You did manage to get the special ending right Sup Forums?

You did manage to get the special ending right Sup Forums?

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I don’t waste my time with anime picture books.

what a waste of time this game was, if it was just for the shock value, then at least allow me to have multiple ways of screwing up the world, not just one.

Jokes on you, I wanted her auburn pussy to begin with

Yuri is the superior waifu

Her hair is auburn?

I did and it wasn't worth it.


>tfw thought I'd made a horrible mistake by pursuing yuri when I got to act 2

Im happy i still manage to get somewhat moved by these kinds of vns, even though many concepts are similar or the same, its always a nice/new experience.

I just knew that with yuri i was either going to die or she was going to rape me, and then die. The with her body lying there for tge weekend and getting even paler made me really sad tho.


Not gonna lie. everything about Yuri's death really stuck with me more than anything else in the story. She knew there was something wrong and that she wasn't acting normal, but then she just fucking kills herself, the scriping breaks and you're stuck staring at her decomposing corpse for the entire weekend. I legit thought that all of the lines of glitchy text were actual dialogue at first.
Kind of messed me up a little bit.

The real sad thing is never being able to spend time with Natsuki. Also the fact that she really cared about Yuri and must have been torn apart when she found her dead.

>tfw no Monika gf

>sad thing is never being able to spend time with Natsuki.

If you restart you can do Natsuki's route instead of Sayori can't you?

>tfw the special ending is basically the happiest ending you can get even though some things are still wrong
The literature club is a place where no happiness can blossom.

You can. In fact, to get the best ending you're meant to reload your save multiple times so you can see all of the girl's CGs.

I meant more replacing Yuri's arc with Natsuki, but yes you can do that. It was really sweet, and I'm sad it was only there scenes.

that dissapointed me, although I didn't expect a happy ending, I wanted at least multiple bad ones.

What bugged me the most was seeing the translation of the corrupt text. Left me with mixed feelings.

Although we dont delve deeper in natsukis story, what about her dad?

Her dad is abusive and extremely controlling

Could you give a resume? Ill probably check it on the wiki though.
We could get that for the special poem, but i was hoping for a little bit more of development you know?

It's heavily implied through all of the girls' dialogue. At least she never actually hits a breaking point like the others and ends up being the most caring and thoughtful of the group.

I can't right now my dude, but during the scene just look at your history (it eventually hits a point where it stops translating, but it's implied it just keeps looping).

Fun fact: all of the glitch text during that scene is actually randomly generated, and there's roughly 1400 lines of it. The dialogue you see in the history is the game's blurb with monika's request to spend time with her being repeated.

The first part seriously made me want a full fledged version without all the meta. Something like a legit trauma/mental illness version of katawa.

Thats some shit.

I mean isn't that basically just Grisaia in the end?

>Yuri bending over Monika over a table and having her way.

I'll just leave this here.

Useless program. Only good for paizuri.

I do believe that vns exist which deal in themes like depression. But the bit with sayori just hit with a slap to the face and a punch to the gut, since the point when youre going to the club alone i knew something was wrong, and the certainty came with the poem monika gives you, that was fucking rough.

Finally monika is getting some love.
>captcha: goodwood piscine

If you progress the scene normally, without "cheating (i.e closing the program then re-opening it to skip to the next CG in the sequence) you see all 1400+ lines of glitch text spread out across those 9 CGs. On my first playthrough I reached the third CG before considering closing the program and launching it again.
Imagine my surprise when it cut straight back to the scene again.


I didnt close it actually, i just left it rolling with skip on, i just never thought of checking the history log.

Yuri has a face for every need i have.

Good to hear

DDLC was literally the first VN type thing I've ever played. I have no idea what Grisaia is. Please enlighten me.
I was super unprepared for how real that first bit is. I was all set to deal with the monika thing, super unprepared to see what amounts to the anime version of people I actually know and talk to on a daily basis.

I was constantly stuck between going "fuck yes" and "what the fuck" while yuri was losing her mind. This isn't the first time either. I think I just have a thing for the crazy ones.

Get out secondary

I was a bit less on the what the fuck part myself

I was confused but my dick wasnt, just be careful with real life crazy women.
Yeah, that first bit really hits you hard.

No, I got the happy end with Monika

I fucked up

le kys face

le scared boi faec


Post more.


That's a weird way of spelling Sayori



I'd have a threeway with Yuri and Monika.


Damn Yuri you're looking pretty cool

Imagine how Natsuki must have felt. She just arrives at the club she loves, excited and ready for the festival she'd been preparing for all weekend, and just ends up finding her friend's rotting body on the floor. it's a shock so beyond what she was expecting that her body attempts to physically reject what she's just seen. It's only a minor moment in the VN but it's a pretty good one

That's the stuff.

I just want to protect her smile

Youre missing some additional information on context, like what she uses to touch herself exactly. Tip: its not her finger

Don't forget the fact that the MC is also sitting there, completely still and frozen, watching the corpse.

>When the main thing you take away from a VN is two facial expressions


Fucking hell



The MC also seems to have some thoughts of himself, do you think hes also a character that specifically gets to share a body with the player? While also being screwed by the game?

Natsuki's Act 1 route was so much better then Yuri or Sayori's Act 1 route.

The game does indeed imply that is the case. Probably why Monika makes the distinction when she notes she's fallen in love with (You), not the MC.

Come to think of it, all of Monika's poems and some of her dialogue was pretty blatant foreshadowing that something was wrong from the very beginning..


>pretty blatant foreshadowing that something was wrong from the very beginning

I thought the disclaimers before the game already did that

Although he doesnt seem to note any weird shit that happens to the girls. And from the beginning monika still wants your attention, albeit she doesnt shove it on your face, onlg later she starts to get increasingly frustrated about it.

that's a small condom

Monika deserved much worse.

>she doesn't shove it in your face
She tries to cockblock you every time in Act 1

For you

yeah it's too small for me
i guess it's the right size for you :^)

It's for his own feminine benis
Now bend over

There's actually one instance where the MC responds to the situation, and it's during the fight during act 2. It's a few lines of dialogue that was edited in by monica and automatically skipped, but it still appears in the history.

You remember what he says?

Vaguely. Something along the lines of wondering how the hell he ended up in this situation.

That part where Natsuki's neck snaps sideways and she rushes toward you.

Scariest part in the game desu

I see, since i got all the endings, im not really up for searching more secrets, but i like to read about all the things that are discovered.

>Inserts SF2 game over count down.

The part where natsuki's eyes turn black and her mouth is replaced by a real mouth weirded me out.

Natsuki had some really weird shit going on during act 2. The weirdest though was the fact that she never met a horrible end like the other girls.

Reminder that Monika is a good person and that she literally did nothing wrong or evil.



so i'm playing this game for the first time and it is so fucking BORING. I pick some word salad poetry shit, and watch "generic doki doki anime club hijinx no densetsu" take place for HOURS. At this point all that's missing is the "fall on a girl's tits uwaa" and "operation panty raid." When does this get fucking interesting?

You've played for less than an hour. Just keep going.

Shit gets weird an hour and a half in, so quit lying.

It's a classic bait and switch. They do it on purpose to make you think it's a generic doki doki uwaaaa type of game. You might have caught on to some subtext already. But it gets fucking REAL.


maybe it feels like hours watching these dumb whores prattle on and read their shitty poems

Which one would you fuck?

Which doki-doki doki-dokid (you) more?

Started the game yesterday and now I'm just staring at Monika. wat do?

Why do you even bother? Go watch Final Destination or some shit. Seems like it'd be more up your alley.

If you are where I think you are, that scene goes on for like 30 hours.

You have to delete her character file.