When the fuck is it coming out? I can't wait much longer.
When the fuck is it coming out? I can't wait much longer
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the end of the month
Not anytime soon, from the sound of it it's around a year off
towards the end of the next expansion
so like 2 years
goddamnit god dammit stop reminding me , its fucking sucks to don't know about a date hold me vanilla bros
>hold me vanilla bros
>posts spacegoat
>with no horsecock
blew it
>I can't wait much longer.
You will have to. They basically had to remake everything because they didn't keep backups from back then.
>"just play elysium, user!"
likely around summer time.
>they didn't keep backups from back then.
isn't that fucking design 101?
They are most likely having Nost staff work on it. MMOs do this a lot; close down private servers and offer them jobs.
Don't they leak player info and allow goldbuying?
As you can see, estimates are pretty wild.
The people themselves didn't give an estimate so we have no idea.
I'm hoping by next summer.
Its more complicated than just reinstalling version 1.0, apparently. I think a lot of the world code was dependent on the hardware, and they completely overhauled their server architecture so they were joking that they needed the old server blades back.
And that grill stole donations. But as she defended herself with, "only once", so it's okay.
will the "every server is now PVE server" change affect the vanilla servers? this is very important
Tfw youre unemployed and perfect time to play vanilla
Ill probably have job when vanilla comes, sucks.
This, plus backporting a shitload of bugfixes and QoL improvements to an old codebase most of the current staff isn't familiar with. Some players would prefer a more puritanian, exactly-as-it-was approach, but I played through ships randomly ending up beneath Stonetalon and I don't want to suffer that again.
Do the Alliance and Horde get completely different quests?
I'm gonna guess around summer time to offset the content drought after Antorus
They're not gonna use the old codebase. It's going to be based on the current server software.
>"We think we have a way to run the Classic servers on the modern technical infrastructure," Brack says. "The infrastructure is how we spin up instances and continents, how the database works. It’s those core fundamental pieces, and running two MMOs of that size is a daunting problem. But now we think we have a way to have the old WoW version work on the modern infrastructure and feel really good."
As the shadow wills.
inb4 it comes out AFTER the new expansion
Yeah. Alliance will collect bear asses. Horde will collect pig asses and look for Mankrik's wife.
it'd make more sense to release it like 1~2 months before the expansion, by blizzdrones and blizz logic
>everyone will come back for vanilla
>everyone will hate vanilla
>then they'll see the light of the new expansion being what they want!
Based Orcs.
>Barrens chat
oh god
yeah I'm sure they'll relase it to compete with their new expansion
Nostralius was a test run set up by Blizzard to see if there would be interest
They have a lot more planned/worked on then they are letting us know about
Yep, but you gotta understand that Classic is still in its earliest stages.
Meaning it's gonna be released not at the end of Legion, but at the end of BfA.
pretty hyped for that easy lock leveling
I would assume 3-6 months before or after the new Xpac
>tfw Blizzard actually builds more content for vanilla like dire maul raid, emerald dream, karazhan
>tfw warcraft 4 is based on vanilla
can we dream?
I disagree, because all the assets are ready. If they put a minimal effort into it it should be very easy to port all that to the new engine.
Tomorrow is patch day user... fingers crossed
>all the assets are ready
They aren't though. Blizz has the post-cata world.
it could be pretty cool if they did something like that after a while if it was voted on doubt it though
This. It was reported that 1 dev got a playable version working in a couple weeks, it's easily coming within 1 year
Alliance runs to talk with the cheese vendor 4 dozen times
Why not play both?
Embrace the war comfy blanket of classic but sleep in the foundational bed which is retail?
surely they have pre-cata world too, just not the old server structure
How is it that some lonely degenerate can get a Vanilla WoW private server up and running within a week or two while for Blizzard it will take months if not a whole year?
Serious answers please.
rate my hunter spec
>be blizzard
>have infinite money
imagine being this incompetent
It's mostly because they want to integrate it into battle.net
yea because announcing them together isnt exactly that
>Crestfall has been canceled
there is very little competition between the two
a) private server tech gets shoved around a lot, nobody is starting from scratch
b) it took years to somewhat fix stuff like pathing
What are you trying to do exactly?
Raid? PvP? Farm Scarlet Monastery?
underpromise and overdeliver
a basic logical examination of actiblizz history suggests WoW classic is likely coming out before summer solstice
doomsayers are reading way too much into the exact words of the interview
every retailfag will at least check out classic
t. retailfag
Class poll for classic
for lvling its alright, but not for much else
Please don't, stay away.
