doubts I have, seems good
I just want to have fun hunting with my bros like a did on the previous games, still don't know what all the fuss is about but I guess that's Sup Forums for you

>900k shipped in around 2 months.
>Around half of that number is most likely the actual sales.
>That would be 450k sold.
>Capcock thinks MvC:I is huge success.

>game is super popular in japan and sells good enough in west
>hur dur lets casualize and make it not portable
Lost Japan sales
Lost fans of series
No new sales cause normafalgs only play cinematic garbage like Skyrim, witcher or dark souls

>SFV bombed
>CvMi bombed
>this won't bomb

On portable consoles. They set the bar lower because it's not portable. Regular consoles aren't as much popular in Japan, especially this gen. Game was meant to bring more western audience instead, but finds out PS4 got recently more popular even in Japan.

They don't think it, they just say it loudly, hoping people believe it.

MHW will be the best selling MH of all time, and capcom will never go back to nintendo exclusivity.

I wanted the old games in HD, on PC. You talk about only the positive things that i agree with you was good, but the streamlining of many other things like the potions, the grapple, instant port and being able to access more items off your box is a HUGE impact on how the game is played. God knows what else they did like making the dodge frames dark souls tier or reducing the "unfun grind" of killing monsters because normies can't arse to learn the fucking game.

Don't lie nigger. It's 2 million by March 2018.

Hows make believe land, user?

>Have MWH be good.
>Localize XX and DDO.
>Make DMC5
>Fix SFV and MvCI.
>Release REmake2
>Make RE8 like RE7 and have spin-offs for the other stuff.

Do this and we can be friends again Capcom.

Don't you understand? The FIFA and CoD fans are going to buy the SHIT out of this game.

I mean most japanese games on the PS4 sell poorly outside of Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil. Obviously the western console market will suddenly desire MonHun and it will sell as well as FIFA!

which they obviously won't meet

Doesn't matter, we'll see at the end of March 2018. Point is, don't lie on the internet like a shill.

What is this autism Capcom as shit as they are never made MH exclusive to anyone. I have a MH game on my PsP, 3DS, Ps2, WiiU and 360.

>Fix SFV and MvCI

I can't fucking wait for your excuse that "well multiplats sell better anyway, shut up" just like with Ass Creed last week.


>Lost Japan sales
Yet Japs are excited for it and it's been preordered like nothing else
>Lost fans of series
Just for your information, whiners on Sup Forums are a small, tiny minority. Most fans are excited for it and so are newcomers

Sony cucks autistically screeching nonsense again, just ignore it.

Capcom is pissed at Nintendo pushing into Mobile and China with DeNA and Tencent as their mobile and chinese markets are flopping and they see Nintendo as a competitor

>Yet Japs are excited for it and it's been preordered like nothing else
1 milion Tri sales
>Most fans are excited for it and so are newcomers
>most fans are excited
Lold at you

>preordered like nothing else
It didn't even surpass MHXX preorders, you dumb faggot.

>Lost fans of series
Every single Monster Hunter fan I talked to think MHW will be complete garbage.


SF 5 is yet to reach that, years after. MVCI is dead in the water, user.

It's a common sales tactic. Fudge numbers to create a bandwagon effect.

The only thing that worries me about MHW is that I've been trying to keep my ear to the ground about any interest in the game, and I'm hard pressed to find any normies talking about it. As much as the game seems to be advertised, way more than any MH game has before, normies don't really seem to be that interested. Sure, places like Sup Forums are extremely interested in the game, but Sup Forums isn't a good measurement for everyone else, especially since it seems like they were trying to grab a new audience with world. I blame Dark Souls Media burnout. People hear the name, and tune it out. Things might pick up when the beta drops, but right now I'm a little worried.

>still no word on the PC release

fuck em

It was exclusive to 3DS for 6 years. Vita died because of that, ring a bell?

>Fudge numbers to create a bandwagon effect
It hasn't worked for any Japanese games

Before this year E3

>capcom is going to release a new MH game for ps4 and pc

>haha keep dreaming sonybro never ever lololololololol

On E3

>there is this monster hunter world trade mark
>lol is probably going to be an atraction or something never ever kek kek lol lol

After E3

>this game looks grate
>well.... mmm... SHILL YEAH SHILL the game is shit and no one will buy it (probably)

Every time fellas every time

>12 year old middle class white kid that wants to be black.

>3DS for 6 years
3 was on Wii U too right?

Why not argue about lack of wonderswan version?


but seriously try and buy it on PC if you can. regardless of whether you like world, MHW's PC sales will probably determine if monhun continues to support PC in future releases or goes full ps4 exclusive. I know plenty of people will pirate though so no judgement if you do

It tends to work in North America though. Activision, and EA do it all the time.

That's not how it works, if units aren't sold they're likely to be shipped back to Capcom.
Especially if the sell through rate is below 50%.

That was because they wanted to keep reusing the assets from the first MH game.

Yeah, it's pretty stupid. Capcom is like the biggest whore there is. They even made RE2 for the