So the bandana infinity is canon?

So the bandana infinity is canon?
How can you explain this with science, Kojimbo? Not even nanomachines can save you this time.

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reality gets blurred in arsenal blah blah blah

this was all well documented years ago

Its a video game.

Why do you want him to explain it with science?

Dude, it's just a reference to past games. No more no less. Not everything is ZOMG KOJIMA IS GOD RUSE CRUISE THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN and so on and so forth...

Before MGS 4 retconned everything into reality you were supposed to have been in doubt what events of MGS 2 if any, were actually real.

Don't obsess over canon so much.

Find the meaning behind the canon.

Kojima retconned every paranormal stuff into science, so the bandana doesn't make sense.

There was never any doubt that MGS2/ Tanker and Big Shell actually happened.

When was MGS supposed to be taken so seriously?

Where does the fight between Raiden and three Rays takes place

It was a joke explanation for not having to worry about NPC ammo. Don't worry about it.

So the armpit hair is canon?
How can you explain this with science, Kojimbo? Not even nanomachines can save you this time.

There was, the entire ending is ambiguous, there was never confirmation on one way or the other, before 4 came and fucked everything up.

Inside of Arsenal Gear. Where does this "MGS2 never happened" come from?

Raiden asks at the end how much of it was real and you're asking this? Did you miss Fission Mailed?

How is MGS2 so aesthetic? It's design porn to me, Big Shell and the struts all look so beautifully rendered, it's definitely on the side of subtle design, I wouldn't say it is something that pops out as being amazing unless you really pay closer attention to it.

But the clean aesthetic and very deliberate color palate is beautiful.

Ambigious how?

>Zone of the Enders is a video game within the MGS series
Or, not.

>When was MGS supposed to be taken so seriously?

It's not, at least not canon and lore wise. Kojima wants to tell his story and MGS2's ending was basically "the canon isn't the fucking point" yet fans can't stop being obsessive about it.

Did MGSV ever attempt to explain the Wormholes?

If it happened or is a simulation.

There's definitely a certain geographical unease to everything after Raiden gets knocked out by Olga. When you combine that with the speech that Snake gives at the end about how experiences can be real even if they didn't really happen, and a few other things, it's tempting to think that certain parts of the end of MGS2 didn't really happen as depicted.

MGS1 was better

KojimaPro is one of the most visually talented out there. You could tell MGSV was a last gen game at times but from an art direction perspective it was masterful.

>he still doesn't know that everything you play through in MGS2 is actually a vr mission

Raiden asking that doesn't really prove anything. He had been through so much, he was probably exhausted. I mean he just fought an army of Metal Gear Rays and killed his father. I never read that deep into it. I just saw Fission Mailed as some event to trip up the player.

What's interesting is that without the filter applied, MGS2's textures are not that much higher res than MGS1.

I think it's this conservative approach to rendering that leads to the clean symmetrical look of the game, it does a lot with very little. Gives it a really crisp and clean look.

>An empty desert
>Masterful art direction

Ghosts and Psychic powers are still canon though.

>Inside of Arsenal Gear

Did you forget what it looked like or something? It's presented as being a vast, borderless space with a floor made of holographic information readouts and alphanumericals. This takes place after the AI's demonstrate ability to alter Raiden's perception of reality. He says he was programmed for the mission in VR. Rose could've literally been an AI construct this entire time. The game blatantly directs you to doubt whether the Arsenal Gear section is actually real, or at least happening as presented.

Are you being obtuse on purpose for (You)s here, or just stupid, what's the deal bud

When you put it like that, yeah, I can see why one would be skeptical.

Fission Mailed and everything that happens with the HUD in Arsenal gear has to do with Emma's virus fucking with GW while you're still connected to it, the mission failed screen is similar to the one in vr training, it even has the VR training stats.

>I think it's this conservative approach to rendering that leads to the clean symmetrical look of the game, it does a lot with very little. Gives it a really crisp and clean look.

It also ran at 60fps on PS2. It's the perfect example of technical and artistic knowhow working together flawlessly.

Not really, all that was retconned in MGSV to be side effects of the vocal cord parasite

Pic for visual reference

> This takes place after the AI's demonstrate ability to alter Raiden's perception of reality.
Yeah, that was the excuse they used to explain the Colonel AI, not his whole reality. I don't know, man. It all seemed real to me, if otherwordly.

The game does not get enough credit for this. It is absolutely stunning, and 15 years later I can easily say that given this clean approach to the visuals it has aged much better than MGS3 has.

MGS is best assumed to have ended with 3.

1 is a great game with a fun action movie story, 2 is a technical marvel and a huge fuck you directed at continuity whores and the masses desiring sequels to everything, and 3 is a wonderful game and a love letter to spy fiction.

It never needed anything more.


It's a fucking video game

Did they explained Fortune's asspull blocking a shitton of missiles with luck?

It needed to finish off the patriots and it did that with 4. 5 is the one that doesn't belong.

Vocal cord nanomasheens.

