He doesn't have a Switch

>he doesn't have a Switch

I actually have a Switch but i dont have a BiC

I'm not interested in kid shit.

And never will.
Feels good not being a retard.

>owning a console post 2010
based retards

So you're not interested in fun?

I don't find broken easy kid games fun.

n*ntendo babs are retarded underages and indian marketers, as always.

Examples of unbroken hard games?

300.00 to play a game I can play on my wiiu. Nah. I haven't even gotten it due to lack of interest. I'll play botw when it's like $20. I'll wait and see how prime 4 goes.

It only has one game. I'm waiting for pokemon.

You've said many things but somehow nothing.

I'm not interested in shitter excuses.

The why are you in a videogame board?


Nice. You posted the number one excuse toddlers use to justify playing kid shit.

>Bringing your bingbingwahoo videogames console out in public

The red joycons look nice. Just picked up a pair of neon yellows and I love how vibrant they are

Sorry I meant it to be clear little Sup Forumstard, I'll speak your vernacular. Greentext
>switch has no games
>the wii u which I own has the only game worth playing, to me
>I might get prime 4 if it doesn't look like trash.
Since you lack basic comprehension

What is a backyard?

implying it's any worse than playing andy crush which everyone fucking does

Not public, dipshit.

People don't look at you like you're a virgin for playing Candy Crush.

>Playing games in your backyard
Pathetic. Quit lying to yourself and go back inside.

My roommate and I are pretty happy with ours, now we need another MP game just as good as MK8 that isn't Splatoon.


is this thread part of Nintendo's marketing?

>playing on your phone a socially normalized object that is intended to be turned a temporary distraction
>playing on a giant look at me tablet

>intentionally sliding your weed into the picture

As someone who smokes daily, I have to call you a huge faggot for this famalam.

>that keyboard

i think that's the bait my dude, seeing as you and 3 other people somehow managed to reply to it!

i got the mario odessey bundle but i want some mp games as good as mk8

He clearly did that to bait for extra replies.

But to be fair to op, there is literally nothing comfier than a fat bowl and some BotW or MK8 if you've got some buddies.

I'm glad Quentin killed himself.

Who /pepsifire/ here?

>playing bing bing simulator while stoned
well I can give you half credit, I'll let you guess what for

Why do we even have these threads?

Get cancer and die.


Did he? I thought he was in jail for child porn.

All videogames are kid shit.Just by virtue of being here you are either a manchild or an autist.


Did he?
I thought he went to prison for child pronography or something.

>he smokes a sloppily rolled blunt
Disgusting. Get a one-hitter you attention whore.

Might sell my Xboner to get one on Black Friday. Yes, I know I’m a fucking retard for getting an Xboner. Hopefully it will be reduced by a decent amount, I don’t really want to spend £280 on a glorified handheld with like, what, 3 games?

Yeah. No. There are many games intended for adult audiences. Nintendo games are Fisher-Price as fuck.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, though.


>tfw I want to try weed but I don't know how to get it
The dark net isn't an option unfortunately.

>Everyone who doesn't like my kiddieshit should die
The absolute state of nintenbros.

>he doesnt have games

Enjoy your lung cancer.

This argument again.

But user, he smokes!! Can't you see how cool and mature OP is cause he fills his lungs with carcinogens? *tips fedora*

>take picture of switch pause screen while on your balcony
>smoke then go inside and post on Sup Forums all day

dont really need a switch for that, can just photoshop it

Shit looking wrap, friendo. What is it, a Swisher?

Oh, so instead you're going to get:
>animestation 4
>it has 2 games that aren't underpowered crossplats or ports
You're an idiot either way.

How could anything be more autistic than living in a society that shoves pictures of blackened lungs in your face for your entire adolescence and deciding to smoke anyway?

>caring about meaningless labels instead of just doing what you like

How do you not see how pathetic it is to choose your video games based on your perception of its maturity? And then you become elitist about it. You don't see that as childish behavior?


That's weed you fucks, not tobacco shit.

>But user, he smokes!! Can't you see how cool and mature OP is cause he fills his lungs with carcinogens? *tips fedora*
Yeah dude! I love to smoke weed and game haha!

Start taking the bus. Socialize a little bit. It's easy as fuck.

Just be careful.


Smoking weed can still give you cancer you dumb fuck.

go outside and make friends you loser

That tablet is also supposed to be a temporary distraction. Especially when it finally looks like a tablet and not a clamshell, oversized pill or axe head.

>duuuude it's natural it's totally healthy not like cigarettes
You can't be this stupid.

Nah. You got it wrong. I'm naturally uninterested in kid shit. I grew out of Pokémon at eleven.

Get a low paying job. Literally all of your co-workers will be pot smokers.

t. guy who met all his connects through low paying jobs

I’m an idiot for buying any console really. Might as well just save your money and be a virgin PC mustard race fag instead of blowing all your money on all the platforms

i vomit internally when i see someone playing """games""" on their smartphone, i have more respect for the fat unwashed fedora manchild

get a minimum wage job. there's a high chance that one of your co-workers will be a stoner. befriend him and eventually ask if he would be generous enough to sell you something. DO NOT ask female co workers about this. they will rat you out to the manager.

>that carpet

why don't americans have actual flooring

Who's Quentin?

y-yeah!! smoking weed can cause cancer!! you fucking faggots sullying Nintendo's glorious name, stop smoking weed and playing on my console god damn it!! NOW!!!

Quit posting Quetin shit.

That's 'cause you're a gamer, dumbass. I'm talking about what normal people think.


Good post

What is this supposed to mean? We have carpet, tile, linoleum, wood, brick etc. What is a real floor outside of those commonly used materials?

its you :)

holier-than-thou dude who got arrested for cp

Stop samefagging.

>remember all those "say no to drugs" and "D.A.R.E" ads when I was a kid
>saw a channel advertising "weed week" this year

We've lost all morals

no :)

Where can I read more about him?

somehow all these "muhturity" brainlet fags seem to have trouble reaching that conclusion, go figure.

>people don't know who quentin is
The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums. Lurk moar before posting you underaged fuck.

If you're a leaf its pretty easy to get mail order pot. If you're american i have no idea unless legal states do the same thing with mail order pot.

are you commenting on grammar?
are you retarded?

>the hero of Kvatch!


Oh yes, an unfounded war on drugs meant to enrich the police state through fearmongering and propaganda is SO moral. Letting people be free would be grossly immoral and wrong. People must be controlled by their oligarch masters!

normal people don't know the difference between a DS or a smartphone, they see the difference in fat fedora wearing weirdos vs. normal looking dudes that care about their appearance

Spoken like a true toddler

When will brainlets finally understand that weed is red pilled?

lol yeah but it's better to be childish than to be a sociopath who plays fps and dreams with shooting a school or a creep who masturbates to weebshit.

Good. Also
>not utterly retarded

>92 fucking replies
this fucking board i swear

>watching TV in 2017

So when is the Switch going to be hacked so it can play PS2 games. It'll be the only reason I grab one.

>Letting people be free would be grossly immoral and wrong. People must be controlled by their oligarch masters!
I agree, legalizing is a great idea. The more freedom people have to smoke, the faster natural selection takes place.