/vr/ is delusional about what games still hold up today, so post games that ACTUALLY still hold up

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The Legend of Zelda

Oh yeah? In what way are we wrong?


Tetris :^)

If you can't start up the following video games and enjoy yourself, you are retarded:

>kirby superstar or ultra
>the super arcadey sports games like nba jam, nfl blitz, etc.
>gunstar heroes
>custom robo

If you can't have a good time with at LEAST one of those, seriously you should just kill yourself.

What the fuck good old games DON’T hold up?

the gameplay is meh compared to banjo but this game could have easily been released today and received the same reaction, same spoof chapters and all.


Was this the one?

Not without fixing the controls/physics somewhat. People would bitch like crazy about that. Conker handles like a fridge on wheels in that game.

>sport trash
found normalfaggot

by far the worst wario land

Chrono Trigger

how so?
at least its actual platformer instead of shitty puzzle

Mega Man
Mega Man 2

Don't see this talked about enough.

early final fantasy/dragon quest/bof/etc jrpgs are so worthless if you've played any 5thgen-onward jrpg. RPGMaker has ruined these.

>likes shitty platforming over puzzle platforming
out. WL4 is bad in many other ways too

i would like to clarify I am talking about Final Fantasy 1+2, Dragon Quest 1+2, Breath of Fire 1+2, etc, and not their entire series

The original Final Fantasy is unplayable garbage now to anyone sane. No matter how it started the franchise, that game is fucking terrible and does not hold up at all whatsoever.

all megaman games hold up well. old rpg's don't

That game is solid AF

You have to be over 18 to post here.

Drill dozer is good but it tends to be very repetitive because the only mechanic is drilling and the platforming is rather floaty

Secret of Mana
Golden Sun
The Tales of Series
Secret of Evermore
Breath of Fire
Dragon Quest

So...what about RPG'S?

Bitch he didn't post 3

>Mega Man
The original Mega Man does NOT hold up. The physics are seriously wonky and the Magnet Beam is some bullshit with it being entirely missable, but entirely required.

I'd say DQ is worse

Only megaman 3-6 hold up anywhere close to well.
1 was testing the waters and that FUCKING magnet beam, and 2 had really retarded design choices in regards to boss weaknesses and was generally unbalanced

The first Mega Man game does not hold up well. The second one is fine.

kings field games
shadow tower

3 isn't that great, but it's still way better than 4

resident evil

Do you sometimes forget to breathe?

I can't speak for DQ but I know for a fact FF1, the original one not some remake of it, is legitimately unplayable to anyone that is sane. You have to be absolutely retarded to think that game is good or holds up now, seriously.

It's so fucking terrible. THE ONLY redeeming quality is the soundtrack.

Let's not forget the fucking Disappearing Block segments in Mega Man 2. Especially Heat Man.
Overall, I still enjoyed it more than Mega Man 3, though, because the Doc Robot stages are hot trash.

>secret of mana
>dragon quest



I'm more talking about most 80s and some early 90s ones

The Super Nintendo and saturn holds pretty well in general. Ps1 and N64 games has been aged worst. Basically, the formulae for "aging well" is;
- 2d graphics
- simple mechanic (plataform, action, fighting, arcade-like)
- good soundtrack

Pioneers tends to age horrible, with few exceptions like mario 64. Games who aims to be realistic age the next day they are launched.

Ok, so, the direction you want to go is;
Every SNK and Capcom arcade fighting game.
Every Kirby game
Every Mario game
Every Zelda game
Every genesis sonic game
Super Famicon exclusive games
Also, go search for Arcades. They are surprisingly deep and beautiful.

Seriously, are you guys stupid? I haven't played a Megaman game until a few years ago and saying that any of them don't hold up is stupid.

I especially don't get the issue about the magnet beam, even if you're missing the required power up, you can just revisit the stage


MediEvil 1

Played through the whole thing yesterday. The game was pretty neat and interesting, but holy SHIT the controls and the fucking camera were a wreck. I never really appreciated what reviewers used to mean by terrible camera/controls detracting from a game until this.

Still, it's 8 hours I don't regret.

