What went right?

what went right?

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It was a break from the norm in at least part of the gameplay and followed a fairly universally disappointing installment

The fleet minigame sucked ass though

Because it was a solid assasins creed game as well as a great pirate game

It almost was a game on its own, quite openly spitting on the whole Ass Creed bullshit and desperately trying to avoid as much as possible of the templars bullshit and noble assassins crap.

Ubisoft literally axed a hen capable of laying golden eggs just to get another Ass Creed out of it.

If you ignore the bullshit assassins shit, it was a solid pirate game.

its sid meier's pirates in 3d, with hand to hand combat but without the trading

it really meshed with the pc crowd

Pirates, that's literally it. I didn't get it for the gameplay, I didn't get it for the story or whatever else. I got it cause there were Pirate dudes.

I'm even open to buying another Assassins Creed game, but it better have ninjas in it.

Cause the main character was a pirate first and a lame ass assassin second.

Fuck the game would've been BETTER if they just removed most of the assassin crap (like the modern day parts).

It was barely an asscreed game, that's why it was so well received.

Also it filled the niche of people wanting a good pirates of the carribean game.

This. They should just make historical games without the AC baggage but they can't let go of the name.

Took me a sec

Not sure why people hate the Assassin's Creed portions of Assassin's Creed games. Ubisoft has released quite a few other games with similar action, but nobody even remotely buys them. Even Watch Dogs 2 failed miserably for the original expectations.

The last quarter of the story where it became all assassins and Templars was a slog to get through.

it has a good setting and that's about it

I hate to say this but Dunkey has a good breakdown of my the series sucks.

I liked everything about it except the ending.

These assholes just guilt you to become an assassin when Edwin should have been like naw fuck you guys I wanna be a pirate.

is rogue worth playing? or is it a stale expansion like revelation?

>but it better have ninjas in it.
How about vikings?

The sound and visual design around sailing.
The game was still trash.

Fun characters compared to other assassin's games
Speaking of shanties,sing me a shanty,lads

pls no more naval combat

Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain
For we have received orders
For to sail to old England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.


Of All The Money, that Er I had. I spent it in, good company

I thought i heard the old man say


Tomorrow ye will get yer pay







Dunkey is ADHD ridden. He doesn't have a good breakdown on anything. Especially towards the Metroid series.

Not an argument.

They're usually the weakest part of the games, unfortunately. The games usually end up having a fantastic, atmospheric world to explore and some of the more recent ones also have fun mechanics or systems to play around with in the open world. The problem in the AC parts of the older AC games is the fact that those missions ended up becoming the most restrictive parts of the game. The setting usually aren't fully realised either due to focusing more on the AC parts of the franchise. On top of all of this, some of the games also have boring, slow and intrusive modern day sections that really take you out of the fun.

lmao the James Corden didn't even die

it's a pretty pirate game with sailor songs and whaling.
I play it in tandem with Sid Meiers Pirates! 2004

It's the same thing with better story missions but no pirate setting

it's nothing like sid meier's pirates. it's just asscreed with a boat. the ship combat is far too arcadey and the map is a collectathon.

Basically everything except the main story

Yes it is, fuckface. Complaining about a game because you're too ADHD to sit for ten seconds with no flashing colors and ebin action is a valid reason to dismiss his opinion. If not, then surely because the man played thousands of hours on LoL. Also he gets confused/easily lost in fucking Metroid of all things and complains about backtracking. He liked Samus Returns because it catered to his ADHD casual gamer personality. I like Dunkey and think he's funny but no one should ever take his opinions seriously.

>what went *black bar*
When is this never "what went right"?

thank merciful christ in the new asscreed game the modern day sections last all of ten minutes playtime

>walking around holding a tablet computer in asscreed 4

>Le 'fun sailing but terrible everything else' game

Why do people pretend it's good?

Song came on my playlist yesterday. Had a fun time singing along in the car.

>le ad hominem
>calling someone adhd ridden
>a whole post of text but no substance
You are a walking parody friendo

>getting ripped out of the game every couple hours to be a slave to the IT guy

Miss me with that gay shit

I enjoyed my time with Black Flags and Rogue but those modern sections and the tailing missions were some of the most boring shit I'd ever had to contend with in a game.

