It has Zelda and Mario. The next good game is coming in a year or so. What is one supposed to be excited about? Splatoon 2?? Some JRPG??
Switch has no games
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It doesn't even have Zelda, that's not an exclusive. Splatoon is the COD of Nintendo, so that doesn't count. The Switch only has one game worth playing, so don't spend $400 on this piece of shit.
Splatoon is unironically worse than even CoD!
If you bought the switch only for on the go use then I'd say buy skyrim and doom so you have something to play on the go
Why would I play video games on the go to the point where I'd need a dedicated device for it? Why'd I play a 30fps shooter on a tiny screen in public etc.
>Games I don't like don't count
>what about all these?
Literally commit suicide
What? I mean I guess Snipperclips is alright and all...
It's usually a good idea not to get a system in its first year, and the switch is no exception. The games will come in time.
>Posting a picture more interesting than the shitty subject of your thread
Why would you buy a switch if your not going to play games on the go to the point where you would need a dedicated device for it?
What's the third biggest and best Switch game?
To play Mario Odyssey.
>now it's a swastika of grass
Is the general concensus that Botw is a good game?
What if I only own a WiiU, is it still worth getting it or is it 15fps?
it's 20fps
>The next good game is coming in a year or so.
Xenoblade is going to release soon, isn't it?
What's good about Xenoblade??
Don't get it if you don't want it, it's as simple as that. No need to shit everything up just because you don't like or play it.
This is such am irrational and childish board jesus christ
Nobody is shitting anything up except for you feelings.
Game 1 is just a steaming pile of shit but game 2 is a masterpiece!
I wonder if iPhone X will get an Mario Animoji that's like the on from Mario 64 title screen.
>Daily console war shitpost thread
Oh shit, here we go again
>people are still trying to argue switch isnt worth buying
kek, you angry fuckin babies. Tip your fedora, drink your mountain dew and eat your doritos
What's the third best Switch game?
Telling people what they bought is bad just because you don't personally like it, is shitting
What is the elephants foot of videogames?
this does not apply only to switch threads
What does that even mean?
it molten core of a chernobyl reactor core, it's pretty tiny as seen in the image but it weighs hundreds of metric tons
It means mind your own fucking business
Don't worry this 1 will get deleted because it's anti-nintendo.
I think it means I hurt your feelings.
But I like Nintendo I just want more games.
Elephant's Foot in Chernobyl NPP Reactor No. 4
Image is so grainy because of the radiation.
That guy is dead right?
the guy taking his picture is dead too probably.
>showing skin at the elephants foot.
hell be fine.
This image was taken after that pile of shit wasn't as radioactive anymore. Initially they had to take their pictures with a mirror and have the camera in a different hallway.
That´s "The Elephant Foot", is the chernobyl core, now turned in a lava crust of corium, a new element that will be burning inside for the next 8000 years.
>W-what are we even getting this year?
Reminder that Mario Odyssey, GOTY contender and the best 3D Mario game ever made, was announced in January of this year.
Wait for the Nintendo Direct.
Idk about that. uranium has a long half life so that shit is still very radioactive.
Splatoon 2.
>What does that even mean?
Ok new rule: if you are an utter mongoloid with 0 reading comprehension, don't post and don't make threads. Hoping this much gets through.
It looks like it's going to be a good game.
Is still radioactive and burning inside the crust. If water touch it it will react with a horrible nuclear cloud. Thats why they built the sarcophagus, to avoid dust to come out and water from rain to enter into the reactor.
>mfw people think radioactive materials are harmfull
If you aren't a disgusting NEET BotW and Mario will keep you occupied long enough for new Switch games. BotW, especially.
No, it isn't. The fuck you mean.
Unless you mean the lack of content change from 1 to 2 then yes. But gameplay, charm and no dlc already beats cod.
Lmao you need even less precision in Splatoon, in fact you need none, you don't even really try to shoot at each other 90% of the time, you just shoot wherever you can.
Fire Emblem Warriors.
>there's the info
>"When this photo was taken, 10 years after the disaster, the Elephant’s Foot was only emitting one-tenth of the radiation it once had. Still, merely 500 seconds of exposure would prove fatal."
Elephant´s foot is still radioactive, not like it used to be, but is still dangerous, again thats why they bult the sarcophagus back then and they rebuilt it now. Of course is not emitting the same radiation than the day of the explosion but the fucker is still dangerous
Radiactiva material are not dangerous by default, but Corium is indeed harmfull.