I think it should have ended at 4, personally. Peace Walker would be pushing it but we sure as shit didn't need GZ/PW

>T. Pleb

that's the one thing you're hung up on in the MGS universe?

You said. It was nothing more than an asspull, or,to put in other words, a miracle.

Yes, why is this such a big point of contention for fans.

They lied to Ocelot, he had some of their information, but at the time in that game he was still their pawn. They needed Raiden and Solidus alive for the final test so the patriots would have just flipped her shit back on after Ocelot turned it off.

...I'll buy that.

No he didn't, there is a ton of paranormal shit in Metal Gear unexplained. Almost the entirety of MGS3, Psychomantis in general. Later MGS games have them trying to recreate the paranormal shit with technology, but technology doesn't replace the true freaks.

How was the sorrow able to appear after death and bring the apparitions of the people snake killed if his powers were from parasites?

Did you not listen to the tapes in MGSV? They explain the paranormal shit in MGS3 with parasites, parasites became the 20th century nanomachines with MGSV.


Dude parasites lmao

>caring about "wrapping things up" instead of quality

Can't help but shake my head.

Sneaking suit (MGS) because I don't even remember any of the other suits.

Not doing that strawpoll but MGS1 sneaking suit is top fucking tier and that is all.

I'm sorry others opinions cause you such distress. Are you going to be okay?

The parasites don't explain shit, how the hell do they give someone to create a machine gun out of bee's? Give someone the ability to run on water? Do they let someone to channel electricity through their body and change their affinity to fire? Being explained as parasites doesn't change the fact what they do is paranormal as hell.

I just expressed disdain.

I'm kind of worried about you, user, jumping to "distress" just because someone says they disagree with your opinion. Are you ok? Do you need to talk?

None of 'em, I'll stick with Fake Snake's battle armor.

>The parasites don't explain shit
mmmmmhhh... sweetie? they do.

I merely expressed concern.

You're worrying me, I'm all ears tell me your problems.

Please don't try to spin it. You leaped to proclaiming distress because someone mentioned shaking their head. No amount of recontextualization can change how melodramatic and defensive that is.

Dude, why so serious? Let it go.

>mmmmmhhh... sweetie?

Snake knows it's all just a game.

It's kino.

The game constantly fucks your mind and makes you question what is real towards the end, this is just part of it.
All of that went down the shitter when Kojimbo was pushed on to make more Metal Gear until he had to make a sequel to 2.
I mean come on, everyone wanted to know everything about the Patriots after that ending but Kojima refused to do that because there was never supposed to be a clear answer, instead he made MGS3.
There is only so much a nigga can do.

I showed these posts to my attractive white wife and our successful son, we're now all laughing at the pair of you.

the MGS alpha suit

>"They will follow us into battle, whether they like to or not!"

I showed this post to my wife's boyfriend and he cracked up, we're both laughing at you.

Thanks for giving me an extra 5 minutes without the chastity cage put on, he's laughing too much to lock me up for the day, might have time to make cummies before he recovers.

They had wormhole technology in the 60's.

The bandana opens a wormhole in the barrel of all of your guns and a weapon at another location fires a bullet through the wormhole when you give the signal with the trigger giving the illusion of firing it.

Also he can give infinite ammo to Raiden because he has a wormhole in his pocket too and when he puts his hand in there one of his buddies hands him some ammo.


Explain it then, other then that "it just works".

It's a nod to the fans. A reference. A joke. It's a video game.

MGS4 is such a masterpiece for the splintered stakes it thoroughly drove up the assholes of every pretentious MGS2 baby, to remain there for all time.

12% of Sup Forums thinks this abomination looks good

Don't skip leg day they said.

>game whose main theme is an analysis of video games as a medium, specifically the role of the player, is self aware that it is a video game
Wow, someone call the cops. Did you miss the Patriots AI telling you to turn the console off or something? This isn't even unique to MGS2. All the tutorials being given as dialogue, switching controller ports, "back of the package", etc.

He was pointing to his brain. His many years of combat experience meant he could survive any situation, infinite ammo if you will.

All the games are VR training you idiot.


soviet sneaking suit was the tits, facing off against the boss with it is top kino

>played mgs2 before mgs1
>didn't understand the reference
>thought it was some weird japanese "zen state of mind" thing

How can they call a suit with bright orange parts 'sneaking suit'?

Looks terrible, overdesigned.

The entire ending of MGS2 isn't supposed to make sense. Nothing in MGS was supposed to make sense it was just supposed to be exciting and unpredictable. Kojima adhered to Rule of Cool above all, he literally invoked rule of cool when asked if MGSV would line up canonically with the series and he was like "I'm gonna do cool shit and I don't particularly care if it lines up with the lore"




Metal Gear Solid 1 will never be topped.

Nothing in MGSV was cool though, it's the most unexciting game of the series.

Tell me the meaning. I need to be smart.

>Metal Gear 2 on the MSX will never be topped
Fixed that for ya.

>three rays
>he only played on the easy difficulty

old snake optic camo, also has the sickest pvp

MGS2 is a VR Mission