How can anyone be this autistic?


>too much of a fucking beta to play with other nerds in a virtual life simulator made for the autists that lives in their mothers basements 7/24
Jesus fucking christ man. It's omega at this point.

The post has a point about solo content. The game turned into a raidfest anyways so I wouldn't play it at all in his position until legacy servers come online.

Do these people actually exist outside WoW? Literally how do they function in the real world if they do stuff like this online? Maybe these people are rouge AIs and actually don't exist in the outside world.

>playing an mmo to play alone

>enter random dungeon
>say hi
>nobody says anything
>finish dungeon
>everybody leaves without having said a word

>say something in guild chat on alts guild with 70+ people online
>nobody says anything

>whisper anybody fucking anything
>no response
I'm not surprised. I've ran into people who would just leave the group if they got into an unfortunate scenario where they had to talk to another person. I hope the community in classic will be different.

Is this a troll?

>being afraid to do content so braindead the other players don't even bother talking; they may as well be fucking bots

>he doesn't play his MMO's single player

>Do these people actually exist outside WoW?
google hikikomori you imbecile

>tfw no qt gf who's scared of interacting with other people

>tfw no tomoko gf except she's thicc and tall as fuck and also has a gross 14 inch monster dong

I play MMOs as single player games. Hell i just started playing for the first time Guild Wars 2 and in my 50 hours so far i have talked to two people. Fuck other people in real life and in video games.

She’s right you know. I play with a group and I don’t have any pride in my character at all. I used to before I opened a trade window and talked to someone.

>Going on the WoW forums
Catababby here. Even I know 95% of the WoW forums are even more cancerous than the typical thread here. Blizzard handwaves most of the stuff there out anyway.

No user it's a night elf. Though I guess you could say it's a troll.


i was kinda with them tell being fucking "terrified" of being kicked, wow

Thanks senpai

WoW's community is so garbage that if you don't want to interact with anyone it's perfectly understandable, but how can you be so autistic that you cant even allow yourself to do a quick party with randos you don't even speak to for a quick dungeon clear? It makes me imagine some manager trying to put this guy onto a project group and he spergs out saying "but I don't want to work with people! don't you know that some people prefer to do projects on their own?"

>anime image

>reply to anime image
much more shocked

Disregarding the whole social anxiety shit, it does remind of something i've never understood about many MMOs
>fleshed out crafting professions
>you have to raid to get the best recipes
>you get better gear as drops in those raids
Why even have crafting then?

The original guild wars is a better game to play solo if you haven't already.

inmagine if you get litteraly raped in such vidya game, is there a refund for such situations?

>highly rated


make and sell gear to people who cant do those raids

weeb faggot. next time just say fucking shut in

I have no idea what he's talking about specifically, but in a general sense, it is a kick in the balls when a product that caters to you, stops catering to you, and it's worth letting the product creator know that, and to stop paying for the product.

>female night elf
That's about right

I wouldn't want to talk to you fuckers either.

Sup Forums has an over inflated sense of its own abilities and self importance. Probably because of being on the spectrum thing.

People like to be left alone and as such, sympathize with this person.

>Is this a troll?
No but night elves used to be trolls in the lore

That doesn't make sense to me

Why would they spend resources on developing crafting if it's only for those fringe cases?

Why not just drop it and let people sell some raid drops?

Not true for wow, in both vanilla and tbc the epic crafted gear would last you a long time, like the engi shield from MC or the 3% hit scope for hunters, nightfall or the lionheart helm and so on so forth, tbc went even deeper with the 3 upgradeable weapons and the engi goggles.

>can't run instances in a time period where other players may as well be AI-controlled bots
>can go to a public forum and demand shit be changed to his specifications despite the demands not being a good fit for a fucking MMO
you fell for the bait, dumbo

But vanilla wow didn't cater to solo players

>some faggot comments on my shitty looking gear online

>"fuck off nigger"

>he spergs out and tries to rally the server against me

Why are normies so autistic?

Jesus fuck. I'm autistic and don't want to deal with other people too but raid/dungeon finder is basically running solo with 4 bots. No one talks or anything.

Honestly that post is sad desu i am shit at english and i finished destiny with Americans

im not saying its a good system im just saying why it exists i guess the other option is just transmogs

>google hikikomori you imbecile
hikikokofaggots aka subhumans

You already can carry people through raids to sell them loot if you're so inclined.

It's just a shitty system and they don't care and haven't cared for a long time.

meant for this faggot

looks comfy to me

When I said I didn't know what he was talking about specifically I obviously wasn't specific enough. I have never played WoW so I cannot judge the accuracy of his statement, or your post.


Excuse my ignorance, but aren't MMOs supposed to be multiplayer experiences?

that guy is extremely autistic so he probably plays for the grind - achievements/mounts

Yea, fair enough and i agree with the sentiment of your post. It's just that the post in OP doesn't make any sense since vanilla wow was never solo friendly

It's a mmo, how braindead do you have to be to not understand the guy in the OP is already wrong based on the premise of the game?

There's apparently a lot out there.

just a fancy word for a spoiled fuckhead

If he doesn't like interacting with other people then modern WoW is perfect for him. Playing WoW these days is like using a urinal at a ballgame. You wait in line for 10 minutes then when you get to the front it's all "eyes up, no talking" for a couple of minutes then you leave. If you try to interact with someone you get called a fag.

