Zelda was saved

>Zelda was saved
>Metroid was saved
>3D Mario was saved
Is it Paper Mario's turn next?

now that they're able to fend Miyamoto off, hopefully they give the series one more shot without him shitting it up.


They're still going to keep his advice close to heart more than the fan complaints

they literally gave mario a personality in a MAINLINE GAME
im pretty sure they are probably ignoring what miyamoto has to say completely at this point

Different teams user

Paper Mario definitely needs saving. And I'll be playing Mario and Luigi Superstar Remake soon...but something tells me that game may need some saving too.

I just hope Paper Jam isn't a sign of things to come.

I doubt much will change as long as Tanabe is on the team.

>Metroid was saved

b-but we got a picture of a 4

Paper Mario is their best series, and it only has 2 games!

When you do, don't write Bowser's Minions off. It seems like a mindless boring chore at first but the story is surprisingly good and the squad building can be fun when mixing and matching units. You don't lose anything doing it after completing the main game, but the true ending to it requires beating the main mode.

So sad what it's become. I still have it for gamecube, I wonder how much it'll sell for.

>wanting another backtracking simulator

If Miyamoto fully approved of Mario + Rabbids and was hands off on Odyssey then that just further proves to me that Tanabe and IS were just terrible at taking advice.

someone didn't play the superior N64 one

Mario Rabbids has a shitload of generic Toads.

Actually, I did, and it was good, because it wasn't a backtracking simulator.

Paper Mario should've been a single-entry IP.

Time to save horror games

>backtracking simulator

samefagging is more effective when you mix up your words, or at least use more catchy ones

Zelda was shit
Metroid was shit
Mario was shit
Modern Nintendo is shit

Paper mario is a spinoff series

He is not his own standalone thing