Now when the dust has settled. What went wrong, why is this worst RE game?
Now when the dust has settled. What went wrong, why is this worst RE game?
Actually, it's the only good Resident Evil game.
Isn't re7 worst?
dont worry op, youll get a lot of shit for saying that but i think thaSSSTTTTAAAARRRSSS!!
What are you talking about it was fun
Nothing, and it's not.
It's isn't and you know it isn't.
0,7, 6, and arguably 5 are worse than 3. The only thing that 3 did wrong was go way overboard with ammo but in the end thats something all the games did.
Nothing. Honestly 3 is by far my favorite classic style RE.
Speak fucking English you twit
It's not, you're just a faggot who thought RE was anything other than a campy action horror with a B movie plot.
The whole "survival horror" contest between SH and RE was pretty redundant desu since RE1 is the only one that even can be considered survival horror, even the second RE ramped up the action and set pieces
the only RE games that don't go crazy with ammo are Code Veronica, 0, and REmake.
Also 7 on the higher difficulties.
it was actually supposed to be DLC for RE2 and CV was supposed to be RE3 but it was so good they said fuck it
I just wish it was longer, CV was LONG as fuck
>the worst
Maybe if you're a fucking windowlicker. It took the Resi 1/2 formula and refined it with new features like dodging, multiple choice scenarios, quickturn and gunpowder mixing. People say it's too short but I can beat Resi 2 in less than 2 hours as well.
You made this thread again?
Code Veronica, 5 and 6 were worse
At that time they were called expansion packs
Don't insult the fifteen year old.
Not when RE0 exists
You want (Y.O.U.S.)? I'll give you (Y.O.U.S.).
Having to run away from nemesis with tank controlls is awful
literally only 0, REmake, and 7 are survival horror games. RE2 is about as much of a horror game as Max Payne yet it gets praised to fuck and back by the same purists who shit on RE4.
>tfw would unironically rather lug around the hookshot than play Mold Simulator 7 again
After RE1 and RE2, it felt like RE: Arcade
RE2 has just as much shooting and action and ammo if not more.
Nemesis did nothing wrong he just was doing what he was told. He probably would have been a pretty cool dude otherwise.
Found the casual.
Literally this.
B-bruh you had cool evasion moves to use.
go to bed nemesis
>people say RE3 is too stupid and has too much action yet it has some of the most difficult and obscure puzzles in the series
really activates my almonds
I hate arguing over what is actually "survival horror" but I do think RE2 is massively overrated by the fanbase. It's virtually the same corny action romp they bitch at other games for being.
REmake, even on hard, gives you a fuckton of ammo. Really, 2 and 3 are both action as fuck.
I'll give you a proper answer
The game is the first hint you get at them wanting to go the Rambo route
>can dodge bites
>rapidfire weapons out the ass
>mix powder for 180 bullets not mentioning the enhanced ammo
And so on. I don't know when they conceived Nemesis but I bet at one point they realize they had to counterbalance the game so they both snuck him in there and added running zombies. It's an okay game, but it's the very first time you can feel RE4 is gonna happen.
I feel like RE4 could have been a proper survivor horror game if it had a Nemesis-like figure, like a giant chainsaw man chasing you half the times, or common ganados immune to hit and QTE. Or maybe just crimson heads, but then the casual masses wouldn't have overrated it the way they did.
Remake is a legit survivor horror game, you have to pick your spots very carefully. You can give RE4 to a complete casual and he'll beat it no problem, you can't give REmake to anybody even with the hack control scheme in the remaster.
REmake has a severely fucktarded difficulty curve where the mansion is nearly impossible at the beginning but everything after may as well not even have combat.
To me The Evil Within felt like what happens when you try to refine RE4 into something with actual tension and resource scarcity and people kind of hated it for it.
Literally every RE game is like that though. All of them are designed in a way so simpletons can win, as you progress you start to pile on mountains of ammo and end up unstoppable. The only challenging parts of the series are the boss fights in CV and bat boss in 0.
>tfw you still say STARS in nemesis his voice sometimes
I'm pretty sure outside the first Laura fight I was able to kill everything in that game
My first RE was 2, I was 13, and I had to restart because I killed everything because I fucking hated leaving shit that could eat me alive around, so I ended up with 2 magnum and 15 pistol bullets available and it wasn't enough to kill it.
Sure, against a zombie lion.
The only way to make re4 feel like survival is to completely remove all droppable loot from minor enemies and make melee way less effective than it is.
