"ex" male

>"ex" male
>dick "girl"
>fucking male

Why does Japan keep making this stuff?

Because it's sexy.

Feudal japan fucked boys and boys in drag.

They are basically a weird Rome.

They’re all faggots who are so inept at interacting with actual women (female) that they’d rather retreat into transsexual fantasies as their birth rate continues to go down the shitter.

Westerners need to stop taking things so seriously

Why do trapfags repost the same threads over and over?

Because who gives a fuck?

Mai and the guy from Steins;Gate were interesting characters who actually developed after they were changed.

The Link thing is just an outfit, didn't play Nier so I don't know Kaine's deal but I'd imagine given Mai and Luka she's not handled poorly.

In short, why do you give a shit? Do you think it's causing a downfall of society or something? Because it isn't.

Japan is gay as fuck be deep in denial, so they fap to boys in dresses and pretend it's not gay.

Poison was never a tranny

>Why does Japan keep making this stuff?
Because I keep buying it.


My sexual arousal.
Better question: Do you want to FUCK the cuteboy or BE the cuteboy?

because they don't give a shit. And if they don't, why should you?

Ruka from steins;gate is a genuine girl at one point in the story.

Kaine being intersex is also not really trapping, her gestalt was female.

Because girls with dicks are the cutest.

Would you fuck Link?
or maybe holding hands?

i want to make I'm cum with his anus

cum again?

Because men are better at being women than women are? What's so hard to understand here?

tfw no cute boyfriend to hold hands with in public
I just want a cute little gay boyfriend.

It appeals to westerners


It's funny. Only fags think of it sexually, and they think of everything sexually.

Because I'm a degenerate and gender bender is my fetish


lol so those ancient american sjws just got shit real in a way

they never change

I want to fuck and start a life together with the cute boy.

I'm trans and I'm sick of this shit on Sup Forums we have a dozen tranny threads everyday. I'm here to talk about video games not faggy gender politics. Sage. Report. Hide.


Perhaps you shouldn't have turned yourself into a walking fetish.

Shut up you fucking hon

>I'm trans and I'm sick
Stopped reading there and I agree.

Shut up

Boys can be cute too. Nothing wrong with that.

This was obvious for everyone who knew anything about it.
They just came up with an excuse so feminist will fuck off from their game.

Get well soon.

Yes, and?
Are you not?

because nobody actually cares about it
those "genders" arent taken so seriously at all

its just like a gimmick for characterization and diversity in games and some creepy nerds aka kimootas enjoy it

Because they're not retarded christcuck humanity traitors. I know that humans could be patriots and not be easily triggered snowflakes is a hard concept for Sup Forums to grasp, but fortunately there are still countries where you trash aren't relevant.

We can go younger


Cute boys are not trannies.

I want the cuteboy to fuck me.

Now we're talking

>Sup Forums hates irl trans but likes vidya trans

What does this mean?

Kainé is a hermaphrodite and hate herself for what she is, don't put her on the same group as the others please


it means you are seeing Sup Forums

2D > 3D
Real talk, if trannies weren't utterly disgusting IRL there'd be a lot more cute girls (male) around here.

I have only problems with crazies.

>western news complaining about birth rate
they just want an excuse to inject muslims and africans into japan.