How many hours did it take you before you realized Overwatch was trash?

How many hours did it take you before you realized Overwatch was trash?

I never played it, I realized it was trash when I saw it was being developed by Blizzard


only good thing about it is the porn. thanks blizzard marketing team

Watching a gameplay and hearing that even normies are complaining about it.


nu-Mercy ruined the game completely. Fuck Blizzard

>suddenly developing a FPS
Not rocket science, it was gonna be shit from the beginning.

Precisely 32

we all know why you are here

just here for the porn that will inevitably be posted



Ding ding ding
This guy got it.

This pic is hotter than the versions where she's naked. God damn.

>listen to casual friend who only plays blizz hots and overwatch
>buy the game
>regret after 1 hour
never befriend casuals and stick to steam refund system or pirating before buying
in short, blizz is shit

i enjoyed it for about 30 hours, half of that as symmetra

but then Blizz decided to go maximum Jew on e-sports and killed what little soul the game had

don't blame others because you are retarded and listen to other retard

>barely any pubic hair

God I'm tired of this meme.

Overwatch is fun, it's not at all trash

/played 0 hours 0 minutes
As soon as I saw it was a fps with no story mode.

Like two or three maybe.
It was during the open beta before release.

Are her thighs clipping through those leggings?

>shaving is a meme

How long until the cropped porn?

>tfw never any SFM models with bush

How many minutes does it take to finish the tutorial again?

You guys are so jaded at life. How about you end it all and make the world a better place ? Overwatch is a goddamn quality fun game.

What do most boys like? Shaved, trimmed or wild? Uh this is for a paper I'm writing.

you could of refunded overwatch

The second I realized that you can be a great player with a shit team and lose to a entire team of semi-trash players even if you you're are mauling them just 1 death destroys defense/momentum in that case.

Team based shit is cancer nowadays because its so designed around shitting on individual skill. When back in the day team based games weren't designed around hurting the individual so obviously a team of all greats will win but 1 great could destroy a team of decent people regardless of his own team.

OW map design is also the lowest of the low lazy trash.

If your man cares what your bush looks like he is a huge faggot and doesnt deserve the fresh pus served to him.

Probably shaved or trimmed

I like it natural though

100+, I gave my account to a friend to smurf on but he got tired of it quick bc of Toxicfags

I never bought it, but the amount of SFM porn it crated is legendary and I am thankful for it.

bout two hours into the closed beta

I like it trimmed myself, looks good. and doesn't smother you when you go down on a girl.

-2 weeks
Saw the gameplay videos of the game before it was released.
Noticed it was just TF2 and I gave no fucks.

Tasteful and short bush

As a serious answer, I actually put about 40 hours into it. The thing is I got it on release, which then the meta wasn't established in almost any game you joined. You could pick whatever character you wanted as long as there was 1 healer because the majority of the people didn't main a single character right off the bat so they didn't know how to use them to their full potential.

by the time competitive was released it was already dying. It was discovered that half the characters weren't worth using while 3-5 of them were completely overpowered and were in every game. Plus since everyone got good at the game personal skill now means nothing and the game only relies on teamwork. It's also impossible to have fun while losing, meaning people will leave the game when there is any hint that they might lose, so their team will be guaranteed to lose.

About 20 hours. Realized the skill ceiling is low as fuck, and i had pretty much reached it. Pubstomping is boring and competitive is cancer, the game isn't much fun and i had nothing else to do aside from getting lootboxes.
Contrast this with my hundreds of hours on tf2, and i still feel i have much to learn and improve.

I really tried to like the game but this is such a glaringly obvious issue that it just became suffering every time I played


Zero. I knew it will be shit because it was created by nu-blizz.

just because the girls are hot doesn't mean the game is good

Is the pussy good?
Then it doesn't particularly matter to me. But I would prefer trimmed or shaved.

Can any ausfags weigh in, was tempted to check it out but I can't trust anyone else's words for how games here turn out

>tfw no mommy mercy

Shaved is the only way to go. Women who aren’t shaved are simply unkempt dogs and probably have crabs.