But you can go down stairs, check spaces and open doors without having to open a menu, right?

I've tried starting that game like 3 times now, and every time I get to onnet I go in the molecave and I don't know if I'm skipping anything so I get nervous and turn it off. How do I get good?

Super metroid still holds up.

2 is better, but I hate playing anything past the space stages.

Fuck crazy gadget.

no, it's just one guy who's complaining

Wario Land 4 is too easy and uncreative. Past Wario Land titles were superior.

Ocarina of Time


Also, Kirby Super Star in a similar vein. I'd say Super Star is better, but Adventure codified how Kirby works.

That's not the Wii one.

Majoras does tho


Especially when compared to a lot of other 5th gen games


It holds up but it's rather slow by modern standards.

No, OoT has aged like shit.


Poor level design and enemy placement display lack of knowledge on part of developers in the original. you may like it which is fine because it's not necessarily a bad game but the formula was much improved in the subsequent releases, thus making the original weaker by comparison.

The first Ratchet and Clank doesn't hold up

>he doesn't like Slugfest
>the game where when your 'he's on fire!' means yoyr character is literally wreathed in flames
>and can throw fucking Looneytoons pitches

Mario Bros 3 holds up worse than Mario Bros 1.



How is it possible for someone to be THIS wrong?

Ok so n64 ssb is still good.
Mariocart and all the zelda/link games for the gameboy/gameboy advance are prob still good

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>/vr/ is delusional about what games still hold up today

First resident evil is shit dude are you kidding me? Controls alone make it unplayable

Born in 93, I dont get it? those games are all atleast 17 years old

my nigga

Looks and sounds great tho. Also the drilling is pretty satisfying, especially on the gameboy advance. I remember having it as a kid, and the cartridge being large and brown. Something about it making the gameboy rumble? Or am I thinking of a different game.

Anything associated with Virgin.

yeah it had a rumble pack built in

In every way. OP is right, you guys have terrible taste, even worse than Sup Forums, and that's saying something.

Hell yeah, Link's Awakening was the shit.


Dark Souls 1

You write like a child on a phone.

That was satisfying as fuck. It's just not the same on an emulator.

Hell yes, someone else besides me has played this

>thinking genesis aladdin is superior
>thinking dracula x is better than rondo of blood
>believing treasuse murdered your family
>thinking earthworm jim isn't dogshit

>still hold up today
Games don't age, they're either good or bad.

>Games don't age
lol, yeah they do.

Rocket Knight Adventures

People actually think Genesis Aladdin is superior?

Its garbage

warioland 4 is straight up one of my favorite games of all time

games don't change but people's expectations do. modern games tend to have way more refinements than old ones

wii one is the second best tho

Persona 4
Persona 3


I'm sure people's minds were blown back when Pong first came out. But it's just not an interesting game nowadays.

Yikes, you have...

Holy shit I actually laughed at this

With modern technology it's also easier to make your own map, and in my opinion it's more fun than just taking a full map off the internet. Big problem with the game is that some combat encounters can be really annoying (basically anything with lots of wizzrobes). and there's too many reskinned bosses. And A Link to the Past is even easier to get into.

Wario Land 4
Contra 3+4
Clive Barker's Undying
Almsot every single 2D Castlevania
Quake + Q3A
Spyro 3
Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask
Turok 1 + 2
All 3D Mario Karts
All Super Smash Bros
Rocket Slime
Painkiller Black
Half Life 1 + 2
Advance Wars
Chrono Trigger
Sin Episodes: Emergence
Max Payne 1 + 2
UT + UT2k4
All 2D Super Mario games
Super Princess Peach
Bejewelled 3
Dark Messiah
Metroid Prime Hunters (multiplayer)

Too many to list, really.

>bait baiting

Both of these

Vagrant Story
God Hand
Legend of Dragoon
The spyro ps1 games
System Shock 2
Postal 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Deus Ex
Disgaea 1
Castlevania: Aria of sorrow
Star Fox 64
Cave Story
Fable 1
The World Ends With You
Metroid Prime
Hexen 2
Quake 1-3