Hey, remember this? What happened?

Hey, remember this? What happened?

It got released?

Motion controls get old after a while. Splatoon 2 killed it.

It'll be even deader once the free online ends for the Switch.

Why would anyone pay next year? They better make a multiplayer killer app

They already have Splatoon

What does the Switch have for next year?
Honestly I see nothing. It's like Nintendo used all of their resources for the first year and now they're going to force Switch owners to pay for online if they want to keep playing these games for another year.

The porn stopped, got to hop on the newest Waifus

Kirby, Yoshi, Metroid Prime 4, Super Mario Maker 2, Project Octopath

Samey characters made more samey by every arm being usable by everyone.

I feel like Kirby and Ypshi will only last about a week for most people, but the others are pretty solid.

It still gets updates
It recently got a replay feature
It's actually pretty fun in local multiplayer

Potentially a new Pokemon game.
Pokemon always brings in loads of console purchases and always gets loads of sales.

This. Fun with friends, and I got to rank 14 in ranked, which I play few matches evey now and then

It never looked appealing from the outset. There's no real hook to get people interested and keep playing it due to how shallow the game is.
I'd argue it needs an extra layer like some platforming but that then puts it up against Smash Bros. Miyamoto's meddling would have actually helped it, much like how he kept saying Splatoon needed a hook and ultimately the squids made everything click into place.

dead online discussion doesn't mean the game died, it still did very well for itself


My take is that it not only was too different of a fighting game for the "EEESPAHTS!" community to take seriously, but the character balance is so off that most of your serious tourneys you see in Japan comprises of Ribbon Girl Vs. Ribbon Girl. Maybe a Kid Cobra or a Ninjara every so often for kicks.

The characters I see in ranked eu the most is kid cobra, ribbon girl, the occasional ninjara and exactly one (1) master mummy
I use min min myself

>No love for best grill

It hurts.

I hope they make the inevitable ARMS 2 deeper

I don't like the way she (or rather her mecha) looks and plays, and she sounds annoying

Pokémon won't be coming next year. 2019 is more likely.

Whatever Retro is currently working on, since they have already been working on it for nearly 5 years.

I still play ARMS, I cannot stand to play Splatoon after 5 minutes because I get way too frusterated at my teammates, especially in ranked. I always feel like I'm in control and I am cnstantly changing up my arms combo as I rise in the rank ladder. The updates so far have been far more significant and beneficial to the meta than what I've seen in Splatoon, and ARMS continues to be my most-played switch game.

Considering the fact this is like the BW2 for gen 7 where XY came out like a year later who knows

It's better than Mario Odyssey, to be honest with you.

Stop pretending that this game doesn't have an audience.

Picked it up again last night. Ranked now has a lot of killers, so leveling up is a bit of a challenge, which is fine by me. All the achievements pretty much let me unlock every arm in the game for my mains, plus arms included.
The games fun but in a pick up and fight sort of way. Nothing you really have a need to spend endless time Into. Not to mention the game is bare bones outside of online play.
I still love the game, but until we see some online events or new features, Its just gonna land stale after a while.

It sold a million


>It's like Nintendo used all of their resources for the first year
There's already enough games announced to cover half of next year and we haven't had an end of year direct yet to announce the rest.

Lol I know I'm not paying for that shit.

Not unless the "Free" games that come with it are all great, there are a ton of them, and they're more convenient that just emulating them on my laptop.

I almost exclusively play her in ranked.

Nintendo wants a large amount of well received games to draw people to their console where they'll start playing games that keep them absorbed for long enough for the next shorter game to come out.

For me it was mostly that I lacked the reaction time necessary to play the game competently. I have a hard time staying focused enough to punish my opponent's moves while making my own advances. I like the concept, and I love the character designs. The game just isn't for me though.

>Sold well
>Matchmaking is just as quick as at launch
>Community is still active
It's doing ok for itself. There's just not much shitposting potential because it's not particularly great or bad.

is that the chick from overwatch?


oh look, another lowest of the low ARMS bait

That's what Nintendo Directs are for, jackass.

I like it and still play it, just not as often cause it's not new. I've even fallen off with Splatoon 2 quite a bit. that's just how things go

>Arms sold a million
>It's somehow a failure
>MvC Infinite shipped 900 K
>Haha Nintendo fans BTFO

The absolute state of Pretendos.

They're called Sonygro.

should come out with extensive single player DLC. Would be cool

Fire emblem, Kirby, Metroid, possibly Pokemon
Really the main thing we're still missing by the end of next year, unless they surprise us (wew), is animal crossing

It came out and it was shit

>Complaining about games you haven't played

Pokémon Company themselves said as much.