I never did, because it isn't. It's an alright class-based shooter/moba hybrid that's fun to play for a bit but holds no real depth below the surface. It's only 'trash' if you were one of the legions of blizzdrones or the new wave of idiotic normie gamers who think that every game needs to be something you play endlessly, so you forced yourself to spend more time on it than the game deserves.

As a game to have a few dozen hours of playtime with friends it's a perfectly fine game. It's nothing but your own fault if you ever treated it as more than that.

Mercy is best mommy, all she needs to do now is lactate

only problem: getting hair in your teeth
that shit sucks

trimmed is primo for this -- i dont car if she shaves, but trim ffs

when competitive was introduced and toxicity set in

Stop putting down bush you double nigger

Some of us like it


It's more than popular enough to find games here.

trimmed neat. Badly shaved is horrible.

>I'll settle for anything

When a MULTI-BILLION dollar company okayed and approved this design for release


Only subhumans like bushes

This, fucking this. Specially the map thing. Fucking chocke points after fucking chocke points. And you can't even choose maps so you don't have to play on shitty maps.

You're not going to get a consensus on this. It's a very polarizing matter. You'll have to ask him outright.

It didn't take me hours.
All it took was releasing an new female character who is ugly as fuck and not worthy of waifu status.
God fucking lord she's disgusting, even tracer looks better than her and she's a dyke.

>Those hips
Fugg are those canon and what the real model has below her suit?

About 8


Though I wouldn't say trash, its fun in a very casual way. Its just horrific once you try to put any competitive aspect to it.

Only pedos like shaved

It never appealed to me, it was clear from the beginning that it is a casual friendly trash shooter designed around making money with kids falling for microtransactions.
Nice porn though.

About 250. After the most recent two updates.

about 3 or 4. glad i borrowed it and didnt pay for it.

you're not trying to trick me are you user?

>buy anygame in Australia
>servers die almost immediately
>or server quality becomes non existent with stacking and sweaty kids

I lasted until the second Summer games. It was clear they weren't even gonna try with annual events any more and haven't played since. I'm not sure how many hours I clocked in. Maybe 80.

Trimmed, though I wouldn't say no to full bush or shaved

I’ve never played Overwatch, but if it’s like TF2 and Splatoon where you rely on the good luck to get competent teammates to win a match, then I imagine playing Overwatch would be actual hell to play compared to other team-based shooters.

upside down triangle trimmed

I am playing the better game Paladins

bush it the fuck up famalamadingdong

Blizz built the game as a competitive to last a lot of time, and they failed hard.
It's not a trash game, but it's a mediocre one that could be easily replaced by F2P alternatives

Can't contain the thiccness

Shes not that bad though, a lot of the design fits with the trope they went for.

Moira is nowhere near as bad as the absolute trash that is mei

I'm imagining a bush shaved into a normal triangle and it's hilarious

a short heart shaped bush


how have you never seen this in porn

probably about 50, although i continued to play more to spend time with my girlfriend (her name is Lena). im back to TF2 and i've found Paladins is the best hero shooter. its maybe even lower skill floor than OW, however you can actually solo frag and carry in Paladins, so its more fun.

>not being the star of david bush master race

Shaved. No fucking contest.

Shaved. Since I keep it shaved myself the feeling of a bush is awful but trimmed is even worse because of the prickly feeling.

Feel free to post your profile with your Top 500 rank if you think you even got close to the skill ceiling.

No I mean a triangle pointing up

I'll tell you right now, you can carry teams and be a 1-man army in TF2 and Splatoon. You can't really do that in OW.


Season 1.

OW is competitive trash, but pretty fun casual game.

>with my girlfriend (her name is Lena)

Why did you feel the need to include her name?

Full bush trimmed to a reasonable length

1 thread on Sup Forums

trimmed, shaved is a meme with too much upkeep and a bunch of little needle pubes ruining things

"quality fun game"
you don't have to pretend

her name is Lena. Lena Oxton, user. GET IT?

god i am lonely.

>ITT Bronze things