Ultimately RE4 is just not horror anymore, so rather than arguing what could be changed in it, they should have made a completely different game.
Of all the classic RE, I would say Code Veronica is the worst.
Too much backtracking and enemies respawn.
>Evil Within felt like what happens when you try to refine RE4 into something with actual tension
If that was so they wouldn't have put shotgun and crossbow so close to the beginning and in the same fucking barn.
It's clear that whatever team members that had any idea how to make a horror game were not working with Mikami anymore.
>Remake is a legit survivor horror game
Yeah, I agree, it's the best survival horror game made, but by the end of the game you will be a walking armory.
Yeah, you're pretty right, even more so on hard were there's limited resources. I remember straight up tanking hits with Chris early on in hard, his added health was a godsend in that. Also the super limited ink ribbons make that shit pretty nightmarish for anyone not familiar with how RE games work.
The only way a severely limited ammo horror game can work is if most enemies and bosses can be ran from. I can see that working for silent hill but not very easily a re game. Not to mention most run and hide type things are hated now because of the market being flooded with them
RE7 was better than RE6, RE5, and Original RE1.
It's time to grow up.
I bet you thought the new IT was a legit good movie and it gave you goosebumps like a little bitch.
REmake is a bizarre game in general. Zombies and dogs are the most dangerous enemies in the game by far, the game actually gets easier when the Hunters take over.
Bait thread
the worst RE is either 6 or 7
Bust most enemies in RE can be run from. Giant spiders are a fucking joke. In every situation you can avoid a zombie without killing it or taking a hit if you're skilled enough. Hunters can be avoided when lucky.
I remember renting 2 as a kid and being unable to get past the zombie street part at the start of the game. My buddy also had a gameshark and unlocked the infinite rocket launcher in 1 and we still couldn't figure out how to beat the game.
Considering how bad the average gamer is now a days, I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of them couldn't figure something out like REmake. The whole crimson head this is a real trap for bad players to waste their ammo.
I need other games with this type of relentless chase.
Prince of persia warrior within did it really nicely with the dahaka.
Have you not played 6
>IT was a legit good movie
But it is?
>They have taken everything from me.
>But I won't let them win.
>I WILL survive. They can't stop, my last escape.
the stupid typo makes me giggle every time.
Fight or flight encounters makes for really lame horror for me. There's barely any tension if I can just run past all the braindead enemies. I've actually come to appreciate more the "shoot everything dead" style scenarios that RE4 brought. With less resources that style would make better horror situations from my perspective.
>why is this worst RE game?
I got into this series very late but I remember old gaming magazines and old reviews that would always have the same complaint about this game(sort of like streamers of today) saying the series was getting stale by the 3rd game, which I always found strange that 3 games was enough for a game series to be stale but any other game series that had 3 or more games at the time wasn't consider this, just only RE. This was the one and only complaint I would always see about RE3.
no u
>REmake, RE2, RE3, RE4
>RE:CV, RE5(with a buddy), RE:REV2, RE7
>RE1, RE0, RE5(alone) RE:REV1
Now I recognize that there are better RE games, but fuck you OP. RE3 is unironically my favorite game of all time and I tend to replay it at least once a month. Nemesis is the best RE monster
>RE5 is better alone than RE6
>RE7 better than RE1
Put your taste in IRREDEEMABLE SHIT TIER my man
i meant to put RE1 in great but 6 is a steaming pile of shit and you know it.
That's the action replay controls, if it was legit she'd just back off one step, zombie would go BLEARGH and turn invisible for a second, and she'd go straight through the zombie.
is this the RE thread? why is RE5 so fucking hard?
RE5 (alone) < RE6
It's not?
I think revisiting areas from RE2 probably didn't help the game, critically (not that that mattered since the game was a success, iirc). For me, I thought to myself "Oh man, how cool!" when I revisited the police station more or less exactly how it was in RE2 - but in hindsight I can see how something like that would be seen as cheap: reusing ideas and locations from the previous game and all!
It's no more offensive than RE5 was when it came to the series going completely batshit off the rails. Mercs was brilliant and it has some of the tightest controls, if not THE tighest controls for the series up to that point.
my buddy and I are getting our ass kicked by everything
Jill Valentine settled the standards for women in my life. I've only dated short-haired bitches.
Only if they tuck the hair behind one ear though.
I liked RE7 more then 3 because 7 could be legit scary at times.
