where do we draw the line Sup Forums ?
Where do we draw the line Sup Forums ?
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kys grimlic
after the part where paladins get taunt and mana on healing
ello mei naem is grimlic
and i do not know how to kys
*cums on grimlics dead cat*
tfw no euthanasia program in america for its subhuman populace yet
fuck you grimlic you fucking cuck nigger faggot
hey grimlic kill yourself
e z e k e
WotLK, it just makes sense to seperate the two versions of WoW into pre and post Catta.
I want classic with new models and balanced class/talents. Also I want them to complete the dungeon below kharazan
The new models look like floaty disney tier horseshit
lets go alternative timeline. Fuck it
Broken are the real draenei and go into horde
Alliance gets high elves
No flying
No space ships
no arena
>streamlined leveling experience
>character boost to 55
>dungeon and raid finder
>reformatted raids (10/25 man molten core/onyxia/bwl/naxx)
>welfare epics
>"updated" battlegrounds (no week long AVs)
>arenas for no reason
>cc diminishing returns
>class "balance" and mechanics changes
>people are actually excited about official vanilla servers
Everything except alternate timeline is fine.
40 mans are just retarded to organize
what the hell's wrong with diminishing returns?
Just release as 1.12
also, i see a lot of people who are opposed to arenas but not BGs.what gives? arent BGs the same thing but with more people? didnt it kill wPVP?
Bug fixes, better itemization so some specs aren't dogshit, and also tweaks to make said specs not dogshit. Paladin and Druid tank should be even SOMEWHAT viable instead of not-at-all.
That is it. After Naxx has been out for like 3 months maybe do TBC, but if they do balance changes they would likely copy stuff from TBC anyways. Maybe do it in seasons like Diablo so they can reset everyone every once in awhile
Things that either don't affect gameplay or barely effect gameplay. For example, in 1.X addons could call protected functions. Even though it would break classic decursive, WoW Classic should use the modern addon API to prevent people being able to basically automate the gameplay.
It did. Once all the vanilla BGs were released, towns started spawning 60 elite guards that were impossible to kill, so there was no point in it
>1.12 itemization in BWL
kill youare self
I would say the line is just past updated graphics. Nothing before that really changes the original experience. But when they change some things for the sake of balance that is a slippery slope because if they change too much it won't quite be the same, however some class specs are straight up unusable in vanilla so it seems like a good idea to help those clases. I would say if they are going to balance it they should do it very very little ways like new gear that uses old vanilla models for druid tanks
How would that work? A year or so season, then all the characters in the classic server get moved to the BC server and the classic server is reset? Eventually would the characters just get pushed up to live?
I thought you fags wanted vanilla
>no arena
Arena was one of the few good things Blizzard added to the game. You're probably a shitter that get rocked lmao
dont forget dishonorable kills being a thing. people who wanted ranks couldnt do organized wPVP
Make it like OSRS:add polls where community votes and big majority(75%in osrs) decides new updates.
There is no way they push characters to live, they might have a separate realm for non-seasonal characters. I don't really expect them to do the full PVP, PVE and RP servers. I would only expect PVP servers, maybe some PVE servers, then they can do non-seasonal servers as a character dump
just release the final pre-tbc patch. not that hard to figure out.
>implying a few dishonorable kills mattered
Not evn CLOSE to enough to keep someone from doing wpvp. Not evn a drop in the bucket.
Yes. We dont' want it the way it was, not items that became more powerful changed before they are suppressed to retard.
i would be ok with them updating graphics but the last thing i want is their pixar-tier animation team to start "remastering" vanilla
Like I said. You parasites are never happy
The current state of WoW is largely a result of player feedback...
dishonorable kills never went away IIRC and they got progressively worst the more you had.
if i also recall correctly, DHKs were raid or party wide. so yeah, if u were serious it definitely was a problem
correct me if im wrong, i cant find any pages on the subject anymore
Fuck off casual, you don't want vanilla.
Updated UI would be fine, but anything more is pushing it, even update graphics.