I can't see Pokemon selling nearly as well with a much higher price of admission (300+60) and paid online, unless the game is really revolutionary which we already know it won't be

is this the game with the fat butt girl?

It's a mainline Pokemon game user and it's going to sell gangbusters because of that. an extra 20 dollars or so isn't going to change that nor is online play mind you given that most people play local.

It is going to sell a lot but not 15 million lot for all of the reasons I mentioned.

I predict 8 million tops

This please. Pokemon Colosseum was the shit, and a tad grittier. I'd also like to see the new Pokemon in a grittier, non aloan place in the vein of orre.

>It is going to sell a lot but not 15 million lot for all of the reasons I mentioned.
Yeah no. You just listed a bunch of things that have no impact on game sales if other systems are something to go by.
Not to mention Pokemon will most likely be bundled with a Switch.

I still play it regularly, now that the game has the badge system and you can configure buttons it really has me more hooked in more than when it launched and in theory there is a new character this month so im excited for that. I can also find a lot of matches very regularly in both party and ranked so the game isn't dead, just disscusion about it, but that happens to most fighting games nowdays.

At this point the only people that believe this game is a failure are Sonygros, Splatfags and Etika Fanboys.

>system's price has no impact on sales
>game's price has no impact on sales

No, they don't. Using your logic games are now incredibly niche as a media format because they're gone up in price considerably over the years.

I still pick it up and play for a bunch every now and then. I was playing it a lot before Mario Odyssey came out.

Shouldn't there be a new character released this month? Seems like they're doing it every two months. They haven't really teased anything either like they did with Lola Pop.

Did Etika push people away from the game?

That's the same thing that people said to the DS when it was $250. Diamond and Pearl still sold millions

They didn't just get old, they're actually unintuitive for this particular game.
It'd have worked better if you calibrated a starting position and then you punch relative to that position to curve your punches. So you're actually punching at something relative to the screen rather than curving in a way that's un-intuitive to anyone who knows anything about punching

The DS launched at $150. It was $130 by the time Pokemon Diamond and Pearl released.

The DS launched at $150
The 3DS launched at $250

Its a 60 dollar phone game, what of it?

This guy takes drugs, drinks himself until unconsciousness and recently smashey lightbulbs on his head on stream while getting thousands of dollars in donations in minutes.
It's a fucking miracle this idiot isn't banned already

ARMS is one of those launch window games that people have to pretend is good until the actual games come out. Every console launch is like this.

DS was never $250. It launched at $150 ffs. Youre thinking of the 3DS and that system flopped so hard initially they had to slash the price by $70 less than a year after the release. Also, neither of them had games for $60.

ARMS is the Pilotwings Resort of Switch

it's baffling that pokemon still manages to shift consoles after so many years of the same shit

But the "actual" games are coming out and it's still good.

It was fun for 5 minutes. Reached Rank 10 (good enough), Beat the highest level in classic mode, unlocked all the ARMS for my main. Don't regret buying it. I appreciate the effort from Yabuki but sadly it just doesn't hold out that long for the average person like myself.

Compare the sales of game consoles and handhelds after the DS/Wii and tell me this isnt the case.

There is a reason mobile gaming became so big

Its going to be online integrated into the switch instead of on the phone

He's a disrespectful asshole who can only do things in the context of being a black stereotype. People beg him to stop drinking and he won't even indulge their request a little bit because he's entirely self-centered.

He got paid $1400+ to open his window when he smashed the lightbulb and released mercury into his room while he had open wounds and he didn't do it because "no bitch niggas", "I'm tough enough to beat sans, I can beat mercury poisoning"

As Chris Rock said "There's black people and there's niggaz and the niggaz have go to go"

What is with everyone becoming a pro in ranked? I was doing well for myself the first two weeks when it launched, but when I returned to it everyone is flawlessly circle-strafing every attack I throw. Lost 8 games in a row. The whole floating Twintella shit got incredibly aggravating and chasing people down if they have higher health in the last 30 seconds is difficult. Completely turned me off from playing it.

It needs better motion controls, elemental combos and a story-centric mode.

shofu (a Pokemon/Smash streamer) did too after shilling the game for months

It was funny watching him pull a 180

It had potential, but 0 content. It's a party game like 1-2-Switch.

He also as a strange track record of not caring about others, not just his viewers.
Christine said in her breakup video that he just went up and was gone leaving her sad.
While she was coping with it normally like a human, Etika made a lot of drinking streams drinking lethal amounts of alcohol and, again, his viewers pleading him to stop

I mean, admittedly that the meta was around doing a little bit of damage close to the clock and playing keep away.