3 felt like it wanted to more of an action game but its not as polished as other action RE games like 4 so it falls a bit flat for me.
3 also has the problem of the level design becoming worse by the half way point.
I also can't remember any bosses besides Nemesis of course and that dumb giant worm.
Now just to be clear I love 3 hell I love every RE game I've played besides 6.
The only people who dislike 7 are babbys who's first game was RE4 and defend 6 like this user
RE3 is the best RE game on the PS1. RE2 was no slouch, of course, but RE3 just has the extra special something.
Back when the series was still relatively grounded compared to the more over-the-top elements introduced in later games, it has my favorite scene in the whole series: If you choose to go to the restaurant first you encounter Nemesis and get the opportunity to blow up the canisters in the back, destroying the building with you in it. That part alone cemented Jill as the series biggest badass to me.
The only shit I can talk about the game is that fixing the trolley is literally half the fucking game and some of the puzzles are just there as a "fuck you". Even still, great game.
If you don't really count the first-person ones, I would say Code Veronica. I liked 7.
>is this the RE thread?
It sure is, pal
>think RE1 is better than RE7
>somehow that means RE4 was my first RE game
>it's a dudley is baiting for (yous) episode
hardly the worst it just does things differently and exchanges things for other things, compared to 2 the randomness doesn't really make up for having 2 different playthroughs but nemesis is a great improvement over mr x, while re2 didn't exactly limit your ammo the gun powder mechanic is more FUN than just getting an assload of bullets and so on
how scary is 7? I played REmake, 4, 5 and 6 and none of them were that scary, surprisingly. I've been staying away from the series for two decades now because I'm a huge wuss but I got a bundle of fun instead.
Kill your self fucking millennial faggot
Worst nu-RE: Resident Evil 6
Worst old-RE: Resident Evil 0
Why do people call RE3 an action game? Why? If you kill every enemy in RE3 you will run out of ammo halfway through the game. Fuck off autists who say this.
They all played on Easy which drowns you with ammo.
Kill them with knife.
RE7 is the first game since Alien Isolation that scared me.
And wasin't any jump scares or gore that got to me it was that classic feeling of coming up to a monster and having to make quick decisions on how to deal with it.
Also for a lot of the first half I was struggling with ammo which really heightened the tension and Jack Baker and the wife are both weirdly funny yet scary as fuck.
You have shit taste
And so do you
I like 0 better then CV.
Have you forgotten about Code Veronica and RE4 - RE6?
I played on hard fighting Nemesis for all his items and ammo was never really a problem.
Dying to Nemesis over and over again was the hard part.
No you don't, because if you mix powders you have enough ammos to kill every Nemesis appearance, every BOW and every zombie, and then some.
Hating CV is a meme it's still pretty good by today's standards. People hate it because it was the first mainline Resident Evil to tinker with the formula. You can't make RE1 over and over and over.
I killed every enemy pretty recently and ended with like 70 grenade rounds in the box on hard. Of course it helps that the game gives you a pistol extremely early on for killing nemesis that has a massive headshot chance with regular bullets, and the series hadn't done away with upward-angle shotgun blasts at point blank being a guaranteed head explosions yet. Also helped to know how the mixing system worked, I guess.
Really the only time anyone should ever struggle with ammo in RE3 is during the first two Nemesis encounters. If you just run from him, you'll never have ammo issues ever. If you beat him the first two times, you'll undo all the ammo issues you've caused yourself by getting the headshot pistol making enhanced ammo nearly worthless to make.
I didn't say nemesis I said killing all the bad guys. Play the game today, kill every single monster you encounter and see how that goes.
Mixing powder was a thing because you didnt find much normal ammo as regular drops. It was Capcom's lazy way of having the player decide what ammo they want. In no way were you given more ammo than before just the choice to have a weapon preference.
I went through hard a year ago and ran out of ammo and was still dodging enemies. You are full of shit.
>No item boxes
>No story, just Rebecca and Billy getting lost and happening to stumbling upon hidden Umbrella shit
>No item boxes
>Worst bosses of any Resident Evil game ever (giant bug, giant bug, giant bat, shitty tyrant, giant leech thing)
>No item boxes
>Unremarkable locations past the train, plus you aren't allowed to visit the RE2 part of the lab
>No fucking item boxes
Oh that would be pretty easy honestly.
I think I killed most monsters I encountered and that included most Nemesis encounter again on hard.
Ammo was never really that big of problem for me.