Yeah, but they were just a mark to show you're an asshole and liked ganking lowbies. It didn't slow you down towards Grand Marshal or anything. Doesn't matter though, according to these other shitters in these threads it sounds like we will be using the honor point system. Which is absolute trash if you ask me. It meant something when you saw a grand marshall, like you knew that guy worked for his status and character. Just being able to buy a piece of gear at a time just doesn't have that same kind of impact.
we want vanilla but with all the features of modern WoW like:
no talent tree because it was too confusing and literally everyone just used cookie cutter builds anyway
mounts at lvl 10 (or lvl 1 if you pay cash)
instant lvl 60 to skip all the boring parts of the game
LFG and LFR system so we don't actually have to walk anywhere or invite warlocks
pet battles, transmog, and selfies
attunement removed because it's just stupid
modern class balances and stat updates and built-in gearscore so people that aren't autistic nerds can know what gear to use
fast mana regen so we don't need to drink
10 man raids because 25 and 40 man just takes too long to setup and hardly anyone has a guild that big in 2017
arenas so the game is actually competitive like a real video game should be
I love the idea of classic servers guys but come on we don't want it to really be like classic was in 2018 I mean come on
Game should be a step up from Vanilla in terms of class balance.
If that's not the case when the game goes live it's a stupid fucking design choice. Why even bother including Retardins and Shadow Priests if they are ultimately useless? No spec is useless in today WoW and none should have been back when it was released but Blizzard was incompetent in their attempt at balance.
The only change I would want is dual spec so that warrior tanks and classes that only have one viable spec for raiding arent completely fucked by respec costs
they should just remove specs altogether, it worked for MoP which everyone agrees was the best expansion
there were marked NPCs in certain towns that gave DHKs for a time, if i remember right.
>It meant something when you saw a grand marshall
the PVP system was designed with this ideology in mind, instead, rank 14 became the ultimate character participation award. ironically awarded to those who automated that participation either by account sharing or botting.
read this
vanilla's ranking system was really dumb and needs an overhaul
I mean, Warrior tanks mostly did not spec deeply into the tree due to it giving relatively lackluster benefits for tank. The last three tiers only give more damage output, and the fourth last tier is of marginal utility (reduced sunder armor cost, taunt CD down by 2 seconds). leaving you 33 points to put in fury or arms.
>no spec is useless in today's WoW
Surivial Hunter. BM Hunter. Ret Paladin. Frost DK. Arcane Mage. Any non-healing Shaman. Boomkin.
Good improvements
>Dual spec
>Additional graveyards in some areas (Darkshore)
>Increase drop rate for quest items (no more fucking 25 condors to get three eyes)
>Increase quest exp to lower the chance of getting stuck with nothing but mobs to grind
>UI improvements (autoloot, vendor sell amounts, dot duration)
>Ability to use WoD models if you want
>Further content progression using the vanilla thought model.
>Rebalances to the specs to allow for more utility in raid slots (none of this only warrior get to tank raid)
>Fixing the garbage itemization on some gear (spirit for warriors)
>A UI for posting party ads and requirements.
>Summon stones that fucking work all the time
>Reduce the cost of the first mount.
>Ingame tips for newbies on tanking, healing, and dpsing properly
>In game protection from fucking ninja looters.
>ret paladin is the only class with 20% attack power for the entire raid via blessing of might
this has to be bait right? r-right?
I never saw a raid bring a ret pally over another dps. I dont even recall ever seeing a ret pally in any raid past MC.
Shit was there even a ret pally in one of those 23 guild teams that cleared Naxx?
>Crossing out progressive patching
So you just straight never played or don't understand Vanilla then I take it?
On retail you see them everywhere
I played vanilla back in the day and I can play it now on Light's Hope. You can give 15$ a month for no trannies gms if you want.
kek literally kys if you think any of that shit is being added. Might as well play retail at that point.
In modern WoW yea.
Cant say I ever saw a raiding pally that wasn't a BoK bot with healing.
the question was about modern wow, ret pallies are trash in vanilla but are literally the only spec in the game with the 20% blessing of might in modern WoW, other paladin specs don't get might anymore, ret only
>Holy can't spec 5 points into BoM
Vanilla & TBC are fine, just give them to us how they were, no bullshit
Wrath could use a "remaster" of sorts though imo, Azjol'Nerub needs to be an actual zone, Naxx needs to be cut & we get an actual Tier 7 in it's place, Arthas needs to appear way less, the writers even admit they overdid it, they also need to fix the fucking story with him, is it just Arthas or is it Ner'zhl + Arthas like some sort of DBZ fusion, fucking explain this shit properly Blizzard
Ulduar as the final raid tier would also be better, ICC is good, but Ulduar is just on another level, Algalon & Yogg are just way better send off's
>where do we draw the line Sup Forums ?