>le ad hominem
Not an ad hominem if it directly has an effect on his opinions.
>calling someone adhd ridden
>a whole post of text but no substance
Except for the part where he says this shit on his reviews, you fucking mongoloid. It's so obvious. He played thousands of hours of a fucking Moba. He gets lost in Metroid. And he doesn't enjoy Ass Creed because he can't sit still for ten seconds. Nothing has been pulled from my ass, just from watching him.
>You are a walking parody friendo
Le not an argument xD


It made me want a new sid miers pirates game.

Anyone else think that the game really does mesh well with the rest of the Assassin's Creed stuff? You just have to go looking for it, but it's there, behind the admittedly more entertaining and engaging pirate content.

>what went right?
it's good because you can ignore the Assassin vs templar crap for once and have fun as a pirate. also the gameplay is good.

AC4 is proof that ubishit should retire the AC series and make something new.

Look at all the detail in Black Flag's cities! Every location tells a story!

Is it worth playing? I stopped at 3 since it was a complete shit show but I've heard decent things about this.

I dunno, I kind of enjoyed playing a Ubisoft game starring a nameless Ubisoft employee working for Ubisoft who are actually the bad guys.

>still remember the time I was blown away by these graphics
>these days I'm not even all that impressed by Unity's graphics anymore
How far we've fucking come.

Come all you young sailor men, listen to me,
I'l sing you a song of the fish in the sea;

And it's—
Windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys.
When the wind blows, we're all together, boys;
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow,
Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes.

Still looks good to me

The biggest change is the 1:1 scale of buildings in AC games after Black Flag. Made tall buildings actually tall.

Thoughts on Syndicate, lads? Just got into post-game.
>modern era bullshit is reduced to audio transmissions and cutscenes
>summonable goons that are useful in fights
>victorian london atmosphere
>evie a qt

>only 3 weapon movesets: knuckles, kukri, canesword that you don't walk on
>samey activities, character missions are the highlight
>linear equipment progression limits visual customization if you want to stay effective
>gang wars mechanic doesn't lead anywhere
>jacob keeps fucking everything up

4's a bit more smoothed out unlike the clunky mess that was 3, go watch some gameplay

I'm happy for you user.

I really appreciated this change. Climbing buildings/parkour in Unity and Syndicate were really fucking fun because of it. Origins has much less parkour due to the time period but some of the cities still provide for it very well. I still wish we could get a dedicated modern day game because I also want to parkour up and about modern day cities and skyscrapers. Shit would be tall as fuck climbs.

Time to call the ophthamologist

I enjoyed the modern segments but would have preferred some actual fucking modern gameplay like in AC 2 and 3.
It's really cool to revisit locations in the modern day and hunt for artifacts and shit.
Besides, modern segments provide a nice pacing balance and tie the games together. Fuck anyone who disagrees.

I dunno. I was blown away when I climbed that tall ass building next to the duomo in asscreed 2

running around as desmond with an infinite ammo pistol really made me kek, but the modern storyline is just a shitshow now. I don't even know what they're trying to do anymore.

This, I can totally see why it's annoying for a lot of players though

AssCreed has always been very weird with its graphics. Technically speaking a lot of the games are mid-tier, but they make up for it with god-tier historical aesthetic.

the level of detail here sucks, and everything is too brown.

Eh, last game I played had them growing new Ayys using some technobabble.

But see the reason why modern segments used to be good/tolerable was because they involved actual characters with personality. Now, you just play some fuck that doesn't even have a name.

>I don't even know what they're trying to do anymore.
Apparently leading up to reviving Desmond, Juno either causing another end-of-the-world shit or she's trying to subjugate the world using Abstergo but there's another end-of-the-world catastrophe coming.

>used to think AC2 had the best graphics of the time
>now it just looks like ass
Still, something really comfy about Florence, Monterrigioni and Venice.

Modern day AssCreed is literally WatchDogs, I don't know why they insist on keeping them separate brands instead of just merging the two together (they already exist in the same universe lore-wise)

>what is dusk

>tfw getting to crew on a tall ship over the summer
Coolest thing I've ever done

That was the original idea - to have the modern day story line split into watch dogs. They backpeddled though for some reason.

did you plunder any gold?