I played vanilla
fuck you
Once you be a dumb shill and buy the new xpac they'll release it after the first major patch, so spring/summer 2019
But you never stopped which means you are infected with the casual virus.
Please, I beg you, let us live.
Who cares... When its not straight forward, hard to level up, gear is a mind boggling grind in comparison to the current version.. Ect ect. They will be gone as soon they came. Only decent players will stay.
Wrong. No private server people are involved in their new team.
>MMOs do this a lot
Source please, immediately. With many examples, of course.
What even is the big bad guy in Vanilla WoW? Or is it purely as horde vs alliance thing with a couple of irrelevant baddies for pve?
BC has Illidan
WotLK has Arthas
Cata has Deathwing
Idk about further expansions because I didn't play them
Please come. I rather have friendly and fun to play with noobs than minmaxing no lifer tryhards. Vanilla was about the journey. Not endgame dickwaving.
Probably after BfA so 10-12 months I'd guess
you guys are fucking ridiculous
I unironically believe they will do it around WoW's 15th birthday.
All I know is it's before the next blizzcon so that means max 1 year. If the new expansion drops early new year I think around summer time maybe
Onyxia, C'thun, and Kel'thuzad
There is no single big bad
>All I know is it's before the next blizzcon
>If the new expansion drops early new year
They needed up to or over a year for their previous expansions, user
There's a whole bunch, most of whom were original to Vanilla. Ragnaros, who came back in Cata, was the first big boss. Then there's Onyxia and Blackwing, Deathwing's children, who are mostly seen in alliance quests while horde just gets to kill them because they're kind of there. Then there's C'thun, one of the old gods, and his bug army. There was a pretty nifty event before his raid opened. Lots of server crashes there. Then there's Hakkar who did troll things, and finally Kel'Thuzad.
5-mans also had a bunch of irrelevant nobodies no-one cares about, but getting to see old places like Deadmines (WC1) and Blackrock Spire (WC2) was nifty.
>They needed up to or over a year for their previous expansions, user
After the announcement ofc
Is it worth leveling a 60 on a private server just to practice so I can hit 60 faster on live?
were is mankirks wide
Probably not, you'd risk getting burnt out for classic
>Or is it purely as horde vs alliance thing with a couple of irrelevant baddies for pve?
Every raid boss in Vanilla could be counted as a big bad on their own. Onixia , Neferian , Hakkar ( even for a filler raid) Anubis and C'tun, and of course Kel'Thuzad. Vanilla didn't structured around having a "final destination" so to speak. Every new raid was its own thing.
TBC was the first content that had that sort of thing. But even then Sunwell came after Black Temple so Illıdan wasn't the end but Kil'jaden was.
>t brainlet
it's after the xpac because lots of people won't buy the new xpac if they're on classic
It's worth trying a private server so you realize vanilla is shit and you don't want to play it. Make sure you find a non increased exp server.
>just to practice
It does not require practice, it requires time. You'd practice spending time without any of the fun an official server provides.
This tbqh familia
>the game was good, it's not just nostalgia for my teenage years i swear
>laggy slav servers with corrupt admins are like the real deal
>gold has a point
>trash loot has a point
>greens have a point
>status effects have a point
>CC has a point
>trash mobs have a point
Modern WoW has all of these things but they are so negligible i wonder why they are still in the game.
are you actually retarded?
where did I say that they will drop it with or before the new expansion? of course they will do it later
But it was though
>vanilla is shit
I played all through vanilla, as well as playing on a bunch of vanilla private servers. I just always took my time leveling and never tried to speedrun it
>posts spacegoat
end yourself
>elemental resistances have a point
>consumables have a point
>fucking FIRST AID has a point
It's nice
Way more adults played Vanilla than play retail, what are you talking about?
>status effects have a point
>CC has a point
>trash mobs have a point
all of this has more of a point than vanilla had, kys
.t vanilla fag
I was 36 when it came out.
>A story in which Arthas / LK death isnt a joke
The entirety of the Horde should be the victim of genocide. They have run rampant for far too long, have killed our people, pillaged our kingdoms, and started three wars. It is time to kill these barbarians once and for all.
this. plus the way modern wow works is that if any class has some neat little quirk with their kit it's almost immediately gutted/nerfed because of retailbabs. Warlocks being able to pet tank dungeons is cool and that's absolutely impossible to do in the current game.
Just play at Light's Hope meanwhile.
When the game starts dying again after the initial peak of the new expansion? Sounds plausible.
nah they wouldn't want you to jump ship when they have stuff in the pipeline
I'm fairly sure classic will hit when retail is in the end of expansion content drought
is it going to be for free tho?