First time I've been excited for a DICE game, but my god those graphics, that setting, the lore, the prequel multiplayer, the awesome singleplayer, fucking space combat everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

so this is the power of viral marketing...

>This is literally the same guy who did the Assassin's Creed: Origins hype threads

why is this allowed?

this is gonna be GOTY of 2017, but man that graphics..... I am literally blown away

nigga u stupoid

BF1 was hot fucking trash. is this one any better?

cant wait to play this on my new xbox x in full native 4K, PC faggots cry me rivers ahaha

I'm pretty sure almost everyone who still unironically uses the word "hype" for upcoming games on Sup Forums are paid shills.

Fuck off Dice.

Anyone know what Marking Agency Dice/EA uses?

This thread is literally viral marketing.

I agree with you my gamer friend. Which version did you preorder?

Reminder to ignore or at least sage shill threads

I love it that actually in-depth game discussions will get cleaned by the janitor, but shit like this. Not a problem. Fucking gay.

no its even worse I don't even think BF1 is a bad game, its just seriously lacking content

>implying Sup Forums doesn't make money from marketers

The Elite to pay 3 days early. You?

Definitely is a thought that has crossed my mind, I'm just hoping that isn't what it is.

>this thread again

Either shill or faggot b8.

>the wait is not killing him

kys faggot

>First time I've been excited for a DICE game
This gave you away user. Anyone who knows anything about DICE knows not to get excited about on of their games.

Oh god the graphics are amazing

>playing on low pc settings

suits you right faggot

>being excited for lootbox "what's an anakin" the game
Too little too late.

they already corrected their mistakes you can't buy advantegous loot boxes you retard

>no galactic conquest
That's gonna be a no for me dog.

How do i get a job viral marketing on Sup Forums

At least change some of the words, or even the fucking image, you cunt.The beta wasn't encouraging, and the overshilling pretty much guaranteed that I don't buy this piece of shit.

That is everything maxed out you pathetic loser

this. pol and gamergate are spreading all kinds of fake news about EA and Battlefront. its a damn fucking shame that these groups will probably scare people off from playing this game with their fake bullshit news about "muh sjws" just like they did with the new Wolfenstein, and Watchdogs 2, or any game with women or african americans. fuck pol and fuck gamergate.

>busted flight controls
>ripoff DLC plan
>unbalanced as fuck
>rampant hackers with literally no anti-cheat
>cancerous star card system that ruthlessly punishes new players
>DLC that fractured the already small playerbase by having them in separate playlists (precisely how you DON'T do DLC addons...)
>overpowered hero units that obliterate other players without them even having a chance
>worthless cards, only a few of them are actually good
>like 4 maps to play on
>hyper accurate blasters that after the first few shots started placing shots at random

no. the game sucked major dicks. don't even try to say it was good, it looked and sounded pretty yes but as a game it was terrible

>all this passing off opinions as facts and blatant misinfo
typical Sup Forums

I thought you were talking about Battlefield 1

But yeah Star Wars EAfront is trash with no redeeming features outside of the graphics and sound

Uhh no nigga, putting loot boxes in a Battlefront game is shit period. As is you know, leaving half the goddamn main cast of the movies out so you can resell them later separately you fucking kikes.

i can keep going

>randomly placed hero powerups that didn't reward skill, only if you were lucky enough to be near it when it spawned
>K/D displayed despite this for some reason
>dogfights aren't in space for some fucking reason
>lack of customization for soldiers
>shitty panorama thing that has its own like 1 1/2 minute load time that just shows you models from the game that you collect
>shit ass spawn system that often places you in front of enemy fire
>tacked on roll that doesn't actually serve a useful purpose and is only there for the sake of it
>no clone wars content at all

All DLC is free in this one you dolt. How does it feel being dumber than fucking high schoolers?

please stop replying to these threads. its literally the same faggot shilling and baiting. he is samefagging and using same shitty pasta replies in the thread

pic related, from his thread the other day

>that chromatic aberration

All downloadable content or just maps/vehicles/weapons? If the characters are free is well, that is great! I still can't buy it because
>loot box of any form

But that's definitely a step in the right direction for the publisher (EA)

charge your phone

here's the shekel for the post goyim


oh shit, didn't even realize. Good looking out.

when you stop shilling

Be specific when you answer me in the same way I was pointed with you faggot.

why did you do it for bubsy though? what powers your autism?

nice try shill

im not even the OP and I fucking hate nufront
why hasn't GOG fixed BF2 already? fucking faggot poles scammed a bunch of people

nice try shill

my bad user

Answer my question faggot.