I think they're still working towards that. There's been more and more blatant easter eggs and tie ins between the two in each other's games.

The new boat game by ubisoft is gonna be multiplayer only with lootboxes

Hardly, Watch Dogs 2 was all about fighting silicon valley tech giants wanting to low-key enslave society, I was surprised by how red-pilled the main cast was. WD2 clearly suffered from a disconnect between the art and the writing teams, writers created a cast of Sup Forums autists and the art team designed them to pretty much look like the exact people they hate.

WD2 did pretty well, if they keep with the theme WD3 will very likely go into modern-day fighting Abstergo.

Oh, now I remember. At the end of Syndicate the Templars are trying to acquire the blankey of jesus so that they can use it to cellularly regenerate a precursor from DNA. Because... why not? Technology gains or something?
Oh and that hologram lady is still floating around looking for someone to possess for reasons.

I hope Watch Dogs 3 ends up being a good game if it ever happens. I know it's too much to expect from Ubisoft, but there were occasional glimmers of something good from WD2.

>Get living precursor
>Stick living precursor into animus
>Get all the magic technology

Seems pretty obvious

>le blag fugg is awesome hurr durr

when will this meme end, it's the same boring collectathon shit now with boring ship grinding

>muh sea shanties

WD2 delivered on what WD1 promised I think.

Ubisoft should just ditch the AC shit and do a pirate game even if they would still find a way to fuck it up.

Most of the missions are tailing missions
boring ship combat
repititive islands
Damn this game is good like everyone says there! It's not, stop this meme, Unity and Origins are much better

I was enjoying it at first for a while but it was so mind numbingly easy and showed no signs of getting any more difficult, I just couldn't stick it.

too bad there wasn't any additional information added in to these plot lines, but Layla wasn't privy to that kind of high-level Abstergo plotting (officially) and her Animus isn't connected to the Helix network so she's safe from Juno.

sounds bretty gud to me
I'd help the Templars for that

Yeah, Abstergo wants to revive a Sage or find more Sages in order to clone up their own ayylium being. Juno is planning to possess that body with the help of the nameless Not-Ubisoft fuck you play as in Black Flag and Rogue I think. Assassins want to get the blankey too in order to stop Abstergo but I think Desmond's dad wants to revive him at the same time.

No but we sang shanties and raced other tall ships. The one with the two gaff rigged sails and the darker hull is the one I was on.

If this is your first asscred game like me you'll probably enjoy it a lot. Feeling and experiencing the world, the combat is crude but serviceable, with fun navel combat and fishing, but really if you played the other games then fucking hell it felt like I playing asscred game without boats when I tried to play 3. Origins might be fun as I heard that they changed up the combat.

Pretty sweet, I'd do that if I had the chance too.

A Punished Desmond resurrected by the blankey bent on fucking up the Templars as much as possible sounds like a pretty damn good game.
They're running out of historical eras to do anyway. Does Origins even have any modern segments?

What is Mirror's Edge? Or I suppose Dying Light to a lesser extent

Barely, and you can skip through most of it.

It does, you play an abstergo historical researcher/animus technician who hangs out in an old cave/crypt.

Just buy one, I'll go halfsies with you on this


Yeah, I enjoyed those too.

The modern day protag in ACO is a bit of a cunt, honestly.

>less AC
>more of something else
maybe Im into something here

>10 minute playtime in the modern day
>While a three faction war is going on in order to stop the apocalypse
Good to know there's still no reason to play any of the recent AC games.

>running out of historical eras

american education detected

They haven't even touched 10% of the interesting ones.

>15th century Aztecs
>10th century Persia
>13th century China / Mongolia
>17th century Japan
>19th century Germany
>18th century Russia
>early 20th century Brazil
>20th century Ethiopia

etc etc

I'd like this. The stupid ass sci-fi shit made me lose interest in the entire series instantly.

As another user said in a previous thread, AC: Japan is going to be their last resort game for when the series starts to tank and they need to rekindle series with a BADASS setting

and they're probably right

How about we add 20th century europe aswell with the world wars and cold wars and all the inbetweens, that could be interesting

I want AC: Nazi Germany just to see everyone from both sides of the political spectrum get ultra-triggered.