The main thing is two fold: first, the gamepad controls are hands-down better than the Motion Controls currently and all the meme-youtubers play with motion controls because that's what was advertised.

The second is that the meta needed to be reworked and I think it's okay now. Byte and Barq were bottom tier at launch and they're my mains now.

>user ironically watches a 3hr live stream
>streamer rakes in double his rent in only 8 mins
>"What an idiot"

never change Sup Forums

>implying you can't watch youtube edits made by other people
Do you also think that people watch DSP play games on his own stream?

Not ironically, I actually used to like his streams
What he does now will backfire, it's just a matter of time. Either PayPal chargeback like a few months ago, a ban from YouTube when other people will start reporting about his streams or him getting into medical problems from alcohol, drugs or fucking light bulbs

You are really dumb.
Gamefreak will wait 2 holiday season to make sure every kid has a switch and then release the atomic bomb.

The fantasy of having a true console pokemon is as old as pokemon itself.

Well here's the third act twist: I'm actually a fan of his and I donate semi-regularly. I find him entertaining, even if he's intentionally over-reacting.

However, the issue is that he's like a lot of people who become celebrities (of a sort): he's addicted to a certain pace of life and hype and he can't relax, even when he says he wants to.

Case in point: the stream where he smashed the light bulb on his head and said "I NEED TO RAISE THE MINIMUM OR ELSE ILL NEVER FINISH MY STORY" was extremely manipulative because if he REALLY wanted to do that, he could have just turned off the donations.

See, he complains about it but in reality he leaves it on to keep hype up for himself. I've told him for years to create a large, visible indicator on chat for Donations ON/OFF. He barely uses the one he made when he used to regularly say "Turning donations off" because he uses high-donations as a form of motivation.

He's become a fame, drama and hype whore like any so many other people exposed to celebrity

My money is on medical issues: he doesn't take care of himself on stream. He exposed himself, with open wounds to mercury from a fluorescent bulb. He may be mild off camera but he goes crazy enough on stream where he might actually die.

Me and some other fans actually called the police in his precinct to grab him and they literally never picked up. If he passes out after destroying his phone and shit, the likelyhood of getting him the necessary help is miniscule

I can't hate on people making a living from rich chumps, but while his quality may have dipped I still think he's one of the more tame streamers/entertainers in comparison to some of the other autists.

so im a bit biased there

He's tame and he's more self aware than a lot of others but the issue isn't his autism but his core tendencies are still that of a self-destructive african american person. It's a bit of his background that Etika would be much better giving up or managing the hype that pushes him to that behavior (like actually turning off his donation thing when he's telling a story)

Switch fans didn't need it anymore because they got games beyond that and BOTW

>Well here's the third act twist: I'm actually a fan of his and I donate semi-regularly.

Oh, so you're just retarded. Okay.

>He exposed himself, with open wounds to mercury from a fluorescent bulb.
So I just watched the bulb thing and I legitimately just sat there with my mouth open thinking how insane he is to do it.
And then he does it a fucking second time.

>What happened?
The switch stopped being a Zelda machine, so fanboys didn't have to pretend to like ARMS anymore.

Then he keeps going for upwards of an hour without even opening a window (which is all that people in the donations were begging him to do).

And then he thanks everyone for their donations at the end of the stream.

He just plain out doesn't respect his fans. When a loved one asks you to do something for them, assuming it's not at a great cost to yourself, you do it because it would make them happier.

He would rather flex for his own ego than appease his fans even a little bit.

The controls are intentionally terrible. Either you sacrifice the use of the control stick and face buttons for the motion controls or vice versa. There really should have been an option to have the joycons flat so you can move normally and still twist to aim, as well as the obvious twin-stick setup where each stick controls a separate arm.

>hey lets create all this interesting lore for the game but make no attempt to incorporate it in the game

Well and it'd be better if they correlated curved punches with the motion of hooks, since normal people curve punches for jabs as is

>Etika became a severe alcoholic, smashed a lightbulb on his head, and put humself at risk for mercury position
>Al the while his viewers are begging him to stop

Jfc I had a hunch somehing was wrong with this guy. Glad I stopped watchimg him ages ago.

ARMS: 1.3 million sold
MvCI: 900k shipped

what happened? it was the biggest opening for a new fighting game IP since Injustice 1

lets be real here, the switch owners were starving for games.

>the switch owners were starving for games.
If they were starving for games they would have bought the other titles that had released.