free game :)
Free game :)
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I'm good.
>need to install Uplay
No thanks
>Boring open world Ubishit game #41 is free
Steambeciles pls go.
i'd rather not
shit game :)
You'd have to pay me to install it.
Can you still murder commies and muslims
>Just a Uplay key
I'd care if it was a steam key.
>checklist simulator #31
I enjoyed it when I saw it as a frustrated incel neckbeard who isn't aware of all the collateral damage he cause with his vigilantism
Okay seriously are you a fucking idiot? Where did Steam hurt you? Or are you just shitposting for the sake of shitposting?
No thanks
Thanks temporary ubisoft videogame promoter,im good
its great with mods
If I ever want to play Watch Dogs (fat chance), I guess I'll just pirate it.
A frustrated incel neckbeard that clearly wants to fuck his sister.
Nah, it's still shit, it just gets prettier.
>limited time offer: free lung cancer with your testicular cancer!
I'm good.
Anyone else think it's absolutely ridiculous how the games given out 100 percent free on uplay/origin/steam are better than the games from psplus/Xbox gold combined?
Why, you still a uplay account?
>it's great with mods
all but the driving and actual gameplay. The story is alright
>Watch Dogs
Yes but ooga THIS drm booga THAT drm
A checklist simulator turd is still a turd even if you paint it gold.
Gee whizz I wonder what Ubisoft's big secret end of show game is gonna be next E3.
At least put a fair comparison, that bitch was made to be hated
I can't wait.
Thanks faggots
They're both shit.
nope, don't even want it for free
>paid ubi shill lashes out at people shitting on uplay
You can't make this shit up.
enjoying the digital future yet user
>great story
Game is called watchdogs
the literal watchdogs organisation is revealed in the last 20 minutes of the game
Tell me one thing wrong with using uPlay.
>Exact same fucking game was given out on xbone months ago
Is this game good? I pirated it a few days ago but the stuttering made me uninstall
Not really, no. The sequel is better as far as mindless open world games go
That's from the abortion of a sequel, dumbass. WD1 isn't even that bad.
It is objectively inferior to Steam in every way.
Is owned by one of the mega-jews of the vidya industry and supporting them in any way is directly supporting killing video games.
These Jews are so retarded, they believe that if they take Steam achievements off old games, you'll be more inclined to use Uplay.
Why is this picture so sexual? I don't understand.
how does it feel to be shilling for a company that's hated so much, that it's free blockbuster game giveaway is met with this kind of response?
No, thanks. I don't want to play your shit game.
Are you retarded it isnt november 7th yet
>The sequel is better
Hipster or nigger? Either way, kill yourself.
I mean over all, with the various online platforms shilling 24/7 they give out so many nowadays.
I don't understand this fascination with shit being in your steam account. Add it as a non-steam game if you want the convenience of steam as a launcher. You have to install uplay either way.
Guess I'll get it for free in another way then
>uplay nsa spyware
This is what the News page says.
Well, thanks for the advice. I kind of enjoyed Wash_Dogs, it had a certain charm that some shitty games like Akiba's Trip has.
you need to launch uplay anyway, if you're gonna play ubishit you might as well just use uplay and cut steam out of the equation
Literally nobody said anything about november 7th.
Better is a relative term you tard.
But hey this is Sup Forums Ubisoft never ever made a good game ever and will always be evil kikes that flood this board with shills
>WD2 isn't better than one
um in terms of gameplay WD2 is way better, but I understand how some people are born with mental deficiency
Im not defending ubishit but its just one day man,shit
>reading comprehension
>shit game for free
wew thanks
right in the OP announcement image
No, I understand, user. I'm just saying there's no mention of a start date on their own system's news page.
who hacked the fucking servers?
Steam still needs Uplay to play Ubisoft games.
Please list the improvements, then.
Never played WD2 but WD1's gameplay is abysmal. It's GTA with a gimmick, except you're supposed to be a "good guy" so the tone is completely off.
It could've been good with a gameplay closer to Hitman where you can study your target's habits, learn weaknesses from hacking etc...
Instead it's "jump around the surveillance cameras until you're bored and start rampaging with an assault rifle". It was a potentially interesting concept sacrificed at the altar of "muh open world".
But OP, all games on PC are free.
It's in the OP, retard.
Kill yourself.
Do you have to pay extra for the E3 graphics?
>everyone bitching about uPlay
Do no one remember how trash Watch_Dogs is?
Sure, but that's just the icing on the cake.
Some of us who have no gripe about Uplay shill it for free.
I pirated it and have no desire to touch it again so the only reason to dig up a code is to make my steam count go up.
Im just curious on how it actually plays like, and its not like im losing anything for downloading it except some time.
came here to post this
Are you shitting me? Fuck all is ever given away on steam, nothing has come from uplay all year and origin gives away dos games from literally 20 years ago. Get a grip
Might just do it, have fucking uplay installed for Rainbow Six anyway...
So is it free to keep or free between those dates and then you have to pay?
free to keep
free forever apparently
they did the same shit last year too
Free to keep.
Nice. Uplay can't be that bad, can it?
>just install uplay what could go wrong
it's not bad, I have it installed for AC:O.
neat. I actually own the 2nd one, since it came with my gpu. fun game, and now I can play through the first.
good lookin' out, OP
I got Mass Effect 2 and Titanfall 1 for free on Origins, Payday 2 and SR2 on Steam and a shitload on Uplay from their whatever anniversary shit.
Not him but uplay has given out ac3, far cry blood dragon and Rahman origins.
I pirated it on release and felt ripped off.
Why people hate on uplay that much?
Why are all you guys so buttblasted over Ubisoft DRM and sucking Valve's DRM at the same time?
Everything. Seriously.
Yes actually.
Only because you are a piece of shit.
because ubisoft
>another stealth action open world game with crafting and perk points
How do you think it plays?
Because everything UPlay does, Steam does better.
its been free since release, at least for me ;)