Just before" WORLD"
Additional grave yards, TBC's "Return to Graveyard" button, and additional flight paths and auto chaining will happen
Yea, I think dual spec being added is absolute improvement in QoL.
You aint going to change my mind on that, and if blizz launches classic as a one to one, I probably won't play it unless my friends migrate over.
If its successful, more power to them.
>spec 5 points into BoM
lol, you only have 6 talents total, and BoM is only if you pick ret. We're talking about MODERN WOW here, follow the reply chain.
>i don't understand gameplay mechanics
>i just want to pretend to be oldschool because i came in right before cataclysm and only got to hear about the old world instead of see most of it
Who the fuck thinks ret is trash in modern WoW? Even the worst dps spec isnt nearly as bad as a boomkin in vanilla.
>You might as well play Legion if you want to pick up the loot of 3 bodies next to each other rather than at the same time, one by one
>You might as well play Legion if you don't want ninja looting
>You might as well play Legion if you want to complete quests in a reasonable amount of time relative to their reward
yeah how about no
what the hell is this? are you trying to say this is a talent tree in retail?
Dual spec, no clue. Either dual spec is happening, or they reduce respec costs immensely.
I'd be ok with this desu
>40 people
>can't find room for all classes
shut up and stop listening to people who never played
Surely they'll use updated graphics, right?
Honestly, vanilla was good and played since "launch" as terrible as it was. But I believe the game really came to life during TBC. But Would be fine with no expansions. I just enjoyed the added features in TBC.
Dual spec would be great if they want to keep the balance of certain specs being fucking useless outside of raiding.
To be fair, the vanilla trees gave you a real illusion of choice that wasn't there. You either did an efficient build with a point here or there different, or you were a moron.
I think people blow it way out of proportion.
Just play legion then, what's the problem? These servers only happened because of us private server players who stuck around and wanted to see this happen. They're making a big mistake if they change too much and make it alike to legion. The loyal fanbase who will continue to play these servers (as opposed to retail babbies who will try it for a bit and quit) are the ones who don't want very many changes at all.
Why not just make a new mmo at that point?
It really does suck, especially if you're leveling.
Old WoW gave you something every level, something extra every other level, and something big in each 10 bracket.
Modern WoW is a scrooge when it comes to giving me a skinner box.
Private server players aren't playing real vanilla either, dick for brains.
and no, group loot is just a sensible QoL feature. Doesn't take away from the experience in any way, just doesn't piss away people's time.
Can't wait for when people start moaning and groaning about how classic is too unfair, and why can't we get TBC or Lich King expansions back
And then I'll play, if not I'll wait for the TBC server a few years later. That's all I need. I won't play a shaman or druid again only to be forced to be healer, then being on healing spec and taking fucking millenia to kill mobs and level, fuck that.
OP you're a fucking retard.
1.12.1 ability and talent changes.
STAGGERED content release to mimic the content release pattern of launch over the course of at least one year.
No fucking changes otherwise.
vanilla is all about wasting time
why do you still not get it you cuck. Go play your shitty ADHD version with instant gratifications
But with the updated talents and balance that content is actually much easier to clear.
No it isn't. Might be why you decided to play it, but not everyone is quite that pathetic.
Fixing up Wotlk isn't "a new MMO"
They will eventually add Classic Servers for Wotlk, but everyone forgets how boring it was, you just sat in Dal all day, they would make changes to it anyway to keep people occupied with it for 6 or so months before the next expansion (Which is the whole reason they are doing Classic servers, keep people mass unsubscribing during the content drought without anyway doing much work)
>two things
you retailcucks are the only pathetic people in these threads
Vanilla is about the world and the progression of the player.
There's a lot of time wasting there, but only the autistic are really that pity about group loot.
Oh you mean you in the future when Blizz releases a 1:1 vanilla copy?
If you play WoW Classic, you will be playing retail ;)
Yeah, 1.12.1 isn't even Vanilla really, it's pretty much pre-TBC
The last two are basically the same thing, itemization would be huge for shit specs
Reminder that TBC killed the game.
Bear druids are viable tanks in 5/10 man dungeons and useful as OT in raids with the right gear, they can even charge in combat while protection warriors would have to stance dance for intercept
Their problem is they have almost zero survivability (only one useful defensive ability that regenerates rage into health, barkskin not castable while shapeshifted)