Have you bought an SD card yet?

Have you bought an SD card yet?

This isn't a shock really... Didn't the Xbox 360 version come on like 3 discs?

I have a 64gb micro as card

I’m not retarded enough to own a Switch.

Have you bought an Xbox 360 yet?

Yes but it was a 2005 console using aging DVD media.

Yes but I'm not getting this game. I know it's got all those mocap animations and lots of dialog but how is this game so fucking big? Doom is absolutely massive on pc but only like 16gb on Switch, granted it's just the campaign but still. Is this lazy porting or was this inevitable?

Lmao holy shit
Are Switch owners this desperate for games?

It's uncanny how much the singer on the front resembles my gf.

t. PS4/Xbox One owner

As a former owner of both and current Switch owner, I just feel sorry for you.


like an ugly dyke?

>Need to buy SD cards for this mediocre shit

Her transition must be going well then

>PS3 needed one disc
>360 needed several dvds
>Switch needs truckload of GBs
In the end, PS3 won.

No, fuck the devs.

Of course it's lazy porting. Why do you think "triple A" games are so big? Because the devs don't give a fuck about you and they don't compress shit.

t. WiiU/Switch owner
As a former owner of both and current PS4 owner, I just feel sorry for you.

Ye, I picked a 64 gb one when I got my Switch.

It's partially open world.

>nintenigger feels bad for sonygroid
this is some insulting lack of selfawareness

PS4 has nothing on Mario and BOTW.

And BotW is fully open world and it's only 13 GBs.

Black Friday
400 SD card only $10 dollars

Same here. I'll able to fit about two games on it at this rate.

Yes, that's why LA Noire is day one for you lmao

Xbox360 outperformed PS3.

>400gb SD card only $10 dollars

They all lost to the Wii anyway.

>"kek Switch gets no ports because dumb."

PC version is the only one that mattered, desu.

Also interesting to note is that the switch can install different games to different r SD cards and to can swap them out.

Why are you even buying it digitally in the first place?

lol Bloodborne

So you know how old this game is?
Also, whom are you quoting?

Solution: get a label maker.

The SanDisk 128gb goes on sale on Amazon from time to time for like $30. Should last you a while.

Why? Sure the mocap was impressive for its time, but the gameplay wasnt that revolutionary, and what good story aspects they had was completely thrown out the window by the last act. A sequel is one thing, maybe theyll take the good and fix the bad, but why port this?

>Solution: Black Friday

>Have a bunch of microSD cards for N3DS, WiiU and phone
>write speed goes to hell even after the third time I got a warranty-replacement

I thought SanDisk was good

Well, at least we aren't forced to use a proprietary memory card.

Like a month ago.
Hope it sell well.

I want buy all digital for my switch. It's just far more convenient to have everything just there at hand. Don't tell me how to live my life. You're not the boss of me.

Step 1: Black Friday and/or Cyberman Monday

Step 2: Get a label maker so you know what is on each card.

Step 3: Fun.

Gee, I sure hope this rehash of a rehash of a six year old game sells well on this Nintendo console too!

Reminder that the game comes out in a few days and Cuckstar has yet o show any Switch footage. Definitely a rushed job.

Sup Forums- viginity

>Be too cheap to put it all on a bigger cartridge
>Still charge $10 more than the other versions

Yeah fuck Rockstar for this. Not that I was planning on buying this anyways.

At least I didn’t get desperate and fuck a tranny

I'm not the user you replied to.
I'm a girl

I already preordered too.

Jokes on you guys fuck me all the time

It's a remaster you dumb console warrior.

but thats haram

I thought so at first too but I wear a skirt so its actually completely acceptable.

Yeah, but BotW don't have thousands of lines of recorded dialogue and uncanny facial animations. Not to mention that the cell shading of BotW is not present in L.A. Noire.

Oh fuck off, the original game was already launching with 3 discs for the X360 back in 2011, this is an enhanced version that will also be released for the PS4 and XOne, put two and two together and you can see its even more demanding game. Rockstar can't do miracles if Nintendo doesn't want to invest in hardware.

el clasico

have fun being sent to hell kid

>Imbeciles don't know that this is not the original game, but a remaster that is also seeing a release for the PS4 and XOne.

No wonder all you faggots believe that Rockstar could somehow compress this game even more.

>So you know how old this game is?
Point is
>"KEK, [console] didn't get [old game]"
I'm quoting multiple faggots. You are one of them

>I thought SanDisk was good
They don't have to be good. They're SanDisk

I forgot that. Isn't the Switch version a unique version in terms of graphical assets and stuff?

Rather be with fun cuties in hell then preachy christ fags in heaven

It just doesn't have 4k assets.

>3 discs for the X360
Oh noes, 3 whole DVDs! The humanity! Pretty sure that's only 14,1 GBs, dude. The problem here is Rockstar being cheap fucks and going for the smaller cards.

Sorry, I'm not 16 anymore.

The games come on small memory cards...

To be fair, LA Noire is probably their only actually mature game.



It has a 15GB install for the physical version as well.