Yeah but that's how the picture was taken without the dude going on a suicide mission for shits and giggles.
During the year of the disaster over a hundred thousand people were sent to clean that mess directly on site as they had no other options, they tried to use some high tech german robot vehicles but they stopped working due to the radiation. Like a 800k total during like five years.
Tell that to Galen Winsor
All people taking picture in op pic are dead because of the radiation emitted by this fat piece of shit btw.
The more you know.
you now remember that jap who's DNA basically melted down along with most of his body but was kept alive by doctors for months after
that image that's circulating is fake though
go back to buzzfeed with your '''''''''''''''''''''facts''''''''''''''''''
Not just the image. The entire story is fake. Japan was never nuked. It was fire bombed, just like North Korea. There is no such thing as a nuke.There are even documented and in some cases even filmed "atomic bomb" tests where they are literally just stacking TnT to make a huge explotion and then claiming it is a nuke.
You fucking retard it's the story about the nuclear plant accident and not the nukes you lunatic conspiracy theorist.
*tips tinfoil hat*
They did, died 2 week after taking the picture in a car accident, they where talking about that fat radioactive piece of shit instead of checking the road.
Never talk about radioactive piece of shit while driving.
conspiracy fags BTFO, our government would never do anything bad
I'm not american you genuinely retarded conspiratard
dropping two nukes ins't exactly the nicest
yes, your government has never and will never do anything bad, stupid conspiracyfags
>that image about the real nuclear plant accident in japan is fake because nukes aren't real, our government, because I assume everyone is from one country, can't do no evil
absolute gibberish
he was baiting you dumb cunt
Octopath Traveler looks decent.
lol no it doesn't
>Galen Winsor
He is the typical contrarian friend that say red when everyone say blue.
You clearly have neither played the game or aren't very good at it, and that's with casual modes considered
either, not neither, it's more casual than call of duty
dang you're right thanks for setting him straight
gut memeing
Doesn't it get Xenoblade in a couple of weeks?
>Buying a Switch to play on the go
>2 hour battery life
That elephant's foot is nothing comparing to this
a-actually it's 3 hours!!!!
as already mentioned before THIS IMAGE IS FAKE YOU FUCKING REDDITOR
the story is true however
It's not only about what he said. It is also about what he did. Like eating highly radioactive materials and exposing rooms full of people with large enough doses of highly radioactive materials without any problems even after years of doing this.
2 good games is more than the PS4 or XxboneXx
and then they build this to contain the sarcophagus
I read the book on that after someone here recommended it. it was interesting, and terrifying at the same time. The treatment they gave him early on seemed to be working as well too, but when his skin began to fall off and no skin grafts would take resulting in him losing a lot of blood and other bodily fluids each day it put his heart under tremendous strain, the sad thing is he died earlier of a heart attack, but they revived but after that he was pretty much comatose until the end.
Radiation really fucks you up man.
how standard of non-nintendo players to complain about 10/10 score, just because your system cant.
cry some more.
I'm sure you have some source for that claim
Not same guy, but Ouchi's legs were never amputate. There's only a few pic of him and none of them show his face.
read the book, everything contradicts that image, including the real images, that image is some random burn victim or some prop or something
Indeed. The only way to have 100% certainty of information is when an anonymous poster on Sup Forums mentions it. That's basically as rigorous as you can get.
I forgot his name is Ouchi kek
aka I'll flip it on you and put the burden of proof on you
It has the only game that matters, user!
In fact I plan to purchase a Nintendo Switch™ and a new copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch in order to support my favourite developer and enjoy all the sweeping improvements they are making to an already brilliant game!
what does the Elephant's foot have to do with this?
it's a giant pile of shit just like the ______.
how standard of a third worlder to unironically engage in console wars and type like an illiterate slavshit on the internet. fucking off yourself, you nintenbro pedro
Yeah, Zelda and Mario aren't worth the system yet. And to all the faggots complaining that
>games I don't like = no games
People are speaking in eliptical sentences. "It has no games...(that I want/worth my time/that interest me).
Splatoon 2 looks mediocre. ARMS looks boring. I don't really care about Xenoblade, and the MMO-ish HUD, and gameplay presumably, are very off-putting, 1-2 Switch is something to play with friends if you're incredibly bored. The only upcoming releases that interest me are SMTV and MP4.
You forgot to offhandedly dismiss MarioxRabbids, Golf Story, Snipperclips, Bomberman R, and Fire Emblem Warriors.