This. You get a party of seven customisable AI heroes and they're flatout better than humans for half the classes.

Precisely as braindead as I currently am, obviously. My reasoning was that a hugely popular MMO might quite reasonably provide options for people less inclined toward the multiplayer side of things, to broaden the appeal and thus the consumerbase of the product. But on reflection, thanks to you and your clear explanation, I realise what a foolish thought that was. Thank you for helping me see the error of my ways.

Have you really never seen them before? These are the people who bitch and cry on the forums if you can't have near/second best gear from crafting, or if there's no way to see the entire "epic storyline" outside grouping/raiding.

>Wanting a Solo MMO
Perhaps these people should check out Runescape Ironman mode

I'm incredibly shy and quiet and am actually, legitimately diagnosed with autism, and I'm cringing at this casual autist faggot's verbal diarrhea.

>Hi I am autistic and also terrible at raiding and arena
>please give me an endgame option to continue being a rp autist so I can participate in the server economy and not be a giant burden on everyone else
I don't know what you guys are laughing about, this guy understands his role. Its Blizz's fault for not recognizing that.

Just hit 110, what do I need to do to catch up?

I'm assuming they're trolling

>everything must be catered to me
>no i will not just play single player games

Isn't it a bit pathetic to STILL be playing this MMO like, 12 years later? Who are these people?

Actual conversations or even something simple as a Hi back is pretty rare in official WoW
I had more interaction in the few hours I spent on a private server than I did in hundreds of ours on the official one

You are now hearing this is Jerry Seinfeld's voice.

user, where do you think you are?

Pic related.


I'm not sure this even just a WoW problem, or just an MMO problem, a lot of multiplayer games I've played recently seem to have a dead quiet community, even in games where teamwork actually matters.

>last year

I use a lot of drugs to cope, opiates and THC are my favorites. If non of those things are in my system. I'm not even looking at your face.

>three rits

Looks about right. I'm still on my first playthrough, three missions away from beating Prophecies and getting my ass handed to me with heroes. I think I'll have to use henchmen until I get non-shit builds.

What makes someone more pathetic playing an MMO than any other video game?

it had to be.

Many things. One, it requires more commitment than the average game. Two, what you get from it is way less intelligent or challenging than a real game. It's just repetitive actions designed to waste your time, unlike competitive multiplayer games or single player games.
Three, lack of variety. Four, playing archaic shit from 12 years ago means you aren't keeping up with the times and new releases.

It's really, really pathetic.

It's half the community's problem and half the games' problem
Most MMOs are now designed so any group of schmucks can be slapped together and easily handle a situation as long as they use a tiny bit of brainpower. That or soloing the game is a possibility. There's no need to recruit people or develop a community because the game sets everything up for you. At the same time, everyone just hates each other and doesn't want to interact with the shitstains of the internet
It's hard to develop a community when the first impression is always that everyone else is a scumbag

just like in real life, haha.

Fucking this. The two hours I spent in nostalrius were more socially engaging than a weeks time in retail. Retail’s playerbase is beyond shit now.

>actually cute (male)
>live alone and almost never leave apartment
>can't play online games because afraid of people
>have to work up courage even to go to the grocery store
>have a male friend bring me sex once a week
I wish I could exist with other people but they're just so scary to me. Even on steam I usually play offline because I feel like all my friends are judging me for girly taste, and my taste isn't even that girly.

please be in stockholm

sorry, i live in mexico.

To be fair Ogden is only using 1 rit skill there and Margrid isn't using any (and I don't think she usually had any either, but maybe she did; it's been a while), but yeah I definitely did use Xandra a lot with Earthbind and Wanderlust and some other shit depending on the instance and it was pretty great.

lmfao at all the normies itt sperging out over other people sperging out

You aren't me, don't answer for me. No one cute lives in Mexico.

No one cute is from mexico sorry ese

Also here's another picture.

>Sup Forums gets triggered by player diversity, episode 23.942
pic unrelated but get a fucking grip pls

>I am physically/mentally incapable of playing the game
>why doesn't Blizzard give me an option to have everything in the game so I can stare at my character without having done anything
These people are so retarded it hurts.

What a stupid post. They clearly aren't so terrified that they will avoid posting on a fucking community forum.

What's the point in playing an MMO if you're not going to interact with anyone else? The whole novelty of MMOs come from the socialising. Even then it's not so great. You just get a watered down grind fest.

Just invite several bigger men over to fuck you non stop for several hours on end. That'll help you get over your anxiety.

"Highly rated"
Kek. WoW, you were an awesome game and I'll never regret the hours, but god damn when you fell you fell so fucking hard.

>user doesn't read the thread, the bonus disk

Somebody should do an edit of the anime-hating douchebag who choses Sup Forums.

But instead it's a retarded asperger who choses WoW.

get aids and die

No, you have the raid drop a unique crafting material to be used in a max-level recipe.

That sounds really scary. Boys are even scarier than girls to me and just about anyone could overpower me.

I've been noticing that there might be a correlation with internet usage and anxiety. I think people who play online games nowadays haven been on the internet for a long time and reached a point where they don't like to interact with people, especially when you're judge harshly for things, i've gone through this also. Hopefully if there is more forced social interactions it might allow for more interaction but i think it's just a result of the internet.