You've made this thread exactly several times

Ok I'll be specific. Suck my nuts until I blow on your face fag face. I answered your question.

Dudes hunting for (you)'s, apparently he's been doing this with out threads. Won't even answer my question cause his a trolling faggot.

>all those post processing effects
Looks like fucking shit.

No, none of those words were even related to the topic dipshit. Know your own thread.

Because I answered your question. You need better reading comprehension because I believe I told you to suck my nuts.

cause mods are fucking faggots thats why. you have to be fucking blind to not see these threads remade every day

What the fuck happened? The first game was so much cleaner and sharper. Both environmental meshes and textures were better AND it ran much smoother. What did they do? And before anyone contests, I played the beta and the original recently.

You didn't you said DLC and by modern definitions that only encompasses certain material. You know this, fucking ass. So be specific. Otherwise fuck off like the white nigger faggot you are.

Not much for actual conversation then, ok. Well fuck your thread then.

I honestly forgot about that game.
And I played the beta.

Post processing happened.

Well that helps you shit thread along doesn't it?

fuck off shill

Get your anus all nice and lubed up for the ass ramming lootbox rape you're about to receive.

Post nothing happened, that was already in the game before. It's just shit art, like this shit thread.

>mods banned me for saying the s word in a thread
>let obvious viral marketing threads stay up
Why is this allowed?

Did they recently announce they are removing cross era heroes and weapons? If not then no this game is shit

They added more on rail vehicles, vehicles still do not spawn on map or have more then one seat, this game is ass

It's either a viral marketer or some shill/fanboy/youfag.

Haha I know, right? DICE™ has always made quality products that are very fun and I always buy every piece of DLC their games release! I really enjoy playing DICE™ video games. I cannot wait for this next release of their Star Wars: Battlefront™ series! It looks incredible! Am I right, gamers?

Well then why post about it then famalam? Maybe you should play better games.

what the hell is the s word?
also viral marketers are infiltrated in the mod team.


I just want pretty graphics and and star wars soundtrack. Is there a way to benchmark the game on my PC besides waiting for it to be pirated?

Shill maybe?

I got banned for saying it too a couple days ago. What the fuck is wrong with mods? Don't they know that it goes on every field?

Wait for Respawn's game, don't be a normalfag, Support people who actually give a fuck.

gotta hand it to you EA, marketing to Sup Forums is clever but I’m not sure it will increase sales

Did you even play the beta? The game was trash.

I'd say 80% of the mods have no idea what's going on

it's still pay to win, just a little bit less pay to win


Because I like Star Wars and want a good game

Clearly this faggot has these on notepad and just copied them into the thread when he feels like getting some (you). Well here's your (you) cunt.

In that piracy thread earlier someone posted an artical from PC Gamer about Ubisofts sales numbers since implementing heavy DRM protection. Something like a 90% decline in PC sales. I don't know if that number is accurate, but if it is. EA probably isn't doing much better.

Then play the Respawn one, Dice has a negative reputation right now, Respawn games does not.

Fucking yourself might be kind of hard.

Game was flaming garbage. Space battles where collision isn't optimized so you crash into invisible walls.

Non-existent friend squads. Unless they fixed that crap it was where you couldn't even join a squad with friends, you just spawn with random jackasses after a 10 second spawn timer.

Questionable design decision around every corner. Droideka's weren't even in the fucking game, what the fuck?

This game will probably be DOA for PC.

>Star wars
>not SJW
Did you watch the same movies & Trailers as me?

By the way, most of these responses/posts are me and OP. I'm fucking with him for the next couple hours or until this thread dies.

It's a pasta from OP, notepad like that one user said. But you already knew that...

It's better in almost every aspect buuuuuut they made it p2w.

No it's not, stop lying to people OP.

No fuck off

>have to play Call of Duty WW2 for 7 more days

No you

Nice shill

stop smoking

I'll get Origin Access and play the trial, didnt even play the first one for 10 hours, i'll probably just play the campaign and uninstall.