Is this the worst videogame series ever made?


If by "worst" you mean "best" then yeah, it is.

it's one of the most autistic ones for sure
who the hell ever thought it'd be a good idea to make a disney/final fantasy crossover

No by "worst" i mean "shit"

KH is pretty good. The main reason people don't like it is because they're too retarded to comprehend what's going on in the story. The gameplay is always top tier.

no it's [your favorite series]

I guess they ran out of Disney characters or oc so they used ff characters

>The gameplay is always top tier.
but Chain of Memories has awful gameplay.

probably yeah, it's up there with sonic for the good games: number of sequels ratio

The gameplay doesnt make any videogame good, it's the story that does.
KH story being so trash makes it a 2/10 game if we're generous

>Roxas fight makes everything afterwords seem piss easy
Why would they do this?

>doesn't make a GAME good

Are you retarded? you're the reason we have shitty movie games like detroit and heavy rain, you disgust me.

1-2 are the best.

Really they ruined it by sperging out and spreading it across the consoles.

>To be fair you have to have a very high iq to comprehend what's going on in the story

>they're too retarded to comprehend what's going on in the story.

Dude but everyone buys Kingdom Hearts for it's garbage plot.
Why not make it good?

In terms of story? Possibly.
Everything else? No.

You are aware the Roxas fight (as in not just a cutscene) was added for Final Mix, right?

KH3 will either be the best game ever made or the worst one. SquareEnix can't fuck this up, right?

Senran Kagura exists
A shutshow of softcore porn masquerading as a game. Nothing wrong with tna but it's a horrible series.

no it won't, it'll be the same as literally every game in this series

a 6/10 to most people but the diehard fans will say it's 10/10 and Square should stop making games besides KH

Nah, any generic iron weeb series is worse than KH.
>The gameplay doesnt make any videogame good, it's the story that does.
You're baiting but I'm still biting, ffs.
Get cancer.

It's stupid but it's not bad. In a world where plenty of objectively awful video game series not only survive but thrive it's pretty obnoxious to claim a series with pretty decent gameplay is the "worst" just because of its full retard story.

It will be better than BBS, but still worse than KH2FM so it will be decent.

If the story is bad, the game is bad

>say retarded shit
>get called out on it
>move the goalposts with more retarded shit

Are you everyone? have you asked every single person who bought KH the reason they bought it?

There are plenty of people who buy it for the gameplay, people who buy it for the story and people who buy it simply because it's diseny or because it's fun and colorful and they just enjoy it.

Again are you pretending or are you literally retarded?

Also the series has sold over 20 million copies, certainly people who keep buying it must like its story, so you're just a vocal minority.

Maybe in a turn-based RPG or visual novel, but not in a hack-and-slash.

>The gameplay is always top tier.
More like usually top tier, if it were always, then shit like Days wouldn't exist.

It's the worst videogame series ever made.
Keep being salty KH-kun


oh i see so this is the infamous ffxv autist or whatever. Nice.

you're autistic for defending this series

>the gameplay is always top tier
But re:chain of memories has awful gameplay

Fixed for you.

Remind me, what was wrong with Days's gameplay?

XV is a fantastic game, KHIII has garbage story

Nothing was wrong but Sup Forums says it's bad because the magic system is stupid and you don't have skills like arcanum or ragnarok outside of when you are half-dead and only for a small amount of time, still limit breaks are OP im a 358/2daysfag and I always wanted a re:358/2 but then remake happened.

Kh 1 and 2 have god tier gamplay especially 2 but god the story is 100% retarded and all the canon spinoffs dont help at all. That being said you can still have loads of fun with almost all of the games as long as youvplay a version that allows cutscene skips

6-7 games later. I still don't understand what this game is about. The hell is a "kingdom hearts" not to mention the game never tells you why sora was the chosen one.

The problem is that they keep everything as vague as possible in order for it to sound cool. Just replace the word heart with the word soul and you will be fine

worst series ever made.
Kingdom Hearts 2 one of the worst games of the PS2

Like some user earlier in the thread said, people are too retarded to understand the plot.

Sora isn't the chosen one, Riku was the chosen one but because he fell to the darkness his keyblade went to Sora.

This was again shown in BBS when we literally saw Tera giving Riku the power and not Sora.

That Sora is not some special chosen keyblade master was again shown in DDD, from how he failed the exam to how Xehanort himself said that Sora is nothing special and that he doesn't understand how he managed to achieve all he achieved so far.

Having levels be tied to the panel system was stupid, the panel system itself wasn't a great idea, and enemies took too long to die, some of those missions were ridiculously tedious due to boss/enemy HP, also ra/ga spells were rarely better than the inital ones.
The only redeeming factor is the story, as far as gameplay goes, Day is the worst in the series.

Oh geez it's the story autist again

>not to mention the game never tells you why sora was the chosen one.

But Birth by Sleep makes it pretty clear why he's eligible for a keyblade.

I'm having a deja vu.

the gameplay is top teir and i think the autistic disney final fantasy crossover works is because its a video game where its more normal to see stupid shit than in say a movie


KH is the worst in the series. KH2 fixed everything wrong with it to the point you don't need KH or KHCoM.

No, not even close. Even if the story is autistic levels of retconning and world building for a children's game, the gameplay itself is extremely entertaining with tons of minigames and side quests.

gameplays great and even tho the story is retarded my childhood is invested in it

Kingdom Hearts is a vessel of light and dark energy that acts as the heart of all worlds.

what story autist?
KH is the worst series ever made

Why do KH threads have the worst shitposters that don't even try?
I've seen the same shit in multiple threads, KH threads always turn into actual discussion anyway ironically so why even try. You're better served in FF threads

this, in kingdom hearts the heart is the soul, but its also your actual heart aswell

You and you know it. Don't you have better things to do than repeat the same shit in tons ofthreads?

Is kingdom hearts literally the series chads are the least likely to play?

I love that the story gets more and more retarded. It's only "complicated" if you try to over analiyze everything which noone should do.
Just enjoy the ride and see where it ends up, it can't just be new bad guy every game

Kill yourself xv-kun

to be fair you really do need a high iq to be able to comprehend the babbling of a retard and actually understand it

new bad guy is actually the nobody of the last bad guy
newer bad guy is actually a future version of the last bad guy who was the nobody of the last bad guy
13 bad guys are all actually the first bad guy from different timelines

>that he doesn't understand how he managed to achieve all he achieved so far.
Because he's the chosen one now and is fulfilling his potential. Not even hard to put it all together.

But how is a nobodys bloodflow regulated then?

Nope. I'm a Chad and I love this series.

No one really knows though.

same way a zombies or a vampires do
they dont regulate bloodflow

See, that wasn't so hard.


Good, they deserve it

Yes, and holy fuck do I hate the fandom more than anything.

2bh less so than if he was buying lootboxes


>The gameplay is always top tier.
ayyy just mash square to win

>xemnas is actually the nobody of the ansem
>xehanort is actually a future version of the xemnas who was the nobody of the ansem

>13 bad guys are all actually the first bad guy from different timelines

You need to play more games buddy. But it's just a shitposting thread so whatever. Funnily enough even KH shitpost threads turn into normal duscission. For some reason they aren't as autistic as FF fags that just insult each other with usernames and call each game in the series shit

It already looks BBS tier, no amount of having Toy Story in it can save it

a chad would post timestamped pics
go ahead we'll wait

yeah it happens in the 3ds game organisation 13 is made of 13 xehanorts, including ansem xemnas

Its even worse than the sonic fandom





The Disney and Final Fantasy people


No. The waifu’s are high quality and some of the husbando’s are as well.
Art is nice, pretty cute. Gameplay is too simple and boring at times, and the story is just lulwtfever at this point.
Not great but definitely not the worst.

You really should put more effort into this than just spouting the same shit over and over again.


dude anyone that considers himself a gamer and enjoys this trash needs to reconsider it's title

It's especially worse because at least their autism is contained, the KH autism extends to them thinking they are some kind of fucking elitists and they worship game devs.

Sonic autism is just self contained OC faggotry and furries, KH autism is to the extent where it has these fucks taking the shit so seriously they've deluded themselves into thinking games like KH2FM are better than DMC3, Bayonetta and have created a "speedrunning" community full of elitist fucktards, then you have the dev worship around Nomura, like no one else in the KH games matter, none of the game designers get mentioned, none of the modelers or animators or anything, literally just Nomura gets worshipped by these fucks.

If you call yourself a gamer you should kys

>anyone who calls themselves a gamer should kill themselves
do you call yourself a reader and a movier too?
how about a song listener?

This is fucking retarded. I'm glad I stopped after kh2.
>when you watch a "so far in kh" video and it's beyond retarded
How are they going to recap that clusterfuck of a mess into the kh3 into/tutorial I wonder.

Bought the HD version on PS4 and played through all of them since i never played or even watch a playthrough of the game. And i have to ask, do people actually enjoy both the story and characters? I fucking hate how bland these characters are, especially Roxas. And I cringe everytime they talk about light and darkness like it has some deep meaning to it. The story is just boring to sit through. And what the hell was with that little mermaid rhythm game in the second game?

>gatekeeping video games

KH2 is one of the best games I have played from a combat stand-point alone.

just like they recapped chain of memories in kh2
they wont

Man you're projecting way too hard buddy, stop being so insecure.
Even the FF fanbase does everything you said but even worse and all over the internet.
At least Khfags stay in their threads and don't create FF or other series shitpost threads just for the sake of shitposting like this thread


the story is a vehicle for the context to your actions nothing more

Your entire family is the worst series ever made lol

>It's especially worse because at least their autism is contained,

Chris Chan used pepper spray on a Gamestop employee because Sonic's arms were blue. Till anything comparable happens from Kingdom Hearts, no.


Because it's better than FFXV combat

Not at all you butthurt fuckboi. I can't think of a single game series that is the worst. Even CoD has its fun moments and shine.

No, the KH fanbase is worse because it is faggots who never even played FF and pretend to be connisuers of it, and the KH fandom have invaded the FF one.

KH fags literlaly invade every fucking FF thread here with their shitpost faggotry

does chrischan count? he's an outlier even